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Author Topic: A succession game for first-timers and/or new players. [Now with more tantrums.]  (Read 26910 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ph.Dwarf & Practitioner of ‼MEDICINE‼
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I personally think it would be hilarious to see what happens at first.. if the map becomes unplayable because of the blood glitch, then I'm all for cleaning it up.  Make sure to save before you kill the beast though, so we can savescum if it gets too bad.

I've never encountered a FB with deadly blood, so seeing how this turns out.. is gonna be interesting ;D

I wonder what kind of syndrom its gonna be?
Specialsurprise - a Tale of ‼Medicine‼ and ‼Science‼ !


  • Bay Watcher
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Doesn't seem to be immediate at least, let's see how this goes...


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Journal of 'Zanziik' Asobushul, Order of Guthsak Igathotung Dok Nuglush, 17th Opal, 10

The Forgotten Beast wasted no time in climbing the treacherous slopes and navigating the narrow tunnels of the cavern, and it has reached the lowest of our tree harvesting areas, which I designated to be avoided until the beast is killed. The entirety of the military has been dispatched to deal with the skinless monstrosity, and Lokum Asobod, wielding a steel battle axe and copper shield, was the first to arrive upon the scene. He is a competant axedwarf but I worry that he will be quickly overwhelmed by the beast as he wears no armor. His previous battle experience has been the killing of five Rhesus Macaques. Let us see if they serve as worthy analogs for the fell beasts of legend...

They met between walls of slate, a vast expanse above them. The Forgotten Beast quickly charged at Lokum once, and missed, only to charge again and knock the axedwarf backwards. Fighting valiantly from a prone position, the axedwarf managed to dodge and block the beast's first blows, and was able to stand. He was quickly knocked back over. He was eventually able to axe the beast in the right head, tearing the fat, but was thrown into an obstacle, and though not hurt, stunned long enough to allow the beast to maneuver away from the original battlesite.

As the beast escaped, it fled toward the next level of the caverns, where many trees were designated for harvesting. When it reached this level it finally met another member of the Oracular Daggers, a new recruit brandishing a bismuth bronze spear and a pine shield. Our troops truly are under equipped, the steel came far too late to be of use to us here...

The recruit badly scratched the beast, causing more of its deadly blood to come spurting in torrents... He was quickly knocked over as Lokum had been before him. On the ground he was promptly kicked in the left thumb and grabbed, stunning him. As he was stunned he was scratched in the lower body, tearing open an artery and damaging his right kidney.

Luckily, by this time, Lokum had chased the beast down and began fighting it again. She was able to buy the recruit time to escape, and as he did, Shem the Hammerdwarf, who had obstinately ignored the military order to kill the beast in order to store an empty wine barrel, ran across the epic battle and decided to get involved. He bashed the beast in the spine from behind with his silver war hammer and fractured it.

As the two fought the beast, it managed to disembowel and kill Shem the Hammerdwarf. At this exact moment, Kogsak the military commander, the best equipped dwarf in Sarekmorul arrived to join the battle. (I remind you that he is missing a right foot and right hand from previous battles.)

(The Forgotten Beast died on 20th Opal, 10, after it bled out. Bad way for us to get rid of a deadly-blood FB, eh? One death, that hammerdwarf, and plenty of wounds, and lets see how this friggin syndrome goes... Ugh. The second hammerdwarf was literally sleeping in a room 5 tiles from the battle, woke up exactly as the beast died. *sigh.* The recruit is currently vomiting his way to the hospital. Good times.)


  • Bay Watcher
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My year is going to be a disaster.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ph.Dwarf & Practitioner of ‼MEDICINE‼
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Lol that poor commander.. hobbling around on one foot.  Does he even have a crutch?
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 05:40:57 pm by Crustypeanut »
Specialsurprise - a Tale of ‼Medicine‼ and ‼Science‼ !


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Journal of 'Zanziik' Asobushul, Order of Guthsak Igathotung Dok Nuglush, 22nd Opal, 10

The beast's blood has indeed proved itself noxious, causing numbness, blindness, nausea, and serious bruising to all body parts of those who come in contact with the vile liquid.
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Though this is the recruit who suffered the worst damage of the survivors of the battle, few of those wounds are battle related, and are actually the result of some unknown syndrome.


Journal of 'Zanziik' Asobushul, Order of Guthsak Igathotung Dok Nuglush, 23rd Opal, 10

Doren has suffocated in his own bile. May our Most Hoary Lady have mercy upon him.

Journal of 'Zanziik' Asobushul, Order of Guthsak Igathotung Dok Nuglush, 26rd Opal, 10

Kogsak, commander of our military, has suffocated as well, succumbed to the syndrome. How many others will die before the Forgotten Beast's deadly blood is cleaned from our halls?


A child who ran through the beast's blood not long after the battle has also suffocated because of the syndrome. It appears that the disease bruises the lungs and causes those infected to become unable to breath. Asen, the child, was diagnosed by one of our medics but nothing could be done.

OOC: :'(

On the positive side, it appears that no more cases are immediately obvious... Perhaps we have gone through the worst of the disease...

Journal of 'Zanziik' Asobushul, Order of Guthsak Igathotung Dok Nuglush, 28th Opal, 10

The stonesmith who began a mood has gone berserk. The military is called into action once more...

Journal of 'Zanziik' Asobushul, Order of Guthsak Igathotung Dok Nuglush, 3rd Obsidion, 10

The stonesmith has been struck down in an epic duel with Fievreux and her newborn baby. Fievreux dealt the killing blow.

Journal of 'Zanziik' Asobushul, Order of Guthsak Igathotung Dok Nuglush, 1st Granite, 10

The fortress has survived one year under my rule.


In that time, we have completed the Great Temple to Guthsak Igathotung Dok Nuglush, drawn a well to a new hospital, defeated a forgotten beast, and grown our numbers to 127.

Spoiler: Current Fort Status (click to show/hide)

Uploading save...


  • Bay Watcher
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Zanziik, I am going to box your ears.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ph.Dwarf & Practitioner of ‼MEDICINE‼
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rofl, I told you there would be much FUN involved with the blood.
Specialsurprise - a Tale of ‼Medicine‼ and ‼Science‼ !


  • Bay Watcher
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Zanziik, I am going to box your ears.

O:) whatever for?

rofl, I told you there would be much FUN involved with the blood.

Not mentioned in my update is the blue peacock that died of the syndrome too. Why the poor peacock? WHY?

I'm having the worst time getting my internet to keep a good enough connection to upload the save, I'm working on it though...


  • Bay Watcher
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Save. Couldn't get it on DFFD so Mediafire. Flandre, good luck. Avoid any blood you see at all until you're absolutely sure it's NOT that FB's blood. Forbid items with the blood on it... I also set restricted traffic zones around the general area where the blood is. You'll probably need to memorialize Shem the Hammerdwarf, his body is covered in the stuff. Also there's miasma. Have fun with this :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Wow. I'd just first like to say that I use to play DF a long time ago, and I was okay at it, and I just came back and DF hasn't "hit" me like it has before. I always restart because I strive to be perfection, I lose, or die, and I just can't get back into the game. After reading the holy story this has convinced me to start playing again :). It refreshed my mind with ideas and thoughts of FUN. So I would personally like to thank all of you.

But one question. I am confused about this log cabin thing. Can you build a log cabin or whatever and then random dwarfs will claim it? Sorry, I just never knew about this.


  • Bay Watcher
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Wow. I'd just first like to say that I use to play DF a long time ago, and I was okay at it, and I just came back and DF hasn't "hit" me like it has before. I always restart because I strive to be perfection, I lose, or die, and I just can't get back into the game. After reading the holy story this has convinced me to start playing again :). It refreshed my mind with ideas and thoughts of FUN. So I would personally like to thank all of you.

But one question. I am confused about this log cabin thing. Can you build a log cabin or whatever and then random dwarfs will claim it? Sorry, I just never knew about this.

Excellent to hear that you've been enjoying it!

As far as the log cabin goes... Tersr just built essentially a square room of log walls and built a roof, then outfitted it with an excellent bed, cabinets, chests, etc. It can't be claimed randomly, you have to assign rooms manually, but I recall the way that it was worded by whoever went after Tersr was rather ambiguous. He said a random dwarf claimed it, but what he meant was he just assigned it to a random dwarf.

Glad you're following along, good luck having as much Fun as I found over the last turn :P


  • Bay Watcher
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I took a look at the fortress, and I think my brain short-circuited. I cannot remember how to take a snapshot of the current window (not PrtScn, the other one)...
EDIT: Crustypeanut, your dwarf is feeling horrible. You are among the worst of them...
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 08:00:37 pm by Flandre »


  • Bay Watcher
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I took a look at the fortress, and I think my brain short-circuited. I cannot remember how to take a snapshot of the current window (not PrtScn, the other one)...

If you're running windows, search for the Snipping Tool. It's fantastic and something I learned from this fortress. Take your time with the game, by winter I was running it almost as naturally as one of my own forts.

Helpful hints: F6 will bring you to the Golden Bridge of Crustypeanut, F7 will bring you to the center of the new, large fortress (press h to see all the zoom presets and set your own,) and using N will bring up the notes interface, I did my best to leave notes on anything I thought it pertinent to mark.

Someone (not necessarily you, Crustypeanut may be better suited to it since he laid out the new fortress himself) ought to really consider streamlining the traffic in the fortress. As it is, to get from the old fortress to the new fortress, dwarves must go ALL the way to the surface, cross OUTSIDE, and go ALL the way back down to where they need to be. The FB could have been handled much easier if it didn't take 2 in game days for Kogsak to get to the fight. Needs serious overhaul.

EDIT: About the unhappiness. Oops. That probably has to do with the ton of miasma, or the fact that between the two dwarves that died, pretty much everyone was friends with at least one of them, if not both. And then the child death really pissed his family off. Woops. You might look into designing waterfalls on the wiki, it wouldn't be that difficult to convert the well aquaduct into a waterfall somehow, just be careful you don't flood us, I think I left you with enough fun, don't you? :P
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 08:06:51 pm by Zanziik »


  • Bay Watcher
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Come now, really?
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