I'm interested in giving them a heads up if you try it. I'm not sure how much wiggle room you have here, however. I tried to make a colour scheme myself for the tileset, fiddled with it for a while, only to return to your Natural colour scheme. Every palette I whipped up, as well as the ones on page 5 here, had colours that looked quite nice together, but failed at making an interesting world. Everything ended up looking either too washed out, or I had a palette that worked well on your handy preview image, yet failed to pop out in game. Yellow can't be too dull, or else it drags everything else down. The greens from your Natural set don't look as nice as your Warm colour scheme when I look at the palette, as the Warm colours work better together, but as soon as I fire them up in game I prefer the Natural set. I'm intrigued by the possibility of a hellish colour scheme.
tl;dr I'm interested in what you come up with.