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Author Topic: Succesion Dreammine - Gargoyle tower  (Read 10637 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #45 on: August 04, 2011, 05:32:50 pm »

Vulkus, how be things with your turn?
-if you aint started, please do so :) sorry for not being the best organiser-
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #46 on: August 05, 2011, 08:16:17 am »

Bump for the Bump God, Posts for the Post Throne.
Son of Slaanesh, full of desire, He does cocaine and his head's on fire! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Rider! Doom rider! Na na, na na!


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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #47 on: August 08, 2011, 10:10:00 am »

Vulkus messaged me, hes unable to take a turn, and crazycow is unable to as well, wich means Vortiman is up now.
ill PM him.

will ahve to put Vulkus and Crazy cow on dorfing list instead.
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #48 on: August 15, 2011, 05:31:25 am »

Skipping Vortiman since its been a week.

Street pizza its your turn.
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #49 on: August 15, 2011, 08:17:04 am »

I'd be happy to register for a turn, providing you don't mind having a bit of a newb on call. I feel like I'm a decent storyteller, though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #50 on: August 15, 2011, 10:34:04 am »

sure, the more the merrier.

I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #51 on: August 19, 2011, 07:24:48 am »

well, street pizza cant take a turn.
So now it is Sir Wannazaki.
hes been told, so hell take his turn in short order.
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #52 on: August 21, 2011, 09:51:25 am »

Beginnin' mah turn.
Son of Slaanesh, full of desire, He does cocaine and his head's on fire! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Rider! Doom rider! Na na, na na!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #53 on: August 21, 2011, 10:07:17 am »

1st of...hangover.  For some reason all of the dates of my journal have been systematically burned out with a cigarette. I have no idea why. Maybe goblins did it while i was asleep, though the note carved into the wall seems to be telling me i had a break down when i was told i would be running the place.  This festering, badly planned, utterly indefensible hellho- home. My beautiful scenic home. Beutiful...wonderful...happy...home-

Alright. My manager informs me i tried to drown myself in a barrel of prickleberry wine. It was taken off me. Some bastard let our production slide and now we can't even afford to let one depressed dwarf kill himself with this sub par, sour swill. Know what this reminds me of? wine. Oh wait. Thats the point. WHO RUNS THIS PLACE!? Changes will happen, skulls will be cracked! My girlfriend informs me i need a bath...i will take care of that. She is insisting that she goes with me to prevent me hanging myself with a shower curtain. That seems a rad redundant to me, to be frank. WE DON'T HAVE RUNNING WATER. Oh me.

Note to self: I hate the department of planning.

2nd of...the same hangover

GOBLINS ON MY DOORSTEP! I dont believe it. I wake up this pleasant morning picking wormy tendrils out of my teeth and i see goblins after going up sunside to throw up. There. Bold as brass. No one has killed them yet? It's goblin christmas! Best thing since plump helmets i'd say. Well. This day isn't TOO bad.

ps. Before i leave i am going to put standing orders to cook and clean all puppies in the fortress. I am absolute famish- er...our meat stocks are absurdly low. I will remedy that with delicious puppy meat.

2nd of hangover: the return of my dates are all burn holes

Whoever built our hideyhole cover is in serious need of being fed to the same goblins that elude me

Look at it? No room to grow crops, throw our refuse or even get a few trees! Seriously. Where did the founder of this place learn his trade? Dropped-on-head-as-childford University for the criminally insane?

Tradgedy has struck in our pitched, epic battle! That is to say we were ambushed as we rushed out to deal with the goblins on our doorstop. Upon which ogres, the big smelly brutes that they are jumped out of nowhere and punched our poor milita captain across the landscape. The poor bloke. Must be agony. Heres a picture i drew of it in his blood on some paper i had.

The poor bugger has lost a hand. Still. We will have a good laugh, i may suggest replacing the  limb with a mug.
Addition: Poor recruit, i never learned your name. Your body will be left for the wolves.

Curses! Chaos! Blood! Glory! An ambush within an ambush! Truly this is an unlucky year for us. Many good men have been SHOT AND KILLED. I am still out there personally hacking our greenskinned foes to pieces.

Nursing my wounds with a hot cup of mud from that encounter. The survivors are all back in save one: A poor fish dissector is being torn to shreds by an enraged ogre.  Heres an artists represenation:

25th of granite, found a new journal.

Two words: ELEPHANTS!...wait..thats one. Elephants were spotted. Maybe they will eat the last of the ogres. They are carnivorous right? With their adamantium tusks and gromril hides...

2nd of slate: MIGRANTS. Time to put them to work in the mines and training to replace losses. If i can just instill an all consuming hate of ogres and goblins, they will pass the hatred onto their unborn children a thousand fold, hundreds of screaming berserker babies hungry for goblin blood! And they bring meat! Walking, breathing, living meat but it's still meat. Baby llama...butcher it. Water buffalo...butcher it. Awh is that you sweet baby kitty? Butcher it. Next!

15th of slate

This place is growing on me. The expanded fortress is almost complete so it is reasonably sized, no ogres have tried to eat my juicy dwarf eyeball and the best thing of all? I have sorta kinda a bit got some stocks going. We have drink! finally! And space! And babie canines! Oh what a glorious world i live in, i might not have to kill myself afterall.

5th of felsite

It appears a reindeer calf and an adorable alpacca survived my meaty genocide. Butcher 'em if you will Mr. Stibbins. What? Learn your name? NEVER!

11th of Felsite

Still no beer. I don't know what those morons below are doing with all of those extra crafting stations i set up with orders to produce barrels, jugs and pots. Probably picking their noses and sucking grit if i know them, which i do.

13th of Felsite:

Okay the beekeepers are faster on the uptake than ...everyone else. Hives are set up, bees are installed. We should have a few casks of mead before the years out. I wonder if i could persuade them to put one aside for me...

14th of Felsite

Elven caravan spotted. I almost swallowed my mug in rage. How dare those poncy, swanning, pointy eared uppity tree lovers come here with their cloth and their highwood boots demanding i, the great Wannazzaki, slayer of ogres (and one elf) trade? Well. I will show them what it means to demand anything of me!...Look. Look at them. Waving their slender arms with no guards. The arrogance!

AMBUSH! CURSE THEM!...still. If i can repel the goblins i can take all of the elven produce.

15th of Felsite

The elves left before i could rob them blind. Damn those goblins. What makes matters worse is that they are being followed by a herd of elepants. I can see them from here! Trumpeting in bloodlust, hungry for dwarven flesh! We must do something about this. The wall is yet to be fully complete and any manner of beast could get in without warning.

Victory! The goblins have been run off, my subordinate managed to cleave the head off a green foe, i chased a pair out of sight. No kills for my, but i saw their fear, their soul shattering terror at my fearsom blade and my even more fearsom warcry. As i write this i am congratulated, but i did nothing but release a warriors mighty bellow.

A tradgedy. A casualty from our last fight has finally given up the goat. Died of thirst i was told, such a pity. The upside is he was carrying a kings ransom worth of ammunition. Why a brewer had it in bed i have no idea. Must have been a strange fetish of his.

19th of Felsite: Im sick of puppies.

Another ambush. This could be an extention of the previous, too fearful of my wrath to show their faces until now.

20th of Felsite

THEY ARE IN THE FORTRESS! We have lost good men. A jewelcrafter, a metalsmith, a cook and a fisherdwarf. We got there as quickly as possible but we could not save them. The green menace has been driven out and the wall complete. This should not happen again.

22nd of Felsite:

I AM DEAD. I was ambushed. Again. I was driven away from my compatriots by 5 goblins, i did all i could. But it was too much, having killed two of my attackers a wily swordsman bisected my lower half from my upper. As i write this my kinsmen flee in terror from a floating, muttering notebook. What is wrong with these people? Have they never seen a ghost before?

26th of Felsite:

A snatcher has made off with a child. I feel i should be outraged, sadly i lack glands.

1st of Hematite

Summer has arrived. Blood everywhere, body parts littering the place. The walls keep us sealed in. We have some above ground land now for what meagre trees we can get from it and plants we can gather. I will write on my replacements wall to get into those caverns we hear so much about.

4th of Hematite

Hah! We did it! We found the place where the goblins killed the elven traders. 10 barrels of swamp whiskey for the taking and a few other bits and pieces. But why would goblins leave swamp whiskey? I would suggest a trap, poisoned. But as soon as we discovered it the thirsty dwarvens dashed to retrieve it and drank the lot. No one died.

Upon closer inspection we also have aquired a few barrels of gnomeblight. Well i suppose i could make a melting pit for any gnomes we run across. Dubious use unless im feeling particularly sadistic.

13th of Hematite:

A valiant miner ran out to fetch a former milita captain. We discovered him gravely wounded and incapacitate. Half way back our valiant miner sufferent an attack of narcolepsy, dropping our survivor and using him as a bed. Huh. And i thought i had problems.

1st of Malachite

Usuth the peasant has been possessed. And it is absolutely nothing to do with me.

12th of Malachite

Migrants. Bringing more walking delectables. That poor peasant has been muttering in his workshop. I fear he will go insane if we dont find someone to cut a few gems.

25th of Malachite

I have sealed us in for our own safety. Besides one vandal of a broker i half half a mind to flay alive everyone is doing well. Meat, prepared meals and drinks are relatively available so no one is going hungry..still. I feel this fort could be greater...but for this we need magma and metal. I fear in my current position i am not the one to take our mighty settlement to these grand heights. But maybe inspiration will hit me.

26th of Malachite

Our peasant has in fact begun his constrtuction! I am eager to see what he produces

2nd of galena.

A magnificent ring has been produced!

25th of Limestone

Absolutely bugger all is happening. This spirit is getting bored. Even my kith and kin have stopped fleeing at the sight of my notepad scrawling away. There is nothing for me here, i spent a week living in a barrel of beer. Not what its cracked up to be. I think i have ghostly footrot from the wet.

13th of Sandstone

Rhino have been spotted towards the east, one or two curious about our wall


21st of Sandstone

The broker has withdrawn from society. That bastard has broken two thrones with his damn tantrums. He had better be making me  a new chair! Maybe a nice pair of shoes.

And migrants! Lovely cannon fodder!

11th of Timber

A caravan from the mountainhomes has arrived. lets hope they dont die.

An ambush. Its a good thing we are sealed in! After a generous 'donation' of everything our brothers brought us i am hauling it back underground. Once thats done i will lock the gates and lower the drawbridge. Hopefully our kinsmens armsmen will deal with them. If not we will recover their weapons and armour to avenge them later.

22nd of Timber

That broker Thilkut finally decided to make something. His ass must really have been going strong with his thumbs

27th of Timber. Another ambush. Those idiot goblins are firing savlo after savlo at the drawbridge. I almost regret having to eventually lower it. Almost

In other news that whingy broker sod made us something nice. Not quite a throne but it will do.

29th of Timber

Turns out we have a mayor. Who knew?

7th of Moonstone

The goblins left of their own accord, the whole buggering lot of them. Must have been three dozen of the mouldy green buggers. The bad news is as they left some ogres appeared who will Not go away. Come closer you hairy, fat bastard...this bridge has a present for you.

14th of opal

Another ambush, another attack while letting our kinsmen out. they escaped by a goblins hand kept a door open. We lost more good men...winter is drawing to a close, i feel as though i cannot keep command much longer.

12th of Obsidian

A lovely parting gift to be sure. A cyclops appears on the horizon bellowing and raging incomprehensible gibberish. Im glad my kinsmen are sealed within the safety of the earth.

13th of Obsidian

Good news! The goblins assaulted the cyclops, the cyclops has killed two but now it is down for the count, being hacked into pieces by its assailants. Hah! Fantastic. Now we wont have to deal with it.

My year is up. May whoever finds this abandoned journal take up the mantle. Or abandon it once more. I will be watching!

« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 07:10:48 am by Wannazzaki »
Son of Slaanesh, full of desire, He does cocaine and his head's on fire! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Rider! Doom rider! Na na, na na!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #54 on: August 21, 2011, 02:43:35 pm »

Sygnus it be thou turn :)

warhammer references are brilliant.
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #55 on: August 22, 2011, 01:23:55 am »

I'd like to sign up, if I may.  I'll dorf myself, looks like ‼FUN‼ is around every corner and I may not survive if I claim too soon  ;D
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2011, 05:05:29 am »

Khenal - added to turn list. good luck.

in general: well rotate turns if we get to the end of the current list, but if people keep joinning well keep going. ill also run by those who had to skip due to school etc if we have to do second turns.

also: be appreciative if people could dwarf those on the list then let me know who is dorfed so i can cross their names off etc.
Wannazzaki needs dorfing again as well. :)
« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 05:07:07 am by Karakzon »
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2011, 05:42:47 am »

Armok grant me a new body! Preferably one without a mangina. I have a bone to pick with some goblins.
Son of Slaanesh, full of desire, He does cocaine and his head's on fire! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Rider! Doom rider! Na na, na na!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2011, 12:34:08 pm »

I probably should have mentioned ogres.

We have ogres.
"College? Dude, I played Dwarf Fortress. My diploma menaces with spikes of knowledge."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Succesion Game - Dreammine Signing up now!
« Reply #59 on: August 22, 2011, 02:15:49 pm »

Requesting a turn. :P

Make me somebody absolutely useless.
Urist McImmigrant: "What?! Hey! What's going onnn---aaaaRRRGGHH!!"
Urist McSurgeon: "Must remove the rot, yes.  This one is unclean, ssssss.  Purity of essence, yesss."
Urist McImmigrant has suffocated.
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