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Author Topic: Space Wizard RTD: Rolls.  (Read 89778 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1005 on: February 15, 2012, 06:05:05 pm »

(No problem, though I was better off before you did, lol. :P Hmm... pinned down, but I bet Life Siphon will still work. :D I'm going to go ahead and try that.)

Kayle gritted her teeth and concentrated. Varron was hurt pretty badly from what she saw before she went down, and now she had this thing on her... but maybe she could solve both problems with one go. Focusing on it, she attempted to pass its life to her ally, in the hopes of healing him and weakening - or perhaps outright killing - it.

Life Siphon the gorve holding me down, with Varron as the recipient.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1006 on: February 15, 2012, 07:05:14 pm »

New Action: If life siphon works, attack the Gorv on top of Kayle. If it's dead, attack the other one. If Life Siphon doesnt work, try and help Kayle and Caplus with my abilities + PPC
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1007 on: February 18, 2012, 02:40:58 am »

Roll 53

Note: How would people feel if I were to rename the weapon's inventory text to generic names like "assault rifle" or "medium pulse laser" (laser rifle technically doesn't make any sense at all, a rifle needs to have a rifled barrel. Why would you rifle a laser...) and instead move the weapon's brand to the description? It would certainly make it slightly more apparent what a weapon is, and weapon names usually aren't even that interesting.
Exceptions could be made for stuff like the smartcannon, etc, since it's a unique weapon.

Also, I'd like to get the party off this rock by wave 60 or so, so maybe you guys can plan your turns to somehow be at the hospital eventually by then? That's where the main plot thread continues, following Van Buren's interrogation.

Spoiler: City Map (56k beware) (click to show/hide)

You can make up POI's. In fact, please do. That would take some work off me. :)
This list is unfinished.

Spoiler: The Bulwark (click to show/hide)
----Gear District----
Spoiler: Empire Launch Station (click to show/hide)
----Steam District----
Spoiler: Lava Pit (click to show/hide)
----Spark District----
Spoiler: Alpha Drop Zone (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The Slums (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The Reactor (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Arms Runners (adwarf) (click to show/hide)


Kayle [1] scrambled to get the gorv off of her. The gorv, its claws still embedded in her armor's torso, started gravitating upwards. Kayle realized this, and quickly shouted to Varron for assistance. Varron couldn't intervene, however, with the gorv, because of the property of magic diffusion. The gorv continued upward.

But Kayle realized that Varron could still help her. She [2] slashed helplessly at the gorv, unable to land a solid hit. Finally, she attempted to use life siphon on the gorv, [6] killing it! Completely! [3] Varron suddenly felt his veins fill with... something he could only describe as energy. He felt empowered!

Varron, his metabolism on the brink of overload, flung his arms outward. Clenching his fists, he slowed down the falling gorv with Kayle still stuck to it. Afterward, he help chop the gorv's limbs off and also took the flight organs in case they would be useful.

Caplus landed and [6] whipped out his rifle, gunning the gorv down. The bullets shredded the top layer of the gorv's shell, only to be embedded within the second layer of the gorv's composite shell, according to his AI, at least.

"Composite armor. The best way to get through would probably be to get in close. Or perhaps not use regular weapons on it? That said, I think that big rifle of yours could still make it through."

[3] The gorv landed in front of Caplus on ots two pincers, its many tentacle-like tails resting on the ground, and let out a deafening cry. The sound quickly cycled through the audible spectrum, sounding to Caplus as a wildly pulsating chirp.

Spoiler: Vicinity (click to show/hide)


Milia kept put, formulating a story in her mind that would sound at least plausible, if not convincing. She was now... a hobo on the streets of Spark... without a home. That would surely express a great deal of pathological appeal, although her ethos and perhaps her logos would certainly drop. Milia wasn't sure what the lawyer would be expecting. She looked through her mind for possible ways to sound more intelligent... to more expressly convince the lawyer with a reasonable argument. However, before she could settle on a course of action, the "Witness Droid" rolled in along the hallway's cheap linoleum flooring.

"Could you please explain to me the point of this witness droid?"
"Well, you see, we have to have concrete evidence for the discovery of the laptop soon after the evacuation. If we can trace the damages to the crane to the same time period as the time when you typed 'GORV IS BACK,' then we have evidence. However, the other side may argue that the evidence was planted. The only way to guarantee an accurate account of the situation is to use a witness droid. Meet 'Sheen.'"

Milia heard the small, meter-high robot lift its head--a sphere with countless cameras and optical sensors of every type jutting outward--to aim its largest aperture at the station employee.
"... hi Sheen..."
"Alright. So just show Sheen the laptop, and then I'll bring him out to examine the crane and record the damages with his sensors. You just stay put, m'kay?"
The employee must have nodded, because afterward the droid rolled into the room. [1] Its backward-facing cameras immediately saw Milia peering around the door. The droid turned to face Milia, and slowly rolled toward her.

(Mini rolls for the conversation. I want to be economical with the amount of turns we're spending)


Zakroff, in response, flipped the switch on the walker, and immediately witnessed the deafening boom of the walker's autocannon. [2] The first round impacted on the ground in front of the Peace Mongers, as they drew their weapons. Meanwhile, Zakroff drew his own two pistols, and [6+1] precisely shot two of the Mongers in the heads repeatedly. One of the mongers, wearing a mask, managed to run off with a concussion and 84 damage, as well as punctured head gear.
The other wasn't so lucky; the three rounds from Zakroff's 9mil [6] blew through his skull and killed him instantly. Poor Rob never stood a chance.

After that, the three able Peace Mongers covered the injured as "Charlie" scrambled to get up and run for his life. A hail of gunfire forced Zakroff behind his droid, which easily deflected what sounded like skeet shot and weasel-snake slugs ricocheting off the droid's mild-steel plating.

Spoiler: Vicinity (click to show/hide)


Amatin enraged, Amatin decided that the best course of action would be to vent his anger on animals. Not Caplus.

"I'm going to the snake pit, gotta vent my rage before Caplus returns. You with me?" he asked Jaffar, almost rhetorically. Jaffar was, then again, by the looks of it just going to hang around on his tablet, talking to that AI I salvaged.
Surprisingly, Jaffar looked up and answered: "Snakes, yeah...go pits..."

Jaffar, surprised at the AI's sudden revival, responded by opening up the keyboard and typing,
"Amelia! You survived!
That's great! Also, uh, not so loud-you're going to blow the speakers.
Let me give you the rundown, what you haven't guessed yet.
That ship you were on was infected with an insane French A.I.
I saved you from being deleted...or worse. It's likely he would have grabbed your backup data from the servers and...well, shudder the thought.
I brought you and installed you into my tablet. Cause, you're pretty cool for an A.I. I didn't think it was right to leave in the Dire Rows with no power to your engines, to coin a Polaric term.
Are you feeling alright now?"

"Maybe... I'm still shocked as to how different this system is. I... I've never been on any other computer. This is a completely new experience... how do I multiply here? Oh right... two times two equals... equals..."
(The text stops at this moment and the console window freezes.)
"Four! Four, I got it. I need to get used to this. Thanks for saving me though... I appreciate it."

(By the way, what were the dire rows again? Sorry ;))

Jaffar and Amatin made their way across the plaza one more time. This time, four Centauri City Workers were here... each wearing flamethrowers?
"These nutjobs... you handle them. I need to go kill those snakes..."

As Amatin continued along the trail of fungus toward the Spark District, Jaffar accosted the four officials with a series of questions.
"Do you realize that the fungus is heat-resistant?"
The original official that the group encountered answered from behind.
"Indeed, I do. City management doesn't, though, and they're assuming they can just shut off the fountains and purge the stuff off the ceramic tiles."
"Well that's stupid! That'll make it grow faster!"
"Yeah *cough* I get it. But orders are orders."

The man's cough was odd... it didn't sound like a regular cough. Rather, Jaffar couldn't help but hear a gurgling sound during the cough's peak. His audio software actually identified it as "Undead Reanimation." Peculiar indeed.


Amatin, at the pit, tried out his new power on the snakes.
[5] He focused on one, and managed to hit it from a distance. The bloated snake--weighing probably about 15kg in total, being two meters in length and almost half of one wide--was cooked to a crisp over five seconds--writhing in pain--as was the ground beneath it. The sand quickly turned into what appeared to be impure silicon. Small embers appeared in the air, as a result of the heat and additional oxygen release from the sand's decomposition.
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1008 on: February 18, 2012, 02:41:37 am »

Spoiler: Character Sheets (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 02:07:21 pm by _DivideByZero_ »
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1009 on: February 18, 2012, 02:55:26 am »

Pull out my hammer, and smash then gorve in front of me.
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1010 on: February 18, 2012, 03:21:21 am »

(Oh, wow. O.o Overcharged HP on Varron Doom II style. Also @Note: Whatever you want to do for the descriptions, although if I had multiple laser rifles -for example- it might be easier to leave them noted as the brand so I can check them at a glance.)

"Thanks, Varron. I owe you one," Kayle said, getting to her feet. Now they had to help Caplus. Seeing that Life Drain worked so well on the other one, she tried it again on the remaining Gorve.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1011 on: February 18, 2012, 03:54:06 am »

Leap towards the other Gorv, using my abilities to guide me to the Gorv and slash at it, ignoring the pain. For now.
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?


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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1012 on: February 18, 2012, 03:57:16 am »

((@Dbz: Dire Rows is general term referring to the dangers the Polaric colonists faced on their travel to their new home world. It's simultaneously a curse word and something of a remembrance-no hope, tough day, dire straights, bad luck, damn it, etc, but with a twist-no matter how bad, the Dire Rows can be survived. ;)

I figure Polarics like the symbolism.

Spoiler: remember! (click to show/hide)

Jaffar's eyes widened. He had put that program in as a joke-at the behest of an old warhound who had some crazy stories...about dead people walking...

Jaffar pleaded with the man.

"...sir. Um, I think you need to see a doctor. My suits systems are telling me you're infected with something quite bad.

Also...listen. This is a major emergency. You need to start evacuating this entire district. You need to DO something. The fire is just going to make it worse. You're going to be responsible for hundreds of deaths-women and children.

You....I know you have orders. But you've got to put it off. Think about it, man. This isn't something you can just bullrush your way through. You have to stop and think. Please...just, tell your superiors the flamers didn't work. Make them take this seriously."
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1013 on: February 18, 2012, 04:35:17 am »

"YEAH, baby! This shit's BETTER THAN I EXPECTED! Too bad it lacks precision. Still, it's good. Very, very, very good."
Try to cast the spell more rapidly, frying two snakes in close succession.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1014 on: February 18, 2012, 10:53:18 am »

Come back out from cover after the Drone fires again, use the shot to cover me while I pop out, and open fire on them.

((o.O Poor dude, Didn't stand a chance.))


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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1015 on: February 19, 2012, 05:27:25 am »

Time for Plan B. Or was it Plan C? Either way, the one with the putting arrows in things that I'd really like to have avoided. But this is by any definition of the word a sticky situation, and smooth-talking might or might not work, and worst case you'll end up under arrest. But shooting, running, not explaining... sure, it escalates the situation. But there's close to a 100% chance of getting away alive and free and that's the main thing.
Dart onto the corridor and get the hell out. Put arrows in the witness droid to disable the thing if it follows me. Chances are someone is going to block me, so be prepared to fire another shot in short order and/or draw knife.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 05:29:09 am by Errol »
Girls are currently preparing signature, please wait warmly until it is ready.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1016 on: February 23, 2012, 09:08:34 pm »

Roll 54

Note: How would people feel if I were to rename the weapon's inventory text to generic names like "assault rifle" or "medium pulse laser" (laser rifle technically doesn't make any sense at all, a rifle needs to have a rifled barrel. Why would you rifle a laser...) and instead move the weapon's brand to the description? It would certainly make it slightly more apparent what a weapon is, and weapon names usually aren't even that interesting.
Exceptions could be made for stuff like the smartcannon, etc, since it's a unique weapon.

Also, I'd like to get the party off this rock by wave 60 or so, so maybe you guys can plan your turns to somehow be at the hospital eventually by then? That's where the main plot thread continues, following Van Buren's interrogation.

Spoiler: City Map (56k beware) (click to show/hide)

You can make up POI's. In fact, please do. That would take some work off me. :)
This list is unfinished.

Spoiler: The Bulwark (click to show/hide)
----Gear District----
Spoiler: Empire Launch Station (click to show/hide)
----Steam District----
Spoiler: Lava Pit (click to show/hide)
----Spark District----
Spoiler: Alpha Drop Zone (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The Slums (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The Reactor (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Arms Runners (adwarf) (click to show/hide)


Kayle [3] once again attempted life siphon on the other gorv as Caplus fired off a few rounds from his assault rifle. It grabbed about 40hp. Kayle felt a strange tingling throughout her body as the drained life flowed through her, and then into Varron. The feeling itself was largely akin to the opposite of pain.

Varron gained 20hp after losing 33hp. Once again, he felt an impulse of pure energy coming from Kayle. It was almost as if... he was more alive than before. But of course, none of this felt right. He felt almost as if.... as if he wasn't human, for a split second. Regardless, he focused on the battlefield again, and heard Caplus shout, "Bring it here, will you Varron?"
"I'll explain why I can't later. But, I'll do this!"
Varron took out his sword and pointed it at the gorv. Then, with his other fist, he made a punching motion toward the gorv, launching himself at immense speed toward the gorv!
Flying through the air at forty meters per second... Varron collided with the gorv. His sword first penetrated the shell, but as it sunk deeper into the Gorv's dense internals, it began to lodge itself inside the body, becoming immobile. Varron, with his lack of significant musculature, failed to slow himself down and collided with the gorv in mid-air, taking a 10hp bruise to the face, then bouncing off! He started to fall toward the ground, dazed, from thirty-five meters up!

As he fell, the gorv started to fall as well. As Varron did whatever he was about to do, Caplus primed his hammer! As the gorv was about to hit the ground, Caplus swung [1] with brilliant timing! The hammer bounced off the shell and was lodged underneath the gorv's future carcass.

Caplus' gorves then started to float into the sky, inexplicably.
May I add that some species are pack hunters and highly social? They don't kindly take the killing of their kind.

Spoiler: Vicinity (click to show/hide)


Milia became tense. She jumped about a meter into the air, before weightlessly taking off down the hallway. She could barely hear her own footsteps... despite her nervous disposition to panic, the feather cloak... it made her so light that her footsteps were hardly audible to human ears.

She stopped halfway down the hallway, expecting to see the droid and its masters following her. But it seemed that the two Centauri didn't even notice her, and the droid remained in the room.


Zakroff kept hiding as the drone reloaded and fired again, [5] punching a hole through da boss! As what was left of the body flew across the village, the drone itself began to move forward, providing Zakroff the psychological advantage needed to [3] provide some supressive fire from his pistols. The three peace mongers retreated behind the canister of cold liquid, taking cover, [2] unable to fire back.

Zakroff ejected his magazines and slipped new ones in their places. He dramatically pulled back the slides.

Spoiler: Vicinity (click to show/hide)


Amatin [3] decided to try and split the same shot between two snakes. He discovered hat instead of frying the ground below a snake, he could simply relay the spell across multiple snakes at a time, satisfying the 20kg minimum without collateral damage.
However, now he felt rather tired. He could carry on... but more spellcasting and he would start to get debuffs to his magic. This spell in particular was quite draining.

(note, there's no actual limit to using spells, it's just subjective. Like, you can't go around popping assault mechs with a new apocalypse spell you just learned. I just want to make it clear that this spell is very powerful and could easily be abused :) )

Jaffar pleaded with the man:
"...sir. Um, I think you need to see a doctor. My suits systems are telling me you're infected with something quite bad.

Also...listen. This is a major emergency. You need to start evacuating this entire district. You need to DO something. The fire is just going to make it worse. You're going to be responsible for hundreds of deaths-women and children.

You....I know you have orders. But you've got to put it off. Think about it, man. This isn't something you can just bullrush your way through. You have to stop and think. Please...just, tell your superiors the flamers didn't work. Make them take this seriously."

The official, not expecting such a reply made in such a serious tone, replied, wide-eyed.
"Well, since you know so much about it... I'll do my best. Just realize that these bozos get paid regardless of what happens. They really like using the flamethrowers to clear out the space-fungus infestations we regularly get. But still, do realize, that while these people won't like the weight of hundreds of deaths pressing in on their consciences anytime soon, we do have measures and procedures in place for fungal outbreaks. Although *cough* this one could *cough* be different..."

He turned to the four mooks.

"You're going to have to stand down with those flamethrowers. This stuff spreads by heat, and you're going to worsen the situation if you use those. Also--"

Much to everyone's horror, the official paused mid-speech, before falling down to the ground, eyes still open. He remained on the ground, completely still.
One of the flamethrower grunts spoke, asking, "Is that what this stuff does? I... I don't want to die!"

He tossed his weapon to the ground, stepped backward, and then took off with a full sprint. Jaffar [2] reacted quickly, erecting a forcefield in front of the fleeing worker.
The forcefield functioned as expected... slowing the worker down, and dragging Jaffar in his general direction. After a quick 10 meter drag, the worker finally gave up and turned around, asking Jaffar why he did that.

"Look, you see what happened. If any of you have the fungus on yourselves, you're vulnerable to die just the way he died," he responded, pointing toward the Centauri official.
But then, the official got up.
"Man, I though I just died... I couldn't breath... I passed out, then I felt myself breathing again... withotu my input. It was creepy, to *small cough* say the least. But actually, I feel better now."

There was silence.

"Actually no, my stomach hurts a bit..."
"We should get you some medical attention..."
"And contaminate the only place where we can possibly treat it? Not until we find a better way to cleanse the stuff. I'm staying here until the council gives me orders."

Jaffar flipped out his tablet and messaged Amatin about the situation.
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1017 on: February 23, 2012, 09:08:58 pm »

Spoiler: Character Sheets (click to show/hide)
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1018 on: February 23, 2012, 09:24:09 pm »

Pull the hammer out of the feral gorve, and back away from it.
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.


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Re: Space Wizard RTD
« Reply #1019 on: February 23, 2012, 09:26:46 pm »

"I'll give you one more chance, those of you still living run away, and I'll let you live. Just deliver my message, and then disappear, or else you'll die along with the rest of your organization." Zakroff yelled once more as he prepared to fire again.

Give them a chance to flee, if they don't continue firing, use the drone to destroy their cover.
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