Liheart City Asylum, a queer place with a long terrible history. The locals around the Asylum stay as far away from it as they can, and they refuse to answer any questions about it. It is said that the evil spirits of the dead patients live in that Asylum, and most of the locals actually believed that for a time. But after a time, superstition fades. But is it for better or for worse?
For one reason or another, your all inside this Asylum. Either working here, living here, or visiting here for another reason. Your all going about your business when you hear a loud scream, and you all rush to see what happened. You all arrive in a large, empty room to see a man with his stomach cut open and his neck slit. You all step away from fear until a tall man runs into the room.
"Nobody Move! I run this damn place and no one is going anywhere, there is obviously a killer among us!" you all notice the man is holding a large pistol...
"Now, this is how everything is going to go down. I'm not letting a damn soul outside of this asylum until whoever killed this man is dead, and so help me god if you try to escape I'll shoot you before you can even take a step out the door!"
He slams the nearby exit and locks it, he waves his pistol around again for effect. "Now, everyone go to sleep
Engraved into a nearby wall is "Don't trust anything."
Day 1 has Begun!
Powder Miner:
Urist Imknorris:
Remember everyone, there are no weird game changing mechanics. It all lies in the roles.