Depending on how closely you'd like to mirror it..
A caveat though: By "large stone peak" I mean about 3 z-levels tall. I figure I can lower the rest of the world to make it taller, as needed.
I found the site by searching for:
Clay (Y)
Aquifer (N)
Flux stone (Y)
Deep metals (M)
Shallow metals (M)
River (Y)
The initial site is in the central area of the map, on a small mountain range. HOWEVER, I started a second fortress in the same world (mistakes were made... <_<) which is slightly southwest of the original site.. It has similar geography, but this site is also AWASH in bubble bulb.. which I hope could lead to unicorn cavalry. Or at least unicorn-leather armor.
The amended proposition is now this: the original tower shall be carved whole from the living rock, left as-discovered for polishing and engraving the history of the fortress "Sandearths." The top of this main tower will be left as a unicorn pasture. I will then pave a section of sky, centered on the unicorn pasture, and irrigate it for use as farmland/woodland.
8 smaller towers, linked by walls, will enclose both the central site and the sky-prairie. I haven't yet decided whether these will be extruded-obsidian, or metal walls with gemstone gates as in the book of Revelations.. The sky-prairie will be sealed in from above by a roof of clear glass, and the extended ground-level "courtyard" between the exterior wall and the original tower will be flooded with magma, with passage into the fortress achieved via a glass tunnel UNDER the magma (affording elven caravans a preview of their eventual destination.) Defense of the glass tunnel shall be accomplished in the usual fashion (death traps, etc.) This seems sufficiently dwarfy to me.
Update: Gah. Site is too small for the design as proposed! Back to the dwarfing board..