Round 1 - Turn 16
Altveria 4str|4dex|4per|4cha|D/chainblades w/guards|1/6 Min|0/3 Maj|+1 def +2 turn
[3] You attempt to attack RS1, but the chains get caught in your hands and you fail to attack! You then attempt to encourage Hikari to attack the first RS! He says he was going to already. Well, that's convenient.
Hikari 4str|4dex|4per|4cha|SWQS/Assault Rifle|2/6 Min|0/3 Maj|+1 attack +1 turn
[4] You turn towards RS1 and attempt to fire at it with your assault rifle! But, oh shit, you have no ammo! I bet if you tried to scrounge up ammo you would SURELY find some convenient assault rifle ammo, or you could try crafting it. Instead, you pull our quarterstaff from your back and use it instead! [5] RS1 seems to be occupied in scurrying around frantically, which leads to you not able to hit it. I guess panicking has some advantages, right...? Then, suddenly, Finn comes over to you, and stares you down. After a few seconds, you can no longer contain yourself. Those narrow fucking eyebrows, man... they will haunt you.... You scramble backwards and attempt to run away to the east! However, in all your panic you slip and fall onto the hard ground. You still have to escape those eyebrows, though.
Finn 4str|4dex|4per|4cha|Elec. KM|Dart-gun|4/6 Min|1/3 Maj|
[3] You turn and stride confidently towards Hikari, strutting ominously all the way. When you are right in front of him, you stare at him with narrowed eyebrows. You gives a nervous chuckle and steps back a pace, but you don't attack him... yet.
Urist 4str|4dex|4per|4cha|Titanium Spear|4/6 Min|1/3 Maj|*-1 def +1 turn*
[1] You attempt to jump down the crack that the Robo-Spiders came out of. I mean, surely there wouldn't be any more enemies hiding down there, right? Riiighhht? Shrugging your shoulders, you attempt to carefully start crawling down the hole... and you slip and fall directly on your face. Your extremely awkward position gives you a -1 to defense for this turn and the next turn!
Monk 4str|4dex|4per|4cha|Machete|4/6 Min|2/3 Maj|Charlotte
[6] Uttering a loud "HIIYYYAAAHAHAHAHA", you lunge at Urist with your machete! [5-1=4] He managed to lift his titanium spear just enough to ward off the blow, however. Damn, but there are always counter-strikes!
Robo-Spider 1 4/7 Min|0/3 Maj|
[2] Robo-Spider 1 twitches a little bit and shudders. Damn, the attacks on it seem to have seriously messed it up! Or at least a little bit...
Robo-Spider 2 2/7 Min|0/3 Maj|
[6] Robo-Spider 2 fares better than it's twitching brother, and spins its saw-blade towards Urist in confusing patterns! [1-1=0] Urist totally fails to even notice the attack coming towards him, and receives a critical hit! He gets 2 minor strikes and a major strike!
Robo-Spider 3 3/7 Min|0/3 Maj|
[1] Hrrm, the Robo-Spiders really seem to be breaking down. 3 just outright stabs itself in a metal leg, giving itself a minor strike. Hell, eventually their fairly shitty AI would simply wear them away!
Also Haika doesn't have a turn but on turn 17 if he/she posts Haika can do two actions.