Hm... That's not a bad idea at all. I don't have any experience with Linux, though. Is there an easy way to install it?
Although one of the other people in the office asked if she could use her Mac, and they said no, because they weren't sure she'd be able to use all the software. But the only software I need for the job is Thunderbird, Chrome, LibreOffice (everyone else uses Microsoft Office 2010 but FUCK THAT), Skype, FileZilla, and Google Drive, all of which will presumably run on Linux without any complications, as long as the file extensions when I create documents are all the same. I'm a magazine editor, so all I mostly do is write and edit Word documents, which are stored on Google Drive, and communicate with Skype (which I hate but I can't get them to switch to anything better) and email.
They might say that they need all the computers the same, in case someone else needs to use mine. But I could counter that we already have a "guest editor" computer available, and that no one knows how to use my software anyway (they all use MS Office for mail and documents and Total Commander for FTP and all seem very nervous about me using other programs that they've never used before).
But I'll ask, and see what they say. I should make sure I know how to install it first, though. Can anyone point me to a good tutorial?
I should also probably wait until a day when I have time to mess around with it. At the moment I'm snowed under with work that they want me to get done ASAP (even though we have a month before it goes to print).
EDIT: Damn it, I'm getting more Microsoft glitches on my home computer. Now I can't access help files in Windows programs; it crashes immediately. Is there any way to fix all these problems (Windows Live Movie Maker and Desktop Gadgets crash when trying to open as well) without a system restore? I have no idea what caused this problem. The only thing I've installed recently, besides some Minecraft stuff, is Hamachi... Oh, and Letter Quest, a $1 game I grabbed off of IGS (not on Steam). I think that's everything...