, and goddang is that thing laggy at stuff like bringing up the start menu.
I know "what I do a lot aint what other people do a lot", but it always surprises me that I get awful lag on right-click menues or Start Menu popup.
Yes, I know in the background it isn't just a simple invariant and involves checking various 'special' {CLSID-hexstring} objects, etc, that
may change the whole context (and not just which set of Open(... With)s are applicable for a given filetype) but it's the
first level down into the GUI from what's accessible to whatever mouse-click or keyboard-press might be possible, and yet seems to not be considered candidate for even the most minimal prefetch-and-cache (minimal memory requirements, easier to parallel cache several such relevent items in one group-call in a moment of GUI idlenesz than individually redive into data storage for when I 'surprise' the system by asking to be served).
What gets me the most (though I don't expect
quite so much prefetch) is when opening up a new folder window will display the Explorer contents, as expected, for an instant and then blank, statusbarring the message "Searching for files..." for a number of heartstopping moments before redisplaying the contents, exactly the same (apparently not even having guessed wrongly in Search Order or View Type (details, list, icons, etc) on first-flash), apparently delayed me for no reason whatsoever - especially painful when I misclicked and I know in a microsecond that I want to reverse up a level and dive into a neighbouring directory instead.
(Newer versions of Windows do a twirly-thing, or somesuch, rather than/as well as the status-bar message, depending on how much they bother to
have the status-bar switched on at all, but I find so many more things annoying with newer versions that I default back to the best-of-a-bad-thing as my baseline.)
And pressing F1, accidentally... You mean F2 but transposed your hands a little while twisting and turning on your office-chair, staring at screen and various other things laid on your desk... You realise it immediately, but have to wait (or try to continue back in the original window of focus) as you wait for the help-documentation to load up in front of/behind your active window
just so you can close it immediately. Inbuilt help-viewer is bad enough (I would not expect it, and the helpfile for it to render, to be prefetched - though for those that do actually need help it might he useful), but software (FOSS, often) that is installed with online/nonlocal HTML help-docs (calling your browser up to read them) is even more annoying. And even more so when you know you aren't even networked up and it'll take a few more moments to work out that this will predictably fail...
Sorry, several bugbears of mine, there. Nothing needing solving, just thought I'd vocalise some long-standing niggles of mine. That may not be obvious/applicable to others, but keep on recurring in my own little bubble.
Nothing to read here. Please move along, folks!