Thanks for remembering that site, Kisame. It has the best tutorials I've seen, for a lot of my favorite weaves. I became friends with the guy who created it, when I was more active with chainmail.
What you have there, berserkenstein, is Japanese 6-in-2 (which is a variant I haven't seen before, but makes sense) and Full Persian 6-1, which makes a LOVELY thick chain. I like the way 6/1 japanese weaves look also, but (and it sounds like girlinhat shares this) I quickly get bored with simpler weaves, and japanese tends to be even simpler than european. The Euro/Japanese distinction arises from style of connection - in a euro weave the rings lay at a diagonal, alternating by rows which edge is upward. In Japanese weaves, there are rings that lay flat, with a variable number of vertical (often slightly smaller) rings connecting them to adjacent flat rings. As the vertical rings are always only connected to 2 rings, its actually something of a misnomer to call the weaves "4-1" or "6-1" or "12-2" since this only applies to a small number of the rings involved.
Are there folks watching who want to start doing this themselves? I can give you a lot of pointers for how to start cheaply, how to wind and cut rings yourself, and the like, for those interested. It's easiest if you have access to some tools/wood already, but there isn't much to it really except a local hardware store, some pliers, cutters, a few small pieces of wood and/or PVC pipe, and a drill.