Legend of Lagdon is pretty cool. I'll replace one of the votes.
No offense if it truely is a story that deserves to be on the same page as Boatmurdered and Nist Akath, I haven't read it, but I personally don't think someone who would create multiple accounts to vote his own story in should be rewarded with induction even if more people vote on it.
On the same subject I think people should be a lot more picky about what they vote in in general. Before the renewal of this topic (and when the old one was still being updated) an induction was a rare thing indeed and a big deal. It seems more that a fort or story gets inducted more because it's popular then legendary, and i'm saying this right up to my own topic which was pretty new with not much to show for and should probably have stood the test of time before being considered. Some of the people who voted it in like The Master I think never even posted in it.
I'll go so far as to request that Cyberdorf Systems be removed and a set minimum of months be put in before being allowed to be nominated. 2 months maybe?
Basically, be picky! This is the Hall of Legends, not the Hall of Popular.
(no offence to the people who voted in my topic, just knowing that you like it is enough and I thank you)