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Author Topic: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears  (Read 7051 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #45 on: August 18, 2011, 02:08:16 pm »

After I picked myself back up, I yelled, “Since I am the overseer, I will oversee you guys! Get your hairly beards off the table and lets get some booze!” This was greeted with a cheer as we all hurried down to the Farming Plots.

I made plans to build a seed alcove closer to the farms as we had to run back and forth to the kitchens for more seeds.

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The Basic Design

Before I started working in earnest, I planned a dinning room with kitchens, stills and stockpiles, and for the tetrahedrite to be mined out. Every dwarf will wield two shields by the time I’m through!

12th Granite
We finished planting with the northernmost, plump helmet plot and are starting to dig out the dinning rooms. I am authorizing the cutting of a few logs (for wooden doors for my secret project!) and the smoothing of our glorious stairwell.

Later today we finished digging out the dinning room and I ordered furniture and smoothing to commence. However, my eyes slowly turn towards the still. I order the making of pots and announced a brewing contest. Everydwarf is allowed to try a hand, and the first to become adequate at the skills of brewing will be our Pubmaster. Let the competition begin!

24th Granite
Our first Plump Helmets begin to poke out of the mud! Meanwhile, we had some stone pots and the eager Sakzul, our Miner, begin punching at them in our still. A small group of us eagerly wait for the results, smoothing the dinning room as we await his creation.

4th Slate
He finally finished! While he carried his barrel upstairs the small group followed him, drinking it as soon as it reached the stockpile.

“Yeagh!” I cried as I hit my first sip. It was Heinous! It was delicious! My first taste of good Dwarven Wine in such a long time!

27th Slate
I’ve ordered new mining areas to be opened as our old ones are smoothed as ordered. A well is being opened above the farming area, to eventually center a drinking room (filled with barrels of booze!) and be located near a brand new hospital. Meanwhile, I order the construction of several grates to prevent the cavern creatures from disrupting us.
I also command Kogsath to join Moldath as the apprentice of Tholigith, the master Glassmaker. In addition, I order the pair to figure out the crafting of bone, wood and stone.

2nd Felsite
Kivish is always an open-going kid. He started our first party in the dining room! Fresh booze for all!

8th Felsite
I initiate Operation Cave Trap. The Inky Hawks, our militia, are called to drive off the Elk birds while our mechanics fix our cave traps and place our bait: a nice wooden door with musky hints which will drive any respectable Cave Spider crazy.. It strikes, get trapped, we get it, ??? and profit!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #46 on: August 19, 2011, 02:30:56 pm »

12th Felcite

Operation Cave Trap canceled due to Ineth taking a break and a lack of decent mechanics, as well as hunger affecting our troops and gaps in the trap. We will try again soon!

16th Felcite

The Elven Caravan arrived, their footsteps quick on the burning sand. We were interrupted from our chase of the Elk Bird in order to pick up trade goods. We will have our revenge, you elkish bird!

19th Felcite

Ugh, I hate their superior grin as they look down their long noses at us! Still, we need the wood, at least until we secured the Caverns better than we have done so far. Our Giant Cave Spider Silk are pretty useful, but then we are just trading one hard-to-renew resource for another.

We moved on, and we traded some of our nice blocks for cages and such. We also got a great deal for barrels and various elvish berries. Until we get our production going in full, these will allow us to drink more than just wine.

28th Felcite

Summer has arrived! We have continued carrying items there, but I detected some apathy. How many stone blocks can you sell, anyway? I order the production of at least some bone and stone crafts, as well as opening a new workshop area for my own metal-working effors.

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5th Hematite

Once again the Inky Hawks chased the Elk Birds in the dark of the cavern so our mechanic can set up the traps. Some have started to grumble about long patrols, but we finally completed the cave traps. Now to prime it with the wooden door…

We also ran out of bitimous coal. I order the mining of more in the surface veins.

16th Hematite

The elves finally left. Good grief.

15th Malachite

The first Workshop Area is finished. I order the production of a forge, a smelter, and our current smelter to begin pumping out copper from tetrahedite and silver from Galena. We will have Copper Shields and Silver Warhammers!

12th Galena

Just as I designated the well to be constructed over the grate and the construction of the Metalworking Stockpiles, the humans came! We bring out our best wares and stare warily at theirs.

19th Galena

By lorddwarf at 2011-08-19
An Ambush! Curse them! A Hammergob by the name Aspuz leads a squad of Bowgobs, probably with at least another squad undiscovered! We will take them after they pass through our Masterwork Mechanism with Exceptional Green Glass Serrated Disks and let the Inky Hawks fight them. I sincerely wished I finished those copper shields sooner!

However, they were waylaid by a Trogodite attack on our Cavern entrance. We succeeded but with some woulds.

Our weapons trap ripped them apart, leaving our recuits to grapple their bleeding bodies. I left them on patrol in the stairwell for a few more days in case of stragglers.

On the othernews, I can’t wait to get my hands on that goblinite!

True to my prediction, another squad comes composed of thiefs and hammer-gobs. The weapons trap ripped them apart. I called the Inky Hawks to finish them up.

Our militia crowd around the hammergob leader, bleeding on the ramp and begun pummeling him. He feebly tried to block with his helm and his hammer, but a kick tore the hammer from his weakened grasp. His helm blocked some of the punches, but then our expedition leader grapped the goblin by the hear and tore the helmet off, Sakzul finishes the blow.

He raised his bloody fist over his head as they climbed out of the pit, and the rest of the goblins fled.

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(How many more days do I still have?)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 02:35:12 pm by chuckthegr8 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #47 on: August 21, 2011, 10:59:23 am »


28th Galena

So soon! I order the Inky Hawks to drive the Troglodites away from Eral, who has is body crushed and is in pain. We will drive away their infestation!

On other news, I begin setting up the hospital below the well.

9th Limestone

The Humans left without trading with us! That stupid Manager spent his entire time on break, and non of the other dwarves even responded to my call that ANY dwarf should manage our trade! No wonder the humans left in a huff!

15th Limestone

Behold Mothi!

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I’ve ordered the door to be locked and the Inky Hawks to gather behind the weapons traps. Hopefully nothing bad will happen from this.

16th Limestone

The beast stands outside of our door, furious that we have locked it beyond his power to destroy. Satisfied it will hold, I once again demobilize the militia.

18th Limestone


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It rushed to our new dining room, rammed me across the stairs and blew poisoned gas into the still. Only a child fought back by gripping the beast’s wings, but soon it lost hold and fell to the poisen.

From my position laying on my side I cried out “Inky Hawks ATTACK FORMATION DWARF!” They all rushed down lead by Sadzul and rammed the beast.

To no avail. The Forgotten Beast flew down the stairwell after the brave child, and into our new workshop area! Its winds scrached our smoothed walls as the child bravely lead it to a dead end. Where we will fight it.

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Our brave dwarfs, wielding the weapons of the former thieves, ran courageously into the poison gas to end the monster. There they prevent it from killing our civilians with a shield of flesh.

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More and more of them pour into the workshop, stabbing it from behind and wounding it in every direction.

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The beast is broken. +It still struck our bravest with its gas and its wings but its movements are slowled, its joints grinding against twisted daggers and its muscles bruised by the brave fists of our Inky Hawks.

By lorddwarf at 2011-08-21
A smash to its skull ends the beast. Leaving it limp and dead.

By lorddwarf at 2011-08-21

We suffer many wounds, and a death.

By lorddwarf at 2011-08-21


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #48 on: August 21, 2011, 02:45:00 pm »

What did the syndrome do?
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #49 on: August 21, 2011, 03:32:08 pm »

Nothing yet. Some nerve problems are appearing though.

I'll continue until I figure it out.

20th Limestone

I cancelled all the labors for Ineth, our Medical Dwarf, so that he can get to healing. Although we already have a nice hospital set up at the well, I kept the one in the hall way due to most of our militia too wounded to move. I also built a table for surgery and a Traction Bench just in case...

I ordered the workshop room to be emptied. It will be engraved with half given to Kogsak, our dead militia member. And the other half given to Shorast our manager for now, with statues and slabs of Mothi to be placed in the center.

26th Limestone

Our new well is put to use as water is drawn to cleanse our patients. I hope that some of the bedridden who show now outward signs, such as bruises, cuts, fractures and the like, are not striken by diseases such as the rot.

I also decided to relieve Zuban the Spinner, who likes helping others, to be a nurse and thus has no duties other than to clean, feed and water patients. To soothe feelings, I order the engraving of the walls of the Dining room.

11th Sandstone
As the last patient left, I am satisfied that there are no weird syndromes as of yet. Besides, most of the poison gas was inhaled by the monster itself: I would know. I faced it yet I have not inhaled any of its poisonous gas.
In addition, I order that all dwarves should be able to butcher and Tan in addition to all dwarves planting, brewing and cooking. No one is progressing much on any of the competitions though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #50 on: August 22, 2011, 03:44:37 pm »

Holespears Year 27, Overrseen by Chuck(ette)thegreat
18th Sandstone
All of the dwarves are healed in mind, but not in body. Swap around some labors. Also, after countless expeditions I’ve decided our local caverns is safe enough for more silk. Besides, we have cage traps ready.

4th Timber

Our dining room is done being engraved of various patriotic and dwarfy images of crosses, gods, and renditions of engravers renditioning the engravings of engravers engraving. In addition, we opened a new workshop area, and moved out the local stonecrafters so I can fully install our metal-working apparatus to the basement.

7th Timber

A Giant Olm attempted to assault our Manager, but he ran into some spinning serrated glass discs along the way. Now he will be butchered and made into the stuffing of a Forbidden Beast Heart Roast.

9th Timer

A Cave Crocodile somehow slipped in past the discs and ravaged Sakzul, who had his head ripped apart. He called for the Militia, realized he is in it, and tried to fight back.

They came too late, for they only find Sakzul bleeding on the ground, a few limbs short of whole. Thus named Atticstyled, the now named Cave Crocodile growled as it was taken down. Moldath ended him with a stab into the skull, right between the eyes.

By lorddwarf at 2011-08-22

I guess we need more cages and cage traps. On another note, I prepare a tomb for Sakzul and order a slab and statue made to commemorate his kill of Apeflies.

Fittingly, Moldath begun digging the tomb of his friend Sakzul. It seems sad for him to bear two deaths so soon. He barely started when he ran to Rith, our Expedition Leader, for a cry on the shoulder.

By lorddwarf at 2011-08-22

Rith listened to the start of the story, then hurried to the well to clean himself off while Moldath talked his woes to an engraving of Rith becoming Expedition leader.

19th Timber

The Caravan Arrives, to find a fortress both richer, yet poorer from its encounter with exotic beasts… And an Ambush! Fearing more death I called the Inky Hawks, if only to keep them far from the fighting.

By lorddwarf at 2011-08-22

These are trained goblins, and they block or deflect our cage traps. I fear the worst and recruit the rest of the population into a weaker, less experienced militia, incase we need to fight to the end. The caravan will be left to its own decides.

I form the Armored Abysses with the remaining dwarves, and lead them under the staircase where our main militia will fight.

While the Goblins hold us in, another squad appeared to assault the caravan. They were met with a volley of bolts.

The Golbin flee our defense, and I order the Inky Hawks to chase them while the Armored Abyss defend the main gate for further treachery.

The fleeing Assault Squad tried to stop our flow, but we surrounded them and punched them into mush. In the background, one of our dwarves goes stark raving mad from all the deaths.

We killed one more goblin upstairs, but with the confusion of the fleeing Assaultgobs mixing with the Caravan Killing gobs, as well as bolts flying everywhere, they all flee.

Everyone is now unhappy. I have doc try to stem the tide of wounded while I search for the merchant survivers.

We were too late. Only the Liason remained.

And everyone is throwing temper tandrums like little dwarflings.

Tantrums everywhere. Iton was a ringleader, destroying butcheries and scattering little parts everywhere, and wounding Rith the expedition leader. Miasma is conquering the fort when Forbidden Beasts, Cave Crocodiles, and Goblins failed.

I appointed myself sheriff, forged myself two copper shields, and I stand ready to deliver justice. Too bad the Silver Warhammer was already claimed.

I worked by myself, making armorstands, setting links beside food, and digging an office. I will bring order back to Holespears. I will forge myself a new identity.

And I will get rid of that disgusting miasma!

9th Opal

My room is completed. Time for justice. Dwarven Justice. After a nap of course.

OMG I MUST ENGRAVE THIS. Ooo… convenient little book under Chuckette’s bed. Well, I’ll just borrow this. A troglodyte wandered past the weapons traps, surviver of a ten trog-raid. It wandered the halls until the bored Chief Medical Dwarf bashed its brains in! It was awesome… wait. The Sheriff is waking up! Gotta run!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #51 on: August 23, 2011, 02:06:08 pm »

Ow... at this rate, the fort won't last more then 5 years.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #52 on: August 23, 2011, 04:31:43 pm »

I'd like to take a turn here. This looks beautifully difficult.
Ilu escaped the underworld, fooled humans into believing incarnation of deity Maga Incestmaze. That diety is associated with depravity, lies, treachery, and trickery.  Made lawgiver.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #53 on: August 24, 2011, 08:12:10 pm »

Do you guys want to savescum, wait till the week ends for me to finish or let me post the save ASAP? How do you zip it up anyways?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #54 on: August 24, 2011, 08:48:37 pm »

I take it the fortress crumbled?

It really depends on what you are using to zip/unzip. Try Google.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #55 on: August 24, 2011, 09:17:36 pm »

I'm barely holding it together. The last semi-savescum was when a Tantrumer I didn't notice locked the doors to the food stockpile, after which everyone was crazy about 4 months later, with Chuckette the Sheriff Ecstatic due to joy in slaughter, and beating down tantruming/berzerk dwarves left and right. I'm not counting it because I could easily unlock that door if I didn't left it unpaused during the afternoon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #56 on: August 25, 2011, 01:45:54 pm »

Sadly, I didnt have time to make the cave gate anti FB. That was on the list of things to do. That and give more traps to the upper gate. I didn't notice we were out of booze, but I am also used to no booze games.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #57 on: August 25, 2011, 06:33:31 pm »

By the way I'd love to join this... also would there be a better way of sorting out no migrations other than setting max dwarf population to 0, just so we have new babies being born, or is that also not allowed?
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #58 on: August 26, 2011, 08:40:21 pm »

just set dwarf max to 0, babies are still allowed.

As for chuck, if he is fine with it, I want to pass the turn to the next person, using my old save, and see if a better job can be done. Nothing against you of course. This isn't an easy fort.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 31.25 Succession fort - Holespears
« Reply #59 on: August 26, 2011, 09:21:05 pm »

I'm ok. The Cavern creatures kept overwhelming my cage traps and weapons traps, and I kept losing dwarves with friends.
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