[Book One, the Book of Dwarven Blood, 42:11]
And the Lord Armok did state:
"I hast brought thou out of the Elven-Lands, out of the house of Bondage. Thou shalt follow these commands, to repay:
1. Thou shalt wear socks at all times, for an Uncovered Foot is a disgrace upon your Lord Armok.
2. Thou shalt be named Urist, or, should thou not be Urist, thou shalt idolize the name of Urist, for it is the favoured name of your Lord Armok.
3. Thou shalt consume only booze, and if thou shalt not, thou shalt drink blood;.should ye not drink Booze nor Blood, then thou shalt pay for it in the name of your Lord Armok.
4. If thou art female, and thou art married, thou shalt have a child every year for the Grace of your Lord Armok.
5. Thou shalt not hold Goblins as friends, for they art the work of the Elven God and should be killed.
6. Thou shalt not build vertical pipes, for Vertical Pipes resemble the Trees of the Elven God.
7. Thou shalt hold Kittens in the highest regard; thou shalt not adopt Kittens, for Armok's greatest creation is the Kitten and thou shalt allow the Kittens to adopt Thou.
8. Thou shalt not build Towns, nor Retreats, nor Towers; thou shalt build Fortresses, for the glory of Armok your Lord.
9. Thou shalt have no Blood, nor a God, before or after Me, for I am selfish and Greedy.
10. Thou shalt build Overly Elaborate Contraptions to smite the Elven-God's Hidden Fun Stuff, for Armok decrees Fun must be had by all.
Why did I just write the Ten Dwarfmandments?
EDIT: Well, I guess that excerpt was so stunning you're all speechless. I should write a Dwarven Bible.
It shall contain the Bible's number of times "slay" is said, but give or take the eleventh power.
(It uses it like 300+ times, if memory serves)