Roll 62
As the mercenaries lowered their guard, completely ignoring the giant dragon's presence as they waited for orders (as according to standard military protocol),Amatin covertly slipped his hand behind his back, and snapped his fingers.
20kg of air above the center of the installation immediately detonated, causing the mercs to draw their guns again and turn toward the nearest downward staircase.
"...Well, that's sabotage all right. I have to see the cooling systems ASAP; it looks like someone had fun with our drill, and I doubt they missed out on messing with the refrigerators. And since your coworkers may become trigger-happy very, very soon and I have no time introducing myself to the crew, I'll need you two to escort me there. Let's get going before something else blows up."
The two mercs nodded silently. Amatin appreciated the effort Van Buren put into hiring loyal yet gullible mercenaries to defend his project. Perhaps this wasn't the best he had in store. Regardless, he had to figure out what Van Buren was planning to do with this alien structure before it happened.
Amatin and his new bodyguards rushed down the many levels of the dig site's. Amatin himself ran a few meters ahead of the two mercs, which were weighed down in their multi-use lifiting gear fitted with extra armor. That was good, since Amatin could not only outrun them by fleeing through a narrow door, but he could also simply outrun them by default. But he realized that sooner or later, he would have to meet up with his teammates inside the facility, so he would have to get rid of them somehow.
He made his way to one of the hatches near the drill pit. He lifted the top off and threw himself inside.
As the mercs caught up, he was already a few meters down the ladder.
"You two stand guard over the drill pit. Use the channel 'Dolphin' to notify me of anything abnormal you see. Got it?"
They nodded.
Zakroff flipped open the control panel cover to the side of the lift, and slugged his way through the clunky, proprietary UI, eventually fiding and pressing the button that started to lift, after being taught how to use the lift twice thanks to a registry error that stopped the tutorial from being played more than once.
The lift lurched upward immediately, almost knocking Zakroff and Milia down.
Varron, while waiting for the lift to arrive, decided to venture further into the dark hallway. He made his way to a large metal door with a shattered control panel next to it. He also found a pair of fusion cutters and, curiously, a forklift. He was hovering back to the opening in the floor when he heard a sudden burst of gunfire coming from the cavern.
[4] As Milia rode the lift into the building, she heard, somehow, over the loud hum of the lift's motors, a bit of dialogue coming from somewhere:
"Guys, there's a breach on the upper level. [SCRAPE] Someone sabotaged the [BANG]..."
"They've got a specialist taking care of it. I think we can [KWPING]."
"Orders are [CCRRRNCH], we are to cover the [CR]ecialist in case the saboteurs are expecting [SLAM]."
"Well these can't be the saboteurs... they've just arrived."
"Exactly, that's why I say we [SLAM] them now. They don't expect us."
[5] Milia immediately grabbed Zakroff and violently flung him to the ground as he shouted curses and protests. As a hail of gunfire ricocheted off of his drone, he quieted down and thanked Milia while rubbing his head in pain.
Adiun chanted the Aikimbra, the song of searching, looking for signs of life. There was luckily no ambush waiting for them.
[6] He also sprayed his chest wound with his disinfectant. He got a bit on his visor, having no way to tell which direction the can was facing.
(Question: Is your thermal vision infra-red vision, or magical thermal vision? Because if it was magic, then you'd see through the visor anyway. If it was infra-red then the light would still be refracted and scrambled by the water.)
Jaffar scanned over the bridge looking for any signs of a trap.
"It looks like a real, genuine log bridge to me..."
"There's still the possibility of an ambush. I'm expecting giant roaches to be marching across the log from both sides the moment we cross the middle bound," Kayle replied.
"I'll stay back and provide supressive fire..." she felt that there was something wrong with her plan. Then, she remembered.
"Oh, and you should hope I don't set the tree on fire."
Jaffar and Caplus reluctantly nodded and approached the tree's roots.
"You first..."
"Sure, the Polarian's always expendable,"
"No, it's just that you're the one with a mace, armor, and an entire arsenal. I'm a sniper in lightweight shield gear."
"Right, fine."
Jaffar inspected the root ball, found a path he could take, and climbed up. Caplus followed.
The two proceeded to make their way across the log. Caplus kept his rifle firmly aimed at the log itself, ready to shoot any giant tree-borer that might inhabit the colossal trunk. Jaffar, on the other hand, kept his clockwork rifle at hand, ready to bring it up and aim in the case of an engagement.
Jaffar's audio system picked up a noise distinct from the background and notified him. He had it amplified and replayed it, hearing a light splash. The suit told him that it happened roughly below their position, in the lake.
He looked down, and saw nothing in the water.