Tales of Wonders and Warfare, the memoir or Jamal el-Sarawid, Vizir of his Highness Sheb the Great, Commander of the Believers, Successor of the Prophet, Light of the World and Caliph.
1st January 1542The GE
Mosul, the first spacecraft to leave Titan since Armageddon depart to survey Saturn and its Moon. May Allah grant us the minerals we'll need to crush the infidels!
21st JanuaryGod is Great! Duranium was found on Phoeboe, 20,000 tons of it in rich deposit near the surface, easily accessible.
3rd FebruaryThe
Mosul found great deposits on Titania. We shall not let the infidels use them, but instead use those against them!
Duran 323,835 (0.
Corb 359,568 (0.9)
Trit 439,251 (0.6)
Merc 32,931 (0.9)
Vend 202,257 (0.
Sorium 195,223 (1)
Urid 216,700 (0.7)
19th MarchDue to its outstanding scholarship, the ulema Abdul al-Azred was awarded an audience with the Caliph. His staff was greatly motivated and he now say that he can make a breakthrough in information technology that could greatly improve our labs' efficiency. The new technologies should be ready for deployment by mid-june instead of mid-july.
17th of AprilThe
Mosul finish surveying the Outer Planets and will now explore the Oort Clout. May Allah grant us some more minerals.
27th of MayThree Hufhuf class Gunboats are finished. They will stay in orbit as reserve should some of our Carrier- or PDC-based squadron suffer losses.
17th of JuneAbdul al-Azred was right. It is estimated that our labs are now 20% more effective. Happy with his success, the Caliph ordered him to pursue his works on information technology. Al-Azred has promised him further advance by February next year.
2nd of JulyShade Night, an Amir-ul-Ashar (Commodore) was put into command of the Garibaldi PDC. He is said to have many political connection and could well become Amir-ul-Jaish (Admiral) one day.
5th of SeptemberI am afraid the infidels will win this war. Already I can see their spies everywhere, I am sure they are counterfeiting our survey report. The Lord wouldn't let us with so few minerals.
7th of NovemberTheir spies are everywhere. They wage a constant war of nerves against me. I must find a way to counter-attack.
31th of DecemberThey have taken control of the Caliph's mind! After I executed half of the High Council for High Treason (how fitting!) the Caliph ordered me executed for murders and conspiracy against the Realm!
May Allah bring reason into his mind and victory into his hands, and may the remaining Councellor make sure he follow His will.