About Eragon, it's because he ripped off several "classic" fantasy books / sci fi movies to write it. Main complaint: it's completely derivative of what we've already read or seen.
I mean he wrote it and was published at 15 years old.
"The Ra'zac" = "The Nazgul" from Lord of the Rings for example. and There's a LOT more examples of "seen it before".
The synopsis reads like 1/2 Star wars / luke skywalker story. and 1/2 Lord of the Rings / Frodo story.
It's even got the house burning scene from star wars, and the "There's nothing keeping me here anymore" thing.
If I read something new, I want something NEW not something I read already.
Eragon = Lord Of The Rings + Star Wars + Dragonriders Of Pern.
The Pern series shits on Eragon. Pern society is a completely unique creation, with political intrique, unique customs and enemies, a unique world history and rationale and currently up to 22 published novels (I've read about half of that though), spanning 2500+ years from the first settlement of the planet Pern.
EDIT: Looks like we may actually see the first Pern movie be filmed starting in 2012
About f-ing time (it's been cancelled a few times due to ppl trying to push shitty scripts and changes. f-ing
Warner Brothers wreck everything: according to wiki the proposed "changes" made it more like Buffy the Vampire Slayer than the original novels, heheh). Let's hope it's good, and people go see it. There's at least 12 novels set in this time period, they're starting with the original novel "Dragonflight", which was the first one I ever read
I doubt they can sustain 12 movies financially, though it would be really nice. Maybe we can see a Pern anime series eventually?