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Author Topic: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition Turn 1  (Read 8335 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2011, 02:59:31 pm »

In the center of the village Ferrus's Prophet gathered the people. He began to preach about Ferrus's might and strength, of his will and justice. Slowly the people began to accept his words. And then as he reached the highpoint of his speech, out of the ground behind him in a burst of light the mighty figure of Ferrus himself came forth, towering over the entire village. And together the prophet and Ferrus spoke in Unison, and the very ground shook at their voices.

Prophet is named Lord Haldron
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 03:03:40 pm by Furtuka »
It's FEF, not FEOF


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition
« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2011, 03:00:44 pm »

Dorim was conversing alone with his Prophet, in a large, cavernous room in the heart of StrangleMurk, below the city. The room was hewed out of the rock, with shining veins of various ores sparkling in spots. The prophet, Momuz, was a bushy haired, brown-bearded dwarf, and listened attentively to the image of his god. "My worshippers are few, but they are faithful. I am entrusting it to you to assist me in converting them. I know you can do it. The Stone is with you." Momuz bowed his head as the image of Dorim disappeared.

Momuz stroked his beard and walked to the back of the room, up stairs carved out of the stone. Having just finished conversing with Dorim, it was time to address the masses. Of the group amassed, there were only 20 faithful. The rest had come to see if the stories of were true. As the prophet entered, any talking fell silent, and those looking down raised their heads. "All gathered here, I have spoken with Gorim, God of all we hold dear. He has promised bountiful ores in the mine shafts, and that the Plump Helmets shall grow swiftly. He is still weak from the awakening however. He asks you to put your faith in him, and he will provide." With that, he left the room.

Action: Prophet Momuz travels throughout StrangleMurk, promising that Momuz will provide wealth and blessings for the Dwarven people in return for worship.
Jizzar sounds some kinda celestial object made of jizz~
Like a quasar or something~

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2011, 03:09:22 pm »

Murldon awoke, consciousness streaming into his being like a flash flood.

Who was he? He was Murldon, the faceless one. His identity unknown or nonexistant, he felt power flowing into him from his believers. It was time to put that power to use.

He studied his following, a motley collection of bandits and other assorted criminals and crooks, focusing on their leader, his prophet, Kandar.

A deep man was Kandar, thinking of things which perhaps should not be thought of, it was these wayward thoughts that had first allowed the idea of Murldon to enter his mind and take root there, growing into what it was today.

He would have to increase his following among the bandits, and continue from there.

Give our chosen the ability to shoot lightning from his hands and heal run of the mill minor ailments. Have him convert new followers with the aid these god-given powers as well promises of wealth and good fortune to believers, mostly wealth. Have some of the followers start building a temple/shrine dedicated to me, nothing too grand, gotta think small here.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 03:30:23 pm by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2011, 03:15:47 pm »

A man in his fifties was pondering on a book written in an ancient language long forgotten. This wasn't the only strange book he had for in his study room the four walls donned with bookshelves, each filled with books, books that hid within themselves the dark material of a man's worst nightmares. The man took a knife from his table and while chanting in an ancient language he slit his palm. His ritual was successful as his knees lost their power he started to hear a voice. A deep, ancient voice.

"Charles Dexter Ward, my most loyal follower. Tell the rest that I have awakened and to start looking for followers, start with the homeless, with the street thugs. Be careful, for this magic is frowned upon. Your services will not go unnoticed."

With that the voice had gone away and has Dr.Ward began to rise he heard the tiny feet of thousands of rats, the walls were covered and they all gathered to his desk. But as soon as Dr.Ward could notice it they were gone and a black book had appeared on his desk and on it written in gold was it's name, "Necronomicon".

(OOC:I don't strictly follow the Ctulhu lore in everything I write.)
That last gobbo would stand there, missing an arm, punctured in a kidney, liver, and spleen, fading in and out of consciousness at the far end of where the drawbridge would go, and his last sight would be the drawbridge dropping down and smashing him like a bug.

God DAMN I love this game!


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition
« Reply #34 on: July 18, 2011, 03:50:11 pm »

Good because I have no idea about the cthulu mythos other then basic things picked up from games and such.  So if you tried to run through the cthulu mytho's I'm afraid I'd get stuck when bad things happen :P

edit*  Oh wait a sec that's everyone, turn in a few hours after I get home from work (yes I did start this entire thread and roll for everyone's starting stats while at work, and yes I would probably be fired if my boss knew.)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 04:08:03 pm by kilakan »
Nom nom nom


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition
« Reply #35 on: July 18, 2011, 06:39:21 pm »

Turn 1:I Can't be bothered to think of a title after writing all of that.
Quote from: Adwarf
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
At first many of them begin to back away, simply unprepared for such an appearance.  The prophet raises a single hand and they all freeze, he nods and everyone relaxes, apparently this man has taught them very well.  The promise of life after death invigorates the followers, and you can feel divine essence pouring from them, each yearning to have such power, as they come to you one-by-one you use this fervor and your own powers to break the very cycle of life within them.  As they are each in turn washed with power they all partially die, becoming closer to the spirit world so that they could drag those poor souls back from it.  The entire ritual takes from dusk to the first rays of dawn but by the time the sun rises each has the power over life and death, able to create mockeries of it to serve themselves.  You however were unable to give them the exact controls of it, all except for the prophet, his closeness to you allows him the full knowledge of Necromancy, and the others the potential to learn to master it, in time.
-9 Divine Essence
+Current Followers gain the permanent ability to learn Necromancy from the teachings of others
+Prophet Isarin gains fulls Mastery of Life and Death
**Tomorrow a well-loved grandfather of a large family shall die in the presence of your prophet**

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You persuade a minor crowd of weak-willed people to join near your prophet, who then climbs atop a large stone block.  You lay your voice over the prophets and bellow forth with him you intentions.  Gold coins rain lightly from the sky into the outstretched hands of the cheering crowd.  As the cheering reaches a climax you appear standing above your prophet, as you finish the speech the crowd begins cheering your name, a chant the rebounds from the highest peak to the lowest valley.  As the day wears on and the fever induced by your presence grows, a lord appears amongst the crowd, and screams his reply to you "Lord Arorlag, my estate shall become your first temple in this city of the weak, all shall know of thy presence!"
**The follower you send to contact the cult of cthulu is caught sneaking around a restricted area in the back of a bar, and is sentenced to hang for thieving tomorrow.**
**Tomorrow Construction on your first temple shall begin, as such you may have your prophet dictate how it shall be built, though keep in mind while a lord this mans purse is not unlimited.**
-5 divine essence
+21 followers gained
-1 follower sentenced to be hung
-Other gods now know of you in their city, though thus far you are a minor annoyance.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
They celebrate and many a baby is conceived, (follower growth rate increased to 10% per turn for the next 5 turns) They construct a small shrine to you, through which you can preform miracles on people praying there at a greatly reduced cost.  Everyone seems to be doing tasks fairly well for tribes people, though you notice one young man who seems a very unskilled lover, you are tempted to teach him to be better but restrain.
**Tomorrow a pack of wolves shall be drawn to the camp due to all the food and celebrations, without your intervention most of the people will be slaughtered.**
+1 follower gained

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Prophet Elmal roams the village spreading the word of Empathica, many of his old friends see his knew gain of life and are immediately drawn to believe, while a handful of impressionable youth take to the idea of no regrets for their actions and join.  Though many are drawn simply by the ideals and not the exact belief in you as a goddess.
**Tomorrow many of your followers shall overindulge in beers and wines, and many will be susceptible of mind and body.**
- 10 average belief

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The presence of Lord Haldron drew a crowd, as he began to speak he drew a larger crowd, and when the figure of Ferrus burst forth so many people had come forth that walking in the square was impossible.  The crowd shook and the ground rumbled, faith and acceptance roared forth from the crowd, but many were unsure and scattered at the shaking.  All together 30 people were left, but of those only 15 truly believed.  The prophet was ashamed at the lack of acceptance from the people, but it was okay, they would come to his side eventually.
+15 followers gained
-2 Divine Essence

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The actions of Prophet Momuz meets with unbelievable success, and as he talked with each dwarf in turn, that dwarf would run off to speak with another, come days end 50 more souls were gathered at the worship.  Though their faiths carried conditions, without providing the ores and harvests in return, they will not stay long.
**tomorrow a minor cave in shall happen on a group of miners, they do not worship you**
+1 Divine Essence
- 50 belief

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You attempt to pour the control of lighting and disease into your prophet, but the whole endeavor meets with terrible success, instead he ends up inflicting anyone he touches with sickness.  Luckily the prophet is resourceful and challenges the non-believers to touch his flesh if they truly would not see the ways of Murldon, after being punched a half dozen times by a number of headstrong men, those men then fall ill and die in fits of coughing blood.  It spreads fear of your might, and a few men join with your faithful.
- 10 population killed
- 2 divine essence
+ feared by populace
 Prophet Kandar causes sickness in those who touches his flesh

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The Prophet Charles Ward reaches to the book, and taking it in his hands begins spreading the word that you had awoken amongst the faithful, and they in turn began recruiting the scum of society.  Those that resisted were taken and locked in the basement of Prophet Ward so that they might not give away the ancient cult.  Though largely unsuccessful a few forlorn souls were drawn to the cult over the day.
+Artifact Created Necronomicon
+ 15 prisoners, must be fed or killed within 3 days
**Tomorrow the moon shall reach it's apex of power, and any creation or transformation acts shall be free**
Nom nom nom


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition Turn 1
« Reply #36 on: July 18, 2011, 06:58:41 pm »

"My children you have now gained a sliver of my power, and from this you can see that I am much more powerful than any other, but only the most devote should follow me, and few should know of the power you have been give except those whose hearts are truly open to me, so I ask of you to keep your powers secret until the time comes that your religion comes under attack. I want you to use it only then, so taht all who follow me shall know that this art is for the protection of your religion, and not for evil matters. Yes, I may be the God of Darkness, and Death, but I prefer for conflict not to arise, adn others would misunderstood this power you have been given, so keep it secret, adn only give it to those in the inner most circle of my following. Now in six days time you will be visited by another creature, one that is not human, but do not be scared for she will be my servant." with that his shadow was swept away by the wind, and he disappeared into the realm of the dead.

He then summoning the last of the power he could dredge up he summoned all his might, and created a palace in the which would be his throne, adn from it he would look over the world of the dead, and the world of his followers, as they grew.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 07:47:07 pm by adwarf »


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition Turn 1
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2011, 07:01:03 pm »

Let's see... what issue to tackle first
Temple:  Andel surveys the construction site for the temple, and thinks about what would be suitable for his god.  He hands the nobleman a sheet of paper with his request for the temple on it.  The are as follows:  It will contain simple but spacious living quarters, designed to support large amounts of people.  Also give it a mid-sized indoor garden, but with nothing in it. In the middle of the temple should be a large pool of lava on an elevated platform, to be used for sacrifices.  Several crucibles for ever burning fire to be supplied by arorlag, that reflect the strength and power of him and his religion.  It will also be surrounded by a moat of lava, with a large bridge across it.  That's all I can think of for now.  Thank you for your generous contribution for the cause of our god.  Will receive a blessing soon for your generosity, along being equal to a high priest in terms of our respect and powers.
Send my prophet to talk to cthulu and cement an alliance, particularly for permission to use his building that will allow for free transformation next turn.  "hello, my ancient neighbors we have realized that we both share common interests.  I was hoping that we could come to mutual agreement.  We both are in the greatest city that I know of, so rather than battle the other gods alone and against each other when we could fighter them together and gain dominance much faster ruling together?  Together we could conquer the other gods and create the ultimate empire, one that stretches through the ages and will persevere together?  All that I ask is that I may use your altar to bestow blessing upon my followers.  I hope that we can create a fruitful alliance and that we can both dwell in prosperity.

As for the thief, request that he will not be hanged if I give him twice whatever the thief stole in gold.
Find homeless people and offer to let them live in my temple if they agree to worship me, and give them a little money whether or not they agree.
Religious Hierarchy
Worshiper:  Someone who worships me, but has done nothing notable for my cause.  Gets fire resistance.
Priest:  Someone who works at the temple, or someone who has done something notable for my cause.  Gets firebreath along with fire resist
High priest:  The priest who controls and oversees a specific temple, or someone who has done something very significant for my religion.  They get: x1.5 strength, speed, etc, an aura of heat, direct communication with me wherever they are, and access to fire magic, along with the previous ones.  The lord who donated the temple is equal to one of these.  It would also be given to the best soldiers and war commanders.
Additionally, all my followers will be strengthened by heat, so those near a high priest (or commander with identical powers will be better in battle. All those powers will be bestowed next turn if I can get an alliance with cthulu.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 07:50:31 pm by BunnyBob77 »


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition Turn 1
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2011, 07:04:53 pm »

Ungh, cannot write big paragraph right now.

Dorim uses his divine power to both save the miner's lives, and allow iron to be revealed in the cave-in. Momuz will spread word that this was the act of Dorim.
Jizzar sounds some kinda celestial object made of jizz~
Like a quasar or something~


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition Turn 1
« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2011, 07:44:04 pm »

two problems:
Bunnybob77:That is going to take an absurd amount of divine essence to make 7 artifacts, and that much magma.  Enchanting that many followers with that much power?  Well that will take at least as much as the artifacts and temple.  You are looking at around 100 divine essence for each action.

not really a problem but adwarf:Are you sure you are gonna ignore the dieing man?
edit*actually 3 problems
Each turn is a day, i don't mind you planning but well.... adwarf please go day-by-day.
Nom nom nom


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition Turn 1
« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2011, 07:46:46 pm »

Sorry I wll remove the last bit since I don't plan to do it today, and yep, because the man is meant to die, and go to heaven that is not my realm to mess with I only mess with the souls of those who have sinned to heavily to go to heaven.


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition Turn 1
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2011, 07:47:46 pm »

ah ok then.
Nom nom nom


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition Turn 1
« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2011, 08:02:39 pm »

" have done well. But we need to do more. I need to hear your prayers...I want them to praise my name as they pour the next mug of apple wine...praise my name as they cut the foe-man down...praise my name before the bed their wives...praise me as they lift their babes from their mothers wombs....above all, praise me for living, though I do not grant them it."

Action: Elmal continues to gather followers. During the great celebration, he instructs his followers in Empathica's four Great Commandments.

1. Thou shalt lust for life free from doubt and regret, and strive to pleasure and better thyself instead of merely ceaseless toiling, experience new things, and hear and think new ideas and ways of thinking. In doing so, you bring joy to Empathica's heart, and your own.

2. Those who follow Empathica must never be content to settle. They must spread like a whirlwind, they must run and laugh, innovate and redefine, fight and struggle, weep and laugh, dance and move to their own rhythm and harmony, in accordance with what they believe is right.

3. If thou would have freedom, they must pledge to never take that freedom from another, and to stand up against those who would deny it to themselves, or others...and Freedom from doubt is not Freedom from Ignorance. Let no one tell you what to do, but do not be so proud as to believe you know all there is know, and have felt more than any other person.

4. Empathica accepts no sacrifices-what use is the material to the spiritual?-but she hears your prayers, and promises to protect and aid her followers, as long as they stay true to their own hearts desires. Since Death is end of all emotion, Empathica promises that her power will be used to withhold it from her true followers as long as one remains faithful.

OOC: Chaotic Good FTW!
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition Turn 1
« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2011, 08:09:05 pm »

((Dwarmin thats a shit storm waiting to happen since it going to make me, adn the reapers appear to kill you, or to stop you from with holding death that is my domain.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Essence Born, Multiplayer Edition Turn 1
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2011, 08:16:48 pm »

That night Ferrus appears to his followers in a dream. He orders them to build a great tower in the center of the village with a shrine on the top floor, and to create a fighting force that shall defend the world against the forces of evil. The next day when Lord Haldron woke up. He found stuck in the floor of his room a sword, enchanted to neither rust nor dull. Haldron then goes into the square and makes another speech, demonstrating the swords inability to dull and encouraging the people to join him to create this knightly order.

((If that costs too much essence then I'll cut out the part with the sword))

« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 10:14:59 pm by Furtuka »
It's FEF, not FEOF
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