There are a couple big problems with that technique and the whole technique in general. It might work, but it's likely that the unit won't move to where it needs to go to block. If they aren't essentially equidistant, it probably won't work. If the hero isn't basically at a standstill, you're going to need to be blocking his movement too so that the creeps can get that far ahead of him. If he jukes out, you're then having to block him and re-assign your units to move past him again. There isn't a low-micro way to do it, imo.
The main reason it probably won't work in dota 2 is because wc3 had honking gigantic cylinders for blocking and collision. As you can see in that clip, there are a couple times where there is a ton of room in between units and the block still works. I doubt that'll work in the much, much, much better coding environment in source.
A little experimentation shows that even a hero with 290 ms can outrun treants with no ms buffs on them. Well, they actually can't outrun it, but treants start with 300 ms, so they won't gain ground fast enough for it to be significant in most cases.
It's feasible, but they've got to be really close.