that first intro level is just the longest most boring thing I can remember playing. And then after that to have to walk around the base talking to people before getting out on a mission, meh.
Really? I didn't have much of a problem with it, as far as tutorial levels go. It briefly explains controls that you should already know, then it's like "Haha, by the way you already have a shitload of weapons at your disposal." Then you snipe some dudes, shoot a rat, shoot some dudes in a sewer, run around a bit, hack a door and it's over. I liked it. Running around the base afterwards was completely tedious though.
I'm a few missions in, rolled up a stealth/psi build but I'm not doing a whole lot of sneaking yet. Still really enjoying it. My impressions of the main pros and cons so far:
Text is too small, writing (or translation?) is poor, voice acting may as well be nonexistant. The voice acting thing only bothers me when someone (Mentor) is talking to you during a mission, without pausing gameplay, and you miss his lines because you're being attacked from 3 angles. Hope he's not saying anything important.
Visually the game is fantastic. I really just don't know how it manages to look so good on my unimpressive laptop. I am seriously impressed. Only a teensy bit of framerate-drop when there's a lot of action going on.
A little tweaking to the controls made them not awkward at all. Enter -> Alt and C -> Mouse Wheel Button, and I don't have any issues with controls. I don't know what they were thinking making the default action button Enter, though, on the other side of the keyboard from where your hand is supposed to be.
Combat is really tight and satisfying so far. Lots of fun switching from snipe to spray-and-pray and watching corpses pile up. Haven't tried many of the non-gunning-people-down mechanics, but they seem fleshed out enough to be useful later on.
So yeah, I'm happy with the purchase, hope I can put a few more hours in on my days off.