The fights about this expansion are interesting basically there are two camps
1) This expansion sucks, there isn't that much content, what is there breaks the game over its knee, and it makes the game a bit more tedious... ohh and the modding tools are lacking.
2) You guys are being unfair to the expansion and are holding it to unfair standards. It is SUPPOSED to suck!
And no I am not misrepresenting the second group... It is WEIRD. One guy argued that the expansion is meant to be the modding tools and everything else is just bonus.
Though I guess to be fair here is the third group
3) ANTI-Birth is better! get Anti-birth! did we mention antibirth? GET IT!!! GET IT AHH!
To admit though... this is one of the few times the negative reviews SEEM more... sensible then the positive ones. (as a whole. I am going to blanket here, but remember this isn't all of them)
Talking about the careful balance and giving examples of where the game threw a wrench in them... even giving frame counts of previous content and comparing it to the new stuff.
Then the positive ones which are more about how this DLC isn't meant to do anything.
THEN AGAIN! I haven't played this... and I've certainly seen seemingly sensible arguments against a game that are nuts upon closer scrutiny. Heck the idea that the portals are inherently unfair I don't think is accurate... though they sure as heck aren't balanced.
Anyhow looking at the complaints... If they are accurate... wait for a patch.
The difficulty hit the unfair levels pretty hard.
Edit: Nevermind... the negative comments and reviews I've been seeing so far are 10x more seemingly reasonable. Then again I didn't check Steam Chat. What is this craziness? why are we in negative world?