Thanks for the link, i didn't knew he changed his website.
Still an awesome game.
Got a run that went well for a few floor, my quickly found sledgehammer being very good at sledgehammering things , managed to get rid of that horrible Brown Jenkis rat , but his owner, Keziah Mason, teleported away after summoning a few rats and worms that fell to the sledgehammer power.
Ran into few cultists that learned they weren't immune at all to mighty sledgehammer, and so far i was so good, didn't used my dynamites and had a bunch of molotov .
And another cultist came, i should have been more alerted because the P was blue, meaning that wasn't the average cultist, and indeed, the guy gestured and i went *paralyzed* , and out of nowhere a pack of rat thing came to help the cultist (i don't think he summoned them tough) , and everyone happily punched and bite my hopeless character.
Until the paralysis disappeared, i was surprised my guy was still alive, i hammered immediately the closest creature, a rat thing, hoping the cultist would close in, and he did ... another gesture *paralyzed*
Of course, the rat things finished me .
So in case you see a blue P , don't go melee, shoot him with the highest damaging weapon you have or throw molotov/dynamite to him, the important stuff is to kill him fast before he do any gesture, as while you may survive him punching you while paralyzed, you will not if a bunch of things decide to come into the room to help him.
edit 2 : if you play with 12x24 ascii, someone made a bold version on
this thread of roguetemple.
Was playing with it and it is quite nice to the eyes.