Other questions:
You mentioned Aroth as 'defensive'. May that be because of Aroth philosophy claiming that humans, as long as they take to grow and as useful as they are when mature, are the most precious resource in someone's possession?
Also, a resource-poor communist regime can't possibly be as humanless and inefficient as Soviet communism, which could only survive due to overabundance of resources - human and otherwise - in the Russian territory. Thus, a military dictatorship is out of question. In my view of the Deep Space universe, Aroth communism can either be a form of primitivism or a computer-controlled economy. What is your opinion on this?
I need to finish the wiki.
Aroth are not communists. They aren't a republic either. They're what is called an "alliance" (the wiki says republic, gotta fix that). Basically, the central government acts as mostly a police force, no more, but making sure that everyone works toward a common goal. Unlike the communist Cyrians, which resemble Stalinist Russia, the Aroth don't quite resemble any modern-day corporation.
Lemme make a quick outline:
The Aroth government has a strong military, relative to its weak governing power. That is left to the clans. There is no actual representation of the people in the government. Rather, the government acts as a police and military force composed of selected individuals from the largest clans, and limits itself to that. One could argue them as a military dictatorship to a weak extent, but the truth is that corporations play a large role in supplying the government with weaponry and thus have a great deal of control over them as well. Because the Aroth population is extremely small, the military funds itself not with taxes, but by fulfilling contracts with Aroth and non-Aroth corporations. So essentially, the Aroth Alliance is protected by a mercenary force that is sponsored by its own people. The Ross dislike them because there is no true representation in the government, explaining Caplus' passive bonuses.
The Aroth Alliance then basically run by research laboratories stationed on the three most notable Aroth planets--Valhalla, Caldr, and Arctus--which sponsor and equip the military. The military's role is to provide protection from foreign intrusion (rare, due to the desolate space and relative low value of keeping the territory) or raids on corporate bases (common, due to the fact that Aroth weaponry sell for a lot of money).
The Aroth make a lot of money through exporting tamper-resistant technology, but lack much of an internal economy. Due to the lack of self-sustainable agriculture, etc, the Aroth organize themselves in clans, which take matters of acquiring food, water, and other goods into their own hands. These clans live together and sustain themselves from a communal pool of goods that are purchased by designated merchants and shippers.
tl:dr Aroth have clans, which are like little communes, but are linked together via corporations and government, and are linked to outside economy due to dependence on imported stuff.
This means that a select few Aroth are actually GOOD at economics, primarily clan leaders and merchants.
Hence the defensive aspect. What I mean by defensive is that they are closely intertwined within a social network of sorts, and thus are obligated to defend each other to stay alive. This is more of a political thing rather than a personal thing. It's just that they are content with living where they live, because they can survive as they are without attracting too much attention from imperialists. They don't have the population or the manufacturing to win a war of attrition, so they do their best to only wage war when the stakes are at a minimum.
Also, Nationalist? There's only one regime I can think of known as Nationalists, and, uh, please, no. Cyrians may be highly mercenary and supremacist according to the lore for them so far, but they ain't Nazis. >.> If anything they're Capitalists taken to the extreme of MGS4 since they are the epitome of a war economy: probably at least 2/3rds of their gross income is from being hired as soldiers or mercenaries, and the rest is probably from weapon research and manufacture.
Nationalism is a huge driving force in practically everything pre-imperial era, where business started to take over.
Cyrians are nationalist because they (usually) support the growth of their nation. Cyrus was a nationalist leader who essentially got all the Cyrians to stop loitering and support their country.
I mean nationalist in looser terms than what you seem to think. An example of the kind of nationalism I mean would be the Scots from Braveheart. Not nazis.
Hm. Varron seems more like an Aroth than a Polarian to me, just in the way I view his personality.
I also like how the only thing differentiating Ross and Cyrian is Rebellious vs Nationalist.
Like I said, it's not everyone's defining personality. There's variation and you can definitely be an antisocial philosophical science guy regardless of your race.
Anyway, Polarians were the hardest for me to define because they're actually really diverse. They have a lot of local industry going on (I'll work it into the wiki after I read the scarlet letter...) because they're decentralized. And because they're decentralized, they're pretty diverse and open to a lot of subgroups forming within the nation.