Varron stretched out both hands, one for each gorv, and began to squeeze. With his powers, of course. However, something was off--the gorves were completely unaffected! Perhaps that bit of information he learned about the laws of physics being violated by magic had more to it than he though... He then noticed their glowing flight organs and felt the reason that his powers had no effect.
"My powers don't work on them! They're gravity type!"Kayle nodded, and drew out her GC III, [5+1] firing a number of bursts at one of them--the smaller one, specifically, since it would go down more quickly. The weapon warmed in her hands as the turbines screeched, forcing warm air out of the weapon's aperture.
On the Gorv, a number of red flares appeared as the weapon's invisible beam refracted from the creature's special carapace--designed to shield the gorv from stellar radiation. Nevertheless, two large black marks appeared where the volume of like was great enough to deal
(28) and
(18) damage, respectively.
Caplus took out his still-loaded gauss rifle, and [2] fired one shot, missing horribly and narrowly avoiding hitting one of his gorves.
The three tame gorves, [2] not yet accustomed to their new master, floated idly while the two ferals began to approach Caplus.
One of the ferals made an attempt to attack, [6] but Caplus swiftly dodged into the other's attack. His shield activated, repelling the full force of the blow, losing [2] SP, and sending Caplus flying!
Suddenly, Caplus received a text message from Amatin.
The other feral headed toward Kayle and Varron.
Tame Gorv-200hp-14d
Tame Gorv-200hp-14d
Tame Gorv-200hp-14d
Medium-Sized Feral Gorv-194hp-16d
Large Medium-Sized Feral Gorv-250hp-17d
Milia headed further down the singular hallway. She came up to a single door at the end of a hallway, which opened into a moderately-sized "L" shaped room, which embraced the hallway from one side... apparently.
++ |
++ ++||+
++ ++||+
++ ++||+
Milia saw monitors along a U-shaped desk upon turning left. At the north wall of the room, there was a set of breakers, which controlled the power to... apparently every system in the quaint station.
Looking at the monitors, Milia noticed that there were hidden cameras scattered around the premises. Going through security footage on the console, she deleted the clips depicting her. She then noticed that a group of people were entering the hallway. The cameras had no microphones, [4+1] but she could faintly hear through the door, in fact:
"So you're saying a gorv came by and attacked the crane?"
"Uh huh."
"And your boss and coworkers evacuated the station?"
"Uh huh."
"Alright. I suppose you could make a case in the occasion that those Clanners sue your business for being late. But, do you have any evidence from here?"
"I remember typing something like 'GORV IS BACK' on my laptop when the gorv came a second time, which is when we left. Our boss installed a keylogger on it just in case any thing happens, so I think we'll be able to verify it."
"Alright, that should prepare us. Now about the property damages. How much has the recent gorv infestation cost you since the upgrade to The Reactor was made? We can file a suit against the state for not providing sufficient protection to the scrapping industry despite the changes."
"Uh, around 4$ million cred's worth."
"That's a lot."
"But," the speaker paused.
"I don't think the state cares. You know they don't ever enforce anything in this district. There's so much crime here it would practically bankrupt the city council if they even tried."
Zakroff [1] kicked his drone, failing to start it up. Next, he [4] put together a flashbang, only without the
flashing aspect. While his powers couldn't yet fabricate the chemicals needed yet, they were totally capable of making something that
looked like a flashbang. He tossed it over the mound and heard his five assailants duck for cover.
Peace Monger "Charlie"-124hp-4d
Peace Monger "Tommy"-144-5d
Peace Monger "Stanley"-200-8d
Peace Monger "Da Boss"-175hp-12d
Peace Monger "Rob"-140hp-2d
Amatin [3] Made an effort to clear the ship out with his powers. But alas, his soul-manipulation powers only seemed to work on life with... souls. Fungus does not have a soul.
Despite the setback, Amatin conjectured that Kayle could perhaps get rid of the fungus.