Wow. This is all so messed up.
I am Catholic and my family is from Syria (95% Muslim there) and I can tell you Muslims get so much hate for no reason. My family has lived there forever and they are treated as exactly the same as anyone else, and has NEVER ever been harassed because of our religion. We have plenty of Muslim friends overseas and over here two of my best friends are Muslims (well, one is an Atheist).
But I have a question. How is this man NOT a terrorist? If this was a Muslim, even a lone-wolf, he would have been called a Terrorist no matter what. People saying he's just an insane Murderer are basically defending his actions. It doesn't matter if someone says "God told me to do this" right before he detonates a bomb, kills eight people, then goes and guns down 90 more, he is a no-good filthy extremist and will certainly find no peace in the afterlife. Condolences to any family affected.
Exactly this, times a thousand. Seriously, I could come out Satanist,Wiccan,Anti theist, Cthulhu worshipper or pastafarian and I would get no schtick, but if I came out Muslim, oh boy would there be ridicule. Now let's look at the majority of people who have helped start these wars and religious crusades against a people who are only in the small minority committing acts of terror. White and Christian, well I'll be damned.
They make it out that the U.S and the U.K are the good guys, but what sort of good guys attack a country under grounds of "possible weapons of mass destruction", and "Osama bin laden could be here", then occupy it, and when they finally complete their goals don't withdraw?
Also have you noticed how the mainstream media does nothing against this? In the 60s there was protest songs, in the 70s, and at one point in the 80s a little girl wrote a letter to the Russia president. But now? Turn on your TV's, turn on the music channels, turn on the news channels, turn on your Xbox 360s/PS3s and play a modern day based FPS. I assure you, there is only one side of the story hear.
For a country founded on religious freedom the U.S sure as hell hate anyone who's not Christian/ close enough to Christianity. And it's not just Muslims, Buddhists in Tibet suffer, yet they do nothing. not to mention the U.S supplied, armed and practically created Al-Qaeda.
Look at this, the production of Opium in Afghanistan has actually gone up and spiralled out of control, while the taliban actually banned the crop! Is this the ways of a good country, or a country that only wants other to burn and crumble?
EDIT: Also, before people say "But the taliban helped Al-Qaeda" The taliban offered to turn over bin laden providing he would get a trial in a neutral country, however both the U.S.A and U.K refused. I hate to invoke godwins law here, but they gave the nazis trials, who were responsible for far worse crimes.