Dota 2 is AFAIK only on Steam, Garena is being used for Dota 1 (Warcraft 3) IMHO.
My most frustrating Dota 2 match this far. Match ID: 11521913. Feel free to point out everything I did wrong.
Brace for the wall of text
1. Buy wards and place them
. At start of the game you should look at your team's lineup and choose role for you - if you're carry or support. If you are carry then farm and carry to win. But if you are one of the other 4 heroes (yes, you should really have only 1 carry in team, and MAYBE 1 semi-carry), then you support
2. Skill build - I don't really like Heartstopper for Necro :/. It has its uses in some very very push oriented lineup, but Sadism is sooo better. And you have mana problems until you get Sadist up.
3. Item build - more wards
, and well earlier Meka is better, Arcanes are not bad but they delay Meka a lot. And random Void Stone in middle of buying Meka? Not a good idea, even if you make in 30+ minute hex from it.
4. Gameplay - you can always get better at lasthit and deny. And I was little confused when team was pushing second mid tower, you ran back and jungled (17-20m). Supports don't farm, they support
. They denied the tower. Maybe it was only lack of communication. Say b or back when you go back, and try to communicate with team, say miss and push at least.
Don't rambo without team, which on pub means - don't rambo ever
. It happened at least thrice, one by fountain and two times when you went for sniper kill.
You could have won when you broke mid rax, but hindsight is 20/20
. Then SK got dagger and Aghanims and your team lost teamfights whenever SK+Veno hit ulti together. Why no Pipe? In 41' you were singled out and killed before teamfight because of ward. And another thing, why no invis detection? There were two Shadowblades, and SK's Sandstorm.
But overall I liked your play, you were one of the best, if not the best player in game.