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Author Topic: The Dwarves of Gildbends  (Read 882 times)


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The Dwarves of Gildbends
« on: July 26, 2011, 06:07:43 pm »

( Here I am going to post narrative and maps of my tundra fort Gildbends. I am using a mod I have been making involving orcs, lizardmen and some other game tweaks. I hope you's enjoy the snippets of storytelling. These will all be shaped around the actual events happening so even i wont know exactly what im going to write before the events happen. I will update as significant events or characters happen. So please sit back and enjoy the ongoing work that is Gildbends )

Spring of the year 1001

Libash Rakustkulal looked out amidst the seemingly endless glacier. His band of pioneers had left even the tundra behind many days before. And before that the forests and mountains of their homeland. Their home kingdom 'The livid picks' sent them to find new delving's far from the mountainhomes in an attempt to find new riches under the earth and spread the influence of the dwarven kingdoms. So they set off north in attempt to find a new home.

Libash held his hand up for the caravan to halt. The semi frozen timbers of the wagon protesting from the conditions and the damage of the long journey. The procession of 6 other dwarves that joined Libash stopping in their steps.
 'We stop here.' He announces in a gruff voice. Pulling the reigns from his seat on the wagon
The announcement greeted by a murmur from the assembled group. Limul Nakasmafol. The sole trained warrior of the group trudges forward. Brushing some snow from his Helmet and long raven black braided beard . The motion eliciting an audible clink from his mail shirt and breastplate. His trusty silver warhammer held in one hand. Hiring on and equipping the warrior had been Libash's single biggest expense when organizing the expedition. But the stoic Dwarf had been a constant reassuring presence for the group on their travels.
'Are you sure Libash? All we've seen this past few days is unending Ice. I'm sure were being followed as well.. There are shapes out in the darkness when we camp here I don't like the look of.'
He reflexively tightens his hands grip on his hammer for emphasis.
'I've seen them to.. But we haven't much choice. With the supplies we have we either take the risk of starving going back south or make our mark here. Perhaps below the Ice we find our new homeland. In the bones of the earth. Break up the wagon and get ready to dig you lot. We've got plenty of work ahead!" He says as he gathers a pick from the wagon to begin his work.

After several weeks of excavations finally the staircase pierces a vast underground cavern. Not unlike a twisting canyon with plateaus and grottoes. The muddy ground is covered in various moss with tree like fungus that looks fit for cutting down. As well as plants for gathering. Not a moment is wasted to start bringing down what little remains of their supplies. The draft animals pastured for the time being in the moss fields and a stockpile for food set aside whilst plant plots are set up to sustain the group. Allowing them to survive whilst the fortress proper is excavated. Whilst tired and lacking many creature comforts. It at least looks like the Dwarves of Giltbends don't look like they'll starve any time soon.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 08:35:17 am by Lexx »


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Re: The Dwarves of Gildbends
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2011, 06:08:23 pm »

Come the Autumn caravan Giltbends is thriving. The population rising to 18 stalwart dwarves. Despite the constant menace of troglodytes the miners manage to finish the entrance hall and more permanent storage for food and refuse. Limul Nakasmafol now has an elk bird, 2 troglodytes and a giant mole as kills to his name. The last one after the mole had somehow snuck into the food storage and drank half of the stores. 84 booze and a whole barrel of elk bird meat. A frentic chase ensued and eventually the beast was laid low. And is now being butchered to make up for some of stores it ruined.

The caravan from the mountainhomes arrived just prior to winter to find a small but bustling settlement. What had started out as a small group of dwarven pioneers was beginning to take some shape as civilization. Under the cavern floor a small, efficient settlement is growing. Cog the caravans leader watched locals from varied origins till new fields, chopping down cave fungus trees and bringing in fresh fish from the deeper caverns. passing into the branch-off coridoor leading to the entrance of the Giltbends he notices a mechanic hard at work. Rigging up some cages to a cunningly designed system of counterweights. Thinking better to not disturb the dwarf in his vital work he continues on. leading his caravan onward. Passers by casually greeting him as they pass. Giving their well wishes and obviously pleased to see the settlements first caravan. A lifeline with the mountainhomes and a source for any materials the fort cant supply itself. Which in this wilderness could mean the difference between famine and fortune.

A dwarf in robes and a neatly combed moustache appears as they reach the main door of the settlement. From his dress and demeanour Cog decided it was safe to assume this to be the expedition leader. Libash Rakustkulal extends his arms wide in greeting as the group approaches. Taking Cogs hand firmly in both hands to shake it in greeting.
 'Welcome to Giltbends brehtren! I'm glad you found us safely. The icefields are harsh at this time of year. Come, come and let us get to business." He says as he ushers the group past the thick granite doors. To one side of them standing an armored dwarf armed with a silver hammer. His helmet off and held at the hip. He nods to Cog in greeting as they pass before continuing a conversation with one of the forts masons.

'You seem to have taken to your new home well Libash. Im impressed. For all this to occur in a year. It's a wonder you did not freeze on the wastes! I thought nothing good could come of living in such a place..' Libash grins and nods whilst the dwarf talks. His hands behind his back as they walk at the head of the caravan.
'Yes it has been fortuitous times for us. Without Limul back there though to keep the Troglodytes in check though we would've been overrun. As it is we've had a few people with cuts and bruises. But nothing worse thankfully. Though even him alone wont be able to look after all of us the way things are. The next migrants we get with military experience will form a squad to work with him. All the surface bears for us are yetis.. Strange creatures. Thankfully they keep their distance from us and we do the same with them. So far at least..'
'But enough of the past. let us see what goods you bring to trade!' The two laugh easily as they head deeper into the forts trading hall and warehouse area.

( Map of Gildbends late winter 1001 )
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 06:09:56 pm by Lexx »


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Re: The Dwarves of Gildbends
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2011, 07:14:59 pm »

I like it!


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Re: The Dwarves of Gildbends
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2011, 07:30:03 am »

I like it!

Thankyou :).

On the 26th of slate 1002 a large group of dwarves arrive at gildbends. Hearing of the hopes of a new life and better prospects to be had leaving the mounatinhomes 21 dwarves plus animals and children arrive seeking a new start. The extra labor is greatly accepted. As things are. There are always jobs needing done but not enough time for the towns current residents to accomplish it all. This sharp rise in population should go a long way to helping that.

Thankfully some of the group brought some individuals with some semblance of combat experience. Mostly younger males who know their way around using an axe. With a few hunters also. Libash noted one on the list who was an experienced bowyer. He made a mental note to talk to Limul, now commander of the forts fledgling militia, about organizing a squad of crossbowmen led by the most experienced of the newly arrived hunters. And outfitted by the bowyer. Perhaps before any serious threats worse than troglodytes emerge they'd have a standing force ready to see off any invaders. He hoped to himself.

On a similar note. He had been pleased by reports from mining teams carving out store rooms and living space finding small veins of Tetrahedrite. Whilst copper wasn't the best material for armor it was better than nothing, The silver would be a great boon to the towns wealth and prestige. Though he preferred if he could find himself some gold. We would have to issue orders for the planning of a charcoal industry and smelters to be built this summer so that the militia would be well armed. He mused to himself. As well as plenty of bolts crafted from bone to supply hunters and crossbowdwarves.

Libash paused for a moment from pouring over the latest reports and took a long drink from his mug of Dwarven Ale. Though not his favorite drink it would do till he could see about buying in some whip wine or seeds to grow some of their own in the surface topsoil level. He smacked his lips slightly at the prospect of a good keg of whip wine. It had been what.. a year? two years since he had some? Maybe he would have to see about setting up a supply of that as soon as the tasks at hand allowed. Sitting at the head of a long line of granite tables and chairs the new grand dining hall to-be served as a focal point for the budding community. Whilst the floors and walls were still rough rock and the rooms capacity was far from full for chairs and tables it would make a fine place for the community to hold festivals and as a place of refuge in more dire times. Now though it was very quiet. The grand space only disturbed by a few solitary dwarves finishing installing the halls doors and clearing out some excess stone deposits from the excavation work.

Before he returned to his work Libashes thoughts were interrupted by a dwarf approaching him across the room. One of the newcomers if his recognition was right.
'Overseer. Sorry to disturb ye. But it's Zasit. The bone carver. Hes taken a funny turn. People say hes touched by the gods. He has claimed a workshop for himself and is scouring the refuse heap for bones. To make what we don't know.. I thought you should know.'
Libashs features changed to quiet surprise at the news. This could be quite auspicious that the elder gods had decided to visit this upon one of his people. Or bode great ill..
'Take me to him. I want to see what he ends up making. Quickly.' He adds and sets off to find the divine-touched dwarf.


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Re: The Dwarves of Gildbends
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2011, 07:55:09 am »

Zasit Athamathel kept working away. Hed found what the voices had told him to search for. They had started so suddenly. When he heard them he knew had to heed their call. there was just nothing else he could do. Over the following days he had laboriously worked in his claimed workshop. Not letting another soul nearby and only replying to their questions with 'Iromthoth'. It was all he could manage to say whilst he worked. It was the focus of all his awareness.

Finally he completed the finishing touches to his work. Finishing insetting the last piece of elk bird bone in place he gingergly picked up and admired his work. A large yak bone earring with interlacing strips of Elk bird and mule bone. He staggered out of the workshop to the waiting expedition leader. He simply thrust the item to the dwarfs hands saying one word 'Iromthoth' before walking away to finally find some food and drink now that the voices had left him be. Libash simply looked down at the trinket. He hadn't seen any work of its like before. The few other assembled dwarf crowded around to look at the workmanship. But didn't know if it was some sort of omen. Or merely a dwarf who had spent too much time on the ice fields finding a way to channel his emotions. Though for whatever reason the craftsmanship of the piece was undeniable.

Maybe time would tell.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 07:57:00 am by Lexx »


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Re: The Dwarves of Gildbends
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2011, 10:25:57 am »

At the start of malachite a terrifying beast from the ages past was spotted. An Ankylosaurid dubbed by the name 'Ad Mudoo'. A giant for its kind with external ribs and a poisonous sting attached to its huge hammerlike tail.

Hastily assembling his rag-tag trainee militia. Limul Nakasmafol set to meet the beast. A hunter reportred the beast last slumbering by a large pool of water off to the northeast of the fort on the first cavern level. Looking at the assembled militia he grimaced. Barely any proper training. And even less time to arm and armor them properly bar several mail shirts bought from winters caravan. Mostly youths with no essential skills to the forts functioning. They lent themselves to the forts defense. Though a few had some past experience with a weapon. The majority were farm laborers or haulers. In his mind he sighed and told himself it would have to do. What he would give for 9 of his old shieldmates to be armed and armored by his side..

The atmosphere in the gateroom was tense. They knew just what they faced. A terror from the old times when the world was young. As soon as the alarm had been raised the expedition leader had ordered all non military inside the fort and the doors sealed till the crisis was over. Huddled in the hall the rest of the fort would be consoling each other and trying to raise spirits no doubt. Singing songs of ancestor deeds or getting drunk to forget the evil outside their home.

'Listen up! I know you all are doubting. And fear what may come. But know this. Whatever may happen you. You fight for your new brethren and families. To uphold our honor so that future generations can look back and say. 'Those few. Those resolute dwarves stood firm. Despite what they faced. They were true paragons of what it means to be a dwarf.'

'Now I ask you all. Who here values their honor? Their duty? Let us show this beast our mettle and make it in its dieing thoughts rue the day it decided to try picking on Gildbends! To arms lads!' Limul roared. Punching his fist in the air for emphasis.
In response the roused squad of dwarves roared in kind to the speech. Each raising fists and weapons into the air. The words seemingly had roused their racial pride. To dishonor your ancestors or descendants with your deeds was something any true dwarf dare not think of. Family and honor being sacrosanct.

The group of ten dwarves followed their commanders lead. Slowly and warily moving in formation across the wide cavern floor. The beasts size meant it was less likely to be able to ambush them. But Limul was taking no chances and told the squad to stay together. They walked through a small valley-like dip in the base of the cavern. On each side of them towering fungi-wood and towercap trees reached up to form a loose canopy with their wide flat tops. The air flowing in a slight, slow steady breeze carried from the circulation from interlinking caverns and tunnels. Spongy moss covering most of the cave floor. Rich and fit for grazing animals. With the odd bare rock and scree bed found here and there. Morul. An axedwarf from the southlands. Walked at the vanguard of the the unit. His axe in hand. He gripped it tensely as he scanned the passing undergrowth. The youth was the best axedwarf they had available and since he came to the fort with all his own hunting gear he offered his services in hunting the beast. In his mind he could see himself showered in wealth and famed across the kingdoms and hames of the land. The beast slayer. He mused to himself. Thinking of what glory he would gain from his acts.

Limul led his squad up a slope at the far end of the valley. ' We near the waterfront. Keep your wits about you.' was all he said. Look each dwarf sternly in the eyes as to remind them of their duty and the dishonor that would follow if they fled. For a dwarf to leave his battle-kin behind in an attempt to only save oneself was deemed fit for banishment. And worse punishment in other lands.
 The land slowly tilted upwards. A loamy slope that wasn't too hard to climb. At the top the squad could see off in the distance a decent sized body of water. Though still the water was fresh and used as the forts primary water supply. Though other sources further down in the recently discovered second cavern below were to be had. This was so far accepted as the safer option. Most times.. The fungal trees thinning out and the plantlife more sparse increasingly as they neared the shore of the small lake.

Silence reigned over the shore. Bar the odd ripple from the lake of fish swimming the silence hung heavy over the assembled militia. Some uttered barely audible chants to themselves. Others eyes darted to and fro at possible ambush locations. others merely stood quietly. Weapons gripped in hand. Ready to face what evil may come.
'Do you think its moved on?'
'I don't see it. Do you?'
'Where do you suppose it is? Could the hunter be wrong?' One voice questioned hopefully.

One dwarf. Iden Zulbanthob walked closer to the waters edge. He thought he saw movement but wasn't sure. He leaned forward to get a better look. Was that a fish? No.. wait.. a..
Just as he was about to shout out a warning a plume of water exploded from the depths of the lake. Rising like some volcanic eruption from the deep water a huge armored reptile emerged. Rearing up on its hind legs. Nearly all its massive body covered in an overlapping layer of obsidian-like scales. The sides of its squat, thick head lined with a row of craggy, bony spikes from just above its eyes to the base of its tail. A huge hammerlike club tapering to a single serrated barb at the end oozing a noxious venom.
Letting out a scream. The breath finally no longer caught in his lungs Iden shouted at the top of his voice.
'AD MUDOOOOOOO-' His warning cry cut off prematurely as the beast swung its rear club-tail. With a sickening crunch that sounded more like a large amount of meat being smashed into a by a boulder, Iden was sent flying through the air. His dead frame landing amongst two of his shieldmates sending them tumbling. The beast came back down on all fours with a roar of defiance. Its deep set eyes glowering with a contempt that can only be borne from an intelligence that has seen ages come and go. Races and kingdoms rise, peter out and fall. And having found them all wanting.

'Don't just stand there. KILL THE THING!' Limul bellowed. Before seeing if any of the dwarves had heard him he let loose a furious bellow and set off at a run. His armor barely seeming to impede his progress. before the beast could react. Limuls hammer bore down on it. Striking with singular fury and force on the creatures flank. Eliciting a roar of rage from the beast. Bringing its tail-weapon to bear again. This time scything the air with its serrated extremity. Limul barely ducking the poisonous barb as it sailed overhead. The beast uttering a further roar of annoyance. The sheer volume and bass of it vibrating through the cavern floor and in the chests of the surviving dwarves.

Taken by their leaders brazen bravery. The other dwarves as once screamed their war cries and rushed the beast. Spears thrust at the creatures hide. Trying to find gaps in the prospective scale. Defending it as good as any dwarven craft could its wearer. Distracted by Limuls first attack the creature had momentarily forgotten the other puny creatures existence. Hammers crashed against the creatures rear limbs and an axe blade actually scored a slice into the side of the creatures belly. The giant reptile kicked out with a rear foot. Sending several dwarves scattering away with a flick. Then raising its tail and reversing the swing abruptly The serrated tip transfixing the offending axedwarf through its top right chest, shearing through bone and spine and protruding out the base of the back. The dwarf bubbled blood in shock that he had died so suddenly. The poison in the bladed tail nearly isntantly turning the skin pale and draining it of all color. With another flick the pale corpse of Morul slumped off the floor as it brought the deadly weapon around for another swing.

Now incensed. The dwarves set to the beast. The air stank of sweat, blood and bodily fluids. Limul time and again roaring challenges and fixing the beasts attention bringing his hammer to strike at the beast. Striking and shearing off scales and pounding the muscle beneath. Several more spears found their mark and plunged into the monsters underbelly. Causing it to become incensed in its movements. One hammer dwarf managed to stay gripping to the beasts armored back. using the overlapping scaled as hand and foot holds whilst he took swings at the creatures head. It wasnt long before the terror was bleeding profusely from several deep wounds.

In frustration it snapped out with its mouth. Blunt massive flat teeth pulverizing the right arm of a speardwarf. Dropping his weapon in crippling pain as he fell away. Trying to cradle the limb. Nearly completely destroyed but still hanging uselessly from his shoulder. The beast then rounding on the dwarf beside him. Smashing into his left side with its armored skull. Breaking most of the bones in his left limbs.

The battle raged on. But the damage was done. Though it roared ceaselessly. Its movements slowing from blood loss and injury. Limul swung again with his hammer into the beasts front legs. Finally shattering the beasts right kneecap. Its bulk giving way from the sudden loss of support. With a cry of pain it plowed into the ground. Turning of moss and shearing rock from the cavern floor. Its eyes flickering and its breathing labored.

Though covered in gore and blood and his armor battered. Limul was otherwise unwounded. Panting he trudged up and climbed the beasts back. The monster flaying the air with its tail but no longer strong enough to bring the weapon to bear. It kept trying to thrash its unresponsive body in an attempt to dislodge the dwarf. But he would not move. Finally he reached the top of its head. Rearing the hammer back in both hands overhead. He bellowed a single word.
'GILDBEEEEEEEEENDS' he puncutated the end of his shout with bringing the hammer down. With a mighty crack. A portion of the beasts skull caved in. Falling limply with a crash and ceasing its movements except for a few nerveless twitches. Its final breathe escaping its lungs. A few still moments passed whilst the survivors realised the deed was done. As one they roared in victory. Exalting oath and cheers. Before setting to gathering the wounded and dead.

And so ended the terror that was Ad Mudoo. Killed at the hands of the dwarves. It's body dragged back to the fort and butchered for a great victory feast was held to celebrate the victory and honor those who had made the ultimate sacrifice of their lives in the name of the forts protection. Their bodies interred in the forts new crypt level. Adding a tinge of melancholy that it was the first time the fledgling town needed one. And no doubt the last. The funeral song and victory chants would go on for days.

For they were dwarves. Doing as dwarves do.

( Just so you know that is pretty much the good parts of the fight. 64 pages of combat. The creature did kill those dwarves that I mention and did most of the wounds listed. And Ad Mudoo was killed by the commander forcing the skull through the brain. The manner in which he did was mainly for dramatic tension. As always Ill try to keep to the story the game tells but am not above a little creative license where I think it might enrich the process.

Hope you enjoy. )
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 10:41:16 am by Lexx »