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Author Topic: Space Wizard RTD: Rolls.  (Read 89762 times)


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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1140 on: March 17, 2012, 03:42:49 pm »

Watch the flanks of the herd and shoot any ravager thats not coming from the same general direction as the other ravagers.
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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1141 on: March 20, 2012, 03:09:35 pm »

If anything hostile comes out of the fort have the drone destroy the heavy weapon emplacements, and me and the turret will provide covering fire for the others


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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1142 on: March 20, 2012, 06:53:57 pm »

((time for supplementary RP. :P ))

It's moments like these when space and time begins to slow to a crawl for Jaffar Cole. He can feel the quick beat of his heart in his ears, strong and steady...but with that minute hidden weakness, a certain minor genetic flaw that many Polarics share. He doesn't think about it much. But, it's still there. It's one of the real reasons he wears his suit so much.

It's killing him, very slowly. He's never told anyone about it.

But he doesn't concentrate on that. Radiating outward, his electronic senses flash reams of information to his eyes and mind. Sometimes, Jaffar's real instincts take over, when the suit proves too slow.

He receives a visual warning that the Klathidon to his left is agitated, the minute fibers on it's back standing up all at once. He moves one foot two inches to the left, in case he'll have to pitch to one side. He doesn't stop tracking his target all the while-a particularly large Male ravager, one his keen senses note, bears the ritual scars of much in fighting amongst it's own clan. His own senses tell him this is a dangerous one...he remains calm. Stares into the eyes of the beast. It seems to mark him.

He could imagine a conversation with it. He would shrug, and say "Well, it's nothing personal, but..." the Ravager, smiling politely would finish "'s just business. Either you win, or I do."

His gun swings to bear-this oh so strange weapon. His arms, mechanically augmented, swing in the over dramatic slow motion of a vid-action hero. Jaffar usually knows if he'll miss or not, beforehand. Just a hunch. But, he'll be powerless to change his course of action. He can't say for sure right now. Too many variables. Eternity spins away from his grasp. He smiles.'s better not knowing.

For, at times, Jaffar feels he's already lived this life-walked this path, and done this all before. As if he has already undergone an eternity of screaming, terror and death. And it won't ever stop... always, it comes back to Kayle. For all his strange perception, she moves almost at regular time to him. Unlike everything else in Jaffars life...she is completely unpredictable, defying easy categorization. She's not an equation. Kayle is a person. Underneath the armor, is another person-with feelings-for him. An almost childish realization, but the fact it comes to him so late is a shock in, and of itself.

A pint of fresh fear washes over his normally cool, cold intellect.

His reactions speed up a bit, the world coming back into focus-hastened by nothing more than his righteous anger-a concept that he might die-really die-in this place before he gets a chance to talk to her again.

Strange, that Jaffar never worried about that before. The sense of clinical detachment he felt in his life fell away almost as soon as he met her.

Flitting thoughts such as these, are the ones that passed through Jaffar Coles mind, in the two seconds from acquiring a target to pulling the trigger.

« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 06:55:52 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1143 on: March 23, 2012, 11:53:40 pm »

Spoiler: Character Sheets 2 (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 10:48:52 am by _DivideByZero_ »
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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1144 on: March 23, 2012, 11:54:18 pm »

Spoiler: Character Sheets (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 10:48:42 am by _DivideByZero_ »
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1145 on: March 23, 2012, 11:54:36 pm »

Warning: Massive Retconning up ahead!

The Problem: Gravity!

In Space Wizards, there is no artificial gravity generation except that which is caused by wizards. Thus, gravity must be fully artificial, created by inertial forces.
Thus, since ships usually cruise with an acceleration of 1G (using hyperspace phasing--to be explained--to increase their effective speed artificially), the inertial forces would create artificial gravity such that the ship's crew segments must be angled so that the y-axis is aligned with the ship's movement vector. Basically, the ceiling faces the front of the ship and the floor faces the back.

This means that the elevators back on the Aurora are now hallways, and the hallways on the Aurora are now elevators. :D

Roll 60

Amatin waited within the dragon's claws as he thought of a plan. Dragons--Vulcanus Draconis, as they were called, bore an eerie resemblance to the ancient mythical dragons of yore. They were sentient--albeit barely, as they exhibited mostly stereotyped behavior except when communicated to. They had a language consisting of vocalizations that they used to challenge each other. Dragons had no gender--they would fight each other for roosts and proceed to lay their eggs alone. They defended their young with such a ferocity that it was unquestionable: Amatin could not defeat this beast in a battle of wills. Instead, he was forced to use a different method to take control of the situation.

Thus, Amatin, hanging in the air, set about splicing a small chunk of his own energy--[6] a little too much, perhaps--with the silver longsword that he took from Ivan. He then took the sword, and held it against the dragon's belly, long enough so that the dragon tilted its head to get a look at the sword. Amatin then linked the dragon's soul to his own through the sword, giving himself control.
He attempted to convince the dragon that he was its hatchling and that the dig site would make a great nest.


[6] Zakroff decided that a blitzkrieg strike with his drones would be ideal should the emplacement be manned. He set his drone to fire at will after registering the party's IFF's with it. He then ordered the other two to sneak around both sides as he set up his hybrid gatling turret and picking flowers.

Milia silently took off, masking her figure behind rocks and staying close to the edge of the cavern and thus in the shadows. She kept her Xbow out, fixed toward the machine gun post in the case of hostilities. However, nobody came, and she realized why.
"Camera..." she whispered into the comms. Milia then [5] shot the camera and proceeded forward.
"Hey, wouldn't they notice--"
"Like they didn't notice the drone? Anyway, I have a gut feeling that their hands are busy elsewhere."

Varron took off to the other side of the cavern. He felt that something was off about the way his steps reverberated through the cavern. He couldn't pin down what he thought he heard until his smart cloak suspended him over an acrid pool of stagnant water. He set himself down at the edge and observed the emplacement, realizing that there was nobody there.

"It's totally safe." he stated, his clairvoyance assuring him that there were no traps.
"I think the platform might be an elevator. There's a gap in the ceiling over there..."
He pointed to a dim hole in the ceiling shaped like the platform inside the cavern.


After about a minute of flight at breathtaking speed, Amatin noticed that the dragon was approaching over the dig site. The site itself consisted of a large circular platform on top of the dirt, with a gap in the middle-thirty meters across, and a large drill inside the gap. Tanks of coolant as well as equipment used for hauling and accumulating the excess stone at the side of the installation were present around the edges. There was no gate--there were rather high walls, and the only actual way to enter was from above.

For good measure, he convinced the dragon that landing right now would be a good idea. It followed suit and set him down upon the ground, releasing its clawed grip on his torso. His armor was scratched but not pierced, luckily.

It was at that moment when two men in bulky lifting gear approached him, wielding submachine guns. His dragon roared, and exhumed some kind of gas. Amatin had no idea what it was doing, though.


"What were these called again, exactly?" asked Kayle, recollecting her thoughts.
"C. Ravageris, or something. I didn't name them."
"They had... ranged attacks of some sort?"
"Yes, though only the females usually use the attack. It can't penetrate metal, though, so you should be fine in that armor."
"Right, I'll--"

Kayle felt a sharp blow to the back of her helmet. She held her hand to the spot she had been hit, and pulled it back. It was dripping with a clear ooze.
"How does slime..."
"Symbiotic relationship with bacteria, too. The ravager attacks, bacteria infect. By the time the ravager stops fighting and eats, the bacteria will have partially digested the prey and are ingested back into the ravager."
"No but, how does slime hit that hard?"

The admiral gave her a quizzical look. She turned around and looked at her assailant, a female ravager perched atop a mumbling Klathidon, entering its sleep. The ravager had a large chitinous blade hanging from its tail by a thread. Pores in the blade allowed the slime Kayle noticed to ooze onto the surface.

"They have a whiplash attack. They don't shoot slime."

Without a word, Kayle ignored the female--it was harmless as long as her armor was mostly intact--even a gorv hadn't punched a hole straight through. She sighted a male weaving through the rooted animals and fixed her aim on it. Being, essentially, a large insect, it could not understand that a gun was dangerous. Ravagers couldn't perceive pain, fear, or anything remotely emotional. This made them dangerous foes because they did not retreat--they were not only not afraid to die, but they were unaware of what death even was.

The wretched thing approached Kayle up to about ten meters, before she fired the underarm plasma bolter and roasted the ravager alive, each individual blast crackling as it left the barrel and vaporizing portions of the insect's flesh. Kayle released the trigger, and the gun's rate of fire slowed to a halt.

Meanwhile, Jaffar reached for his clockwork rifle. However, he noticed the klathidon calf moving closer to him, sniffing the air. As it neared, it began to sniff toward the rifle. As it stuck out its tongue and palpated the rifle--causing Jaffar to pull the rifle away, the rifle itself let out an audible moan.
"Uh, good rifle, don't moan like that..."
The rifle refused to cooperate. It began to gurgle and grumble, frightening the calf and scaring it away.
Jaffar sighed and brought the rifle to bear on the ravager that attacked Kayle. It was perched atop its klathidon, noticing Jaffar and pulling back its tail to lash again. [5] Before it could attack, Jaffar pulled the trigger on the rifle. The rifle immediately responded, firing a large, grooved canine tooth, taking out the ravager with a solid neck-shot. Jaffar didn't actually aim for the neck. He pondered the rifle's sentience as the ravager, doubling over from 43 damage, began to twitch uncontrollably.

The rifle made a gurgling sound followed by a mechanical clanking noise as the next tooth was readied for firing.

Aduin made his way sideward, avoiding klathidons, and singling out individual ravagers. Ravagers themselves were easily visible to him (+1), because unlike the sessile klathidons, the ravagers had a raging metabolism that allowed them to fight with a great ferocity. He approached a straggler that was poking at a klathidon's head near the edge of the herd, [3+1] and proceeded to blind it. He approached it and, avoiding its thrashing and random attacks, slit its throat for 35 damage. Now, ichor gushed from its wound as it continued to thrash about, hitting klathidons at random, with a more intense anger than before.

Caplus [1] pulled out his rifle and attempted to load it, having forgotten where the three safeties were located after not having used it for a while.
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1146 on: March 24, 2012, 12:21:47 am »

Find the safeties on the gun.
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.


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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1147 on: March 24, 2012, 06:20:01 am »

My hand got healed and Ivan's sword got levelled up to an uber-weapon, hooray! I wonder how much stronger it will get when fed whole souls. *evil cackle*

Submachine guns and no 'Halt' cry? This made it unlikely that these were perfectly normal, ethics-bound guardsmen before Amatin, putting them more into the crowd of perfectly normal, trigger-happy mercs.
Still, Amatin would never stop trying to save ammo, even if it required some lies and spinwork on his behalf. He moved behind the dragon's enormous legs and gave a shout in the guards' direction:

"The drill zone is supposed to be evacuated already! What the hell are you two doing here?"

Open conversation with the guards. Introduce myself as Specialist Tarnenkov, sent to verify the reports of sabotage in the drill's cooling system. If they're dumb enough to fall for it, convince the dragon that these meatbags are below its attention and should pose no danger even to its hatchling.
If the guards open fire, run for the nearest cover and let the dragon deal with them. Watch out for reinforcements so I can interrupt them en route.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 10:29:56 am by HmH »


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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1148 on: March 24, 2012, 08:15:02 am »

Get both my drone and turret set up on the platform, and then look for the control panel. If I find it press the button, and up we go


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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1149 on: March 25, 2012, 03:24:34 am »

Jaffar felt slightly sick, feeling the gun click and moan in his hands. It seemed fairly disgusting...and yet, beneath it, there lay a strange efficiency to it's design. Self tracking capabilities suggested the gun might actually be...well, he didn't know. Could the gun read his thoughts, interpret a target?

Action: Take down more Male Ravagers! Try to get a feel for my new gun, how it finds it's targets
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1150 on: March 25, 2012, 04:33:49 am »

Kayle bolted another male ravager.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1151 on: March 25, 2012, 12:56:48 pm »

Just saying, I revamped the damage descriptions a bit for most weapons. Should be more concise.
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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1152 on: March 26, 2012, 03:10:43 am »

Investigate the gap in the ceiling, using Gravitokinesis if neccesary.
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1153 on: March 26, 2012, 02:16:10 pm »

Get onto the platform. I'm trusting you guys here.
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Re: Space Wizard RTD: Surprise Roll 58!
« Reply #1154 on: March 27, 2012, 03:19:59 am »

Continue with tactic. Hide behind herd if needed.
You win Nakeen
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Inanna is my husbando
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