rapids on 16.08
river from 16.08 through 17.07, 18.07
canal from 16.09 ,17.09, 17.10
a large lake on 17,07.close to the edge of 18.08 and another one on the edge between 17.07 and 16.08. dipping into 16.08, straddling the lower half of 17.07, and ending at the corner between 17.07, 18.07, and 18.08.
That should be 22pts? If i'm over, then change the lake to medium and restrict it to 17.07
and I vote yes
Alright, those lakes were a little interesting to plot. But I hope you like the result.
Rapids on river in 04.03 and 10.05
I'll vote yes.
Oh yeh, and some free actions if available
Widen rivers in 10.05, 16.07, 14.03, 14.02 04.03 and 9.05 to canal size
Yes on next age.
Large Lake on 11.14 - 11.15, centered in both cases
Medium Lake on 9.17, middle lower right
Medium Lake centered on 7.18
River on 1.16, flowing from the lake, winding around through the middle and emerging roughly in the middle on the bottom at 1.17
River on 1.18, flowing to 1.19, almost at the edge of 0.19
River on 9.17 - 9.18, from lake to 9.19
River on 6.17, from lake to 6.18
Unfortunately, these rivers you have on your islands are breaking the elevation rules for rivers. Because the tiles are basically all flat land, putting the short little rivers there would cause problems for knowing how it's flowing and all that. I made that rule because I think it's more natural than just putting rivers wherever. I've added your lakes. But the rivers will have to be refunded. I notice I gave you one river before that I shouldn't have, but I'm not going to bend my own rules any further than that.
Yes for next age. Also, Rive on 16.02 and 17.01
The elevation rules come into play here as well, both of these hexes are flat land. Rivers need to be able to flow from a higher elevation into a lower one. Or connect with a river that eventually leads into higher elevation. So this action isn't able to be completed.
Raise 09.08 and 10.09 to land (2x4)
Dewhirlpool both of them then.
For Advance.
(12) Land to beach: 4.06, 5.05, 6.06, 7.06, 08.06. Beach to shallows: 08.06