Soo I'm having issues with my computer right now. I think it's driver related?
It actually only seems to occur when playing Fallout 4, so there's a small chance it could simply be a really bad FO4 bug, but I doubt it. This could also point to an issue with the GPU, which seems likely. Windows (10) has crashed pretty disastrously numerous times after about 4-10 minutes of playing. First time the audio just had a "static"-type spike for a brief moment and my computer froze when I went to the menu. Had to hard reset after that. Next time (during dialog), I experienced an even worse audio spike and my screen just turned completely red. Nothing else. Just a solid color red.
Eventually my computer reset itself.
AFTER THAT, I tried playing again. Played a tiny bit, then got to the menu. Huge extreme continuous audio spike and the game crashed. And by "continuous audio spike" I mean "audio static * 10 until the game process ended." Was able to use my computer for about a minute afterwards, then I got a BSOD with the error code "KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED." A bit of googling suggest it's a driver problem, but I can't really find any information about the overall issue other than that.
I have a Radeon R9 270. (May not be exact. Definitely R9 2xx.) My guess is Windows automatically updated drivers and I got a buggy driver for my GPU. Since I believe my GPU driver also handles audio output (I use HDMI audio), that could also explain the audio spikes. Or that may just be generic crashing stuff.
Any help here on what to do?
EDIT: Updating to beta drivers manually fixed the problem.