•Do not pick a fight or insult another poster. Do not continue a fight if you feel you have been insulted. Report it to the moderator. If you instead respond in kind, you run the risk of being considered part of the problem.
•Despite its prevalence on the internet, bigoted language is frowned upon here. Do not go there.
•Do not disrupt a thread with spam, giant images or intentionally garbled language. Screenshots and so on that make sense in context are also allowed, but image spam is not allowed. Forum games may use giant images but only in the spirit of the game as defined by the OP.
•If the creator of a thread gives appropriate additional guidelines for an individual thread, please try to respect them. Threads often drift away from their opening themes here, and there isn't a strong sense of thread "ownership", so there's a gray area, but if a thread has been designed for a specific purpose, please try to adhere to that, especially if the creator urges you to do so. Do not derail threads.
•If you post links to illegal material (files that are being illegally distributed, ie unsanctioned commercial game/music torrents/downloads, etc.) or post illegal images (or images that would have been behind 18+ warnings, etc.), you will be banned. Don't ask for links or otherwise ask to be directed to places where you can download/obtain things like that either, even if the situation is somewhat more lax in your locality.
•Do not discuss sexually oriented material. There are exceptions to this rule, such as passing discussions of sexual content in movies, books, computer games, etc. in topics not directed specifically at the sexual material in question, but no sexually themed topics are allowed. Sharing erotic images and erotic roleplaying are not permitted. If you want to turn each other on, there are plenty of outlets for that. This is not one of them. Please refrain from sharing your sex life.
These are the forum guidelines that I read, I see no part of that in there. Honestly I'm lost on to where this rule of the forums came from.