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Author Topic: Dota 2  (Read 239618 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1620 on: January 09, 2013, 07:27:01 pm »

Countering Viper eh?


To be perfectly honest he's meant to be extremely hard to kill in lane and when he starts snowballing. You aren't really supposed to "counter" him per se but here are some things you can apply to your future games if it helps.

1. If you know for sure you're laning against him, a Stout Shield or even better, Poor Man's Shield makes a massive difference. I... honestly don't know why. You'd think most of the damage comes from the poison but I guess it's mostly the free autoattacks that hurt more. I highly recommend you grab that when you fight him.

2. Failing that, an excessive amount of tangos (we're talking 6 - 9 tangos) will piss him off incredibly. Doesn't really work if your lanemate doesn't do the same and the Viper harasses him instead though. Just never let your hp fall below 80% and you're good. Easy peasy with that many tangos.

3. If you manage to survive the laning phase without dying to Viper and him not getting fed off ganks and stuff, you've basically won your lane. Viper isn't all that good outside of those two aspects and if he doesn't get off to a good start he isn't particularly scary. In part due to him not actually being a carry. He shares a lot of similar traits to Nightstalker and Bloodseeker in this sense.

4. It's also a good idea to gank the hell out of him. Especially if your team has great gankers with ranged disables. Someone like Pudge or Nature's Prophet.

5. Lastly yeah. TP's are a great way to escape from him. He usually can't kill you in time unless you were super low to begin with.

ragnar119: Sorry to hear that. I'd be the first to tell you Dota and its ilk aren't for everyone so we understand if you don't like it. You can still try easy or passive bots to get a hang of things if you ever feel like it though.


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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1621 on: January 09, 2013, 07:51:15 pm »

ragnar119 : If you want to add me on Steam (current handle : YouMustObeyTheBassDirective), we can have some bot games together. We can lane together and I can support you while you get to grips with the game. :)

Umi : Again, good points! :) If you can survive to lategame (40 min+) with an enemy Viper, they lose much of their effectiveness. With no teamfight, stun, buff, super right click effect (it's alright, but it's not timelock or mana burn) or hp % based damage attack, he becomes less scary.

Question the ninety - fourth. Lategame Carry Kunkka - plain sailing or a failboat of shipwrecked proportions?

« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 08:11:59 pm by Korbac »


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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1622 on: January 10, 2013, 02:55:32 am »

Question the ninety - fourth. Lategame Carry Kunkka - plain sailing or a failboat of shipwrecked proportions?
Depends on your build..
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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1623 on: January 10, 2013, 11:11:48 am »

Full SingSing is Daedalus + 5 Rapiers.

But yeah, go with what crazysheep said.

I'll be throwing up Pudge Wars games this weekend. We won't need full 5v5s for them too so they should go fast.

Pudge Wars = All Pudge All Mid


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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1624 on: January 10, 2013, 11:59:54 am »

The most fun is going to be getting to level 2. I think they haven't tweaked the experience gains yet.

And I'll try to be for the in-house, but I can't assure it. Real life may call.


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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1625 on: January 10, 2013, 03:30:04 pm »

I played an All Pudge All Mid once... and accidentally skilled Rot first. Completely ruined the experience.

Though, I wonder, with the amount of deaths an APAM usually entails, would skilling Flesh Heap be at all viable? I know the whole gimmick is Flesh Hook wars back and forth, but in practical terms would it be better?


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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1626 on: January 10, 2013, 03:41:36 pm »

Flesh heap is retroactive so you can take it whenever.

The hook is also true damage so the passive magic resistance isn't very helpful.


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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1627 on: January 10, 2013, 09:38:04 pm »

I didnt hear the shout so im doing it, MEDUSA IS IN!


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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1628 on: January 11, 2013, 12:12:45 pm »

Just randomed medusa. With a chaos knight in the enemy team. And a drow in mine. Even having the shittiest laning phase ever (ion shell 3 on invis units hurts as hell) we stomped them mid and late game. The best moment was when chaos knight warped me inside trees with him out, perfect to kill his team while being left alone. Also, her W follows through teleports. It was quite funny seeing it come half a minute later from the other side of the map.


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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1629 on: January 11, 2013, 08:01:46 pm »


Went into an all-mid-all-pick game. Was like "well, I'll just random, get a support, and buy a basilius."

Got Skeleton King.  :-\ Err... right.... not the best mid hero.

In fact, my whole team randoms (which was pretty boss of them to be honest). We get Wisp, Magnus, Lina... AND URSA!!! Immediately we go "LEVEL 1 ROSH GO GO GO GO!" So we do it, kill Rosh before the creeps reach mid. They give me Aegis (probably because I was the only one with inventory space as I bought the courier). Go back to lane as level 2 all.

Then we see the enemy team. 5 Kunkkas.  :o Oh shit!

Oh god water everywhere. Thank god I came into lane with 9 tangos.

After 5 minutes apparently they must have forgot I had aegis, as they dive me under my tower after I baited them. After all, my aegis was going to die in 1 minute and I didn't want to waste it. When I died and the big yellow sparkles appeared they must have shit their pants. Because suddenly they were all under our tower, almost dead, without killing me. BOOM! TEAMWIPE THE BASTARD 5 KUNKKA MID! And it goes completely steamroll from there.

Good times~ Good times~ All random melee team beats 5 Kunkkas.


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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1630 on: January 11, 2013, 09:43:06 pm »

You can pick 5 of the same hero? 5 zeus= free team kills after lvl 6, or 6 tides... or 6 meepos! or 6 naixes one inside each other! so much fun potential.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1631 on: January 12, 2013, 01:29:00 am »

There a bug with Meepo when one dies the all die. :D
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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1632 on: January 12, 2013, 02:05:06 am »

I have an unhealthy amount of love towards the Broodmother.

The catch: I'm a serious arachnophobiac. If I even so much as think a spider is in the vicinity, I shit my pants.

Now I make the enemy team shit THEIR pants as I surround them with the spiderlings and gank their asses with insatiable hunger.
Good times.

But I have a question: For me, anyway, in order for Broodmother to be effective, I need to get a relatively undisturbed early game farm. The fastest I can get to level 6 and skill in hunger is the faster I can start nabbing people when they go in my webs. I have found a huge problem with large damage dealers, ex: Zeus, Bounty Hunter, those guys that can fuck up a squishy really quickly, along with AOE heroes, like Tinker with the mechbot swarm.

Whenever I have one of those heroes in my lane, I am guaranteed no feed whatsoever, even with a babysitter, as all they have to do is do some quick damage to me, making me retreat back into other webs.

How do I deal with them? Until I reach 6, I'm essentially useless.
I need to put something interesting here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1633 on: January 12, 2013, 04:33:34 am »

Jungle Brood is your answer.
"Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, for there's nothing a kid can't do."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dota 2
« Reply #1634 on: January 12, 2013, 06:24:59 am »

I take it you know how Brood works right? She's the queen of split pushing. She never leaves whatever lane she chose no matter what. Your team needs to constantly distract the enemy and / or push lanes while you concentrate on your one single lane. That kind of thing. If you know that part, then I'll share some tips on how I handle the early levels with Brood.


1. It's generally a very good idea to grab an early soul ring. How most people do it is to either grab the whole thing in one go if you randomed her, or grab the recipe and whatever else you need. After you get enough gold you can buy the rest of the components at the side shop (which should be pretty fast honestly). The reason for this is that Brood is an incredible lane bully. Once she gets her soul ring, the lane is basically won. You can imagine her Q as the same thing as Phantom Lancer's spirit lance. Except Brood has amazing regen in her webs so the spam will never end. None of those heroes you mentioned there will be able to touch you. After all, when your Q does 1/4th of their hp each time you use it... what are they going to do? They can't even reach you to retaliate, the range on it is so freaking long.

2. Tangos are vital for the first 3 levels. Brood has a giant target sign on her back every time she appears from invisibility to grab a last hit and the enemy laners WILL autoattack her when she comes out. At about level 5 or so you can start ignoring this damage since you'll have your Soul Ring and level 2 webs (7hp/s herp derp), but before then you can't really handle the damage well. The only other alternative to tangos is to not autoattack until level 5 so.... grab tangos.

3. Grab a quelling blade if you can afford it. The reason I recommend this is because Brood has kinda low-ish attack damage and she relies a lot of standing at weird positions in her web before scuttling in and nabbing quick last hits. Doesn't really work if the base leeway for the last hit is too low. It'll just give you a way easier time overall and I would say it's mandatory if going up 1v2 as you need to have way more attack damage than both your opponents to stand a chance.

4. Generally, what you want to do is clear out as many trees as possible with your initial webs. Then hide at weird spots and keep an eye out for sentries. Never sit in the creep wave. The best locations would be behind the enemy or off at the side. Behind the enemy is good as they normally can't turn around fast enough (dota 2 has weird turning speeds) to retaliate if you attack them before you go invisible again. Take maximum advantage of the invisibility and do as you please in the lane. Yes, she's definitely a carry and is much weaker for the first 3 levels or so (protip: one of the stupidest things I've done with her is 1v1 Axe at level 1). But once you reach level 4 with two levels in Q you should start getting super aggressive. At this point you should have your soul ring too. Spam that Q. If the enemy is even 1cm out of position start smacking him with the web poison. Things like that.

5. Never, EVER, use your spiderlings to do anything in lane while the enemy is still there. Send them to farm the jungle. To make the micro easier, change the keybinding for "select all controlled units" to something like "x" and constantly send all your spiderlings elsewhere. They actually give quite a lot of gold and exp, especially in the numbers Brood tends to spawn them. Once the enemy leaves the lane then you can use them to push down the tower. The side benefit of doing this is that you yourself will gain gold and a much more rapid rate (though I'm not too sure about the exp).

6. Take advantage of your high regen. Aggressive is good. Especially if you can accurately judge how much damage you will take each time you trade. As long as you're inside your web, you should be baller to the max and show the enemy who's boss. I have not found anyone other than a Phantom Lancer with KotL to support him that can output the same level of spam as Broodmother. Remember, the goal is to chase them out of the lane and gain a massive exp advantage. Doesn't really matter if you kill them or not, if they run away you did your job.
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