This is probably meaningless to all of you, but the guy I made the bet with a long while ago concerning my pro-Luna build bought a courier for me today! Yay!
To tally all the stuff I have:
1. Storm Spirit Announcers
2. Robot Courier
3. Stumpy Courier
4. Fat Treants
Will everyone in game hear the Storm Spirit announcer when you do a double kill for example, or only you?
People have to manually enable it themselves (from the button on the top left) but yeah it's available to everyone on both teams. I generally tell people when the game gets paused at some point.
I hope Valve puts in a notification telling people when there are custom announcers available in game, but it's quite likely they're already working on it.
Briggsy16: Play
Lich. He's the most newbie friendly hero. And you almost always want to be a support for the first few games when you start out so you can understand the gist of the game. He's nowhere near useless either, having one of the highest winrates in the game. Playing him is a guarantee you and your partner will win your lane. It's practically assured. Furthermore, unlike other games of this genre, being a support doesn't mean you do nothing other than sacrifice for your team (though you quite literally have a skill called Sacrifice, but more on that later). Being a support in DotA simply means you can do crazy ass shit without needing gold. Again, Lich for example can blow up an entire team almost by himself with just his ult WITHOUT any items.
Here's a simple guide:1. Buy whatever is in your recommended items. Lich is damn bloody easy to play and his items barely ever change. Almost the same all the time. Hell, the only difference between MY Lich and the game's recommended Lich is that I get healing boots.
2. Start with your E, Sacrifice. Use it right from the start to eat the melee creeps that get spawned from the barracks. After that use it every single time it's up. Sacrifice is special in that unlike regular denying, you actually deny ALL the gold and ALL the exp from that creep to your enemies, not to mention it will almost completely prevent the lane from pushing at all thus keeping lane control in your favour permanently. As you can imagine, over time you are seriously screwing over your lane opponents and there's literally nothing they can do about it except lose. You don't actually want to max this though, it's actually fine to leave it at level 2 for a while.
3. Max your Q, Frost Blast, first. It hurts like the ungodly furnace of hell and you can spam it nonstop. Use it for everything. Use it for farming. Use it for bursting down squishy carries. Every time the enemy comes in range, smack them with this Q then autoattack them a few times while they're slowed. Between this and sacrifice the enemy will quite likely sit at their tower and cry.
4. Once Q and E are maxed you can get Frost Armour between levelling your ultimate whenever possible. It's not that Frost Armour is useless (it's actually fricking amazing), it's just that Lich has so damn many good skills. Leave it on autocast and you can manually cast it as well whenever you feel like it.
5. When a teamfight starts, press R and win. 'Nuff said.
The interesting thing about DotA is that many of the best heroes in the game are also the easiest to play. You could also look into
Sven (Epic stun, Master Yi racing),
Viper (Press Q to win game), and
Ursa (Right click on enemy to win).