From what I've read here, and thanks Aqi and PTTG? for writing it.
Also I will use the word they (I have a tendancy to use that word to describe whoever the group of people are that are using their connections and money to do whatever nefarious thing I'm talking about; honestly I don't know who it is but I can see what is happening from their actions {see? makes me sound crazy but it's just because the rich bastard is sneaky in that the every man isn't aware of his name})
What I'm afraid of is that now after a decade of money going to the upper echelons of society, that the whole Tea Party thing was just a way to do something exactly like this to weaken the government and allow wealthy society to basically operate however their money (and now if the current US dollar is driven to worthlessness, their capital, which theoretically could include whatever communication network they have with others who have a lot of capital-power) allows them to. I'm afraid of this because whatever golden hallucination they may have of the barbarians (everyone not important to them) fighting outside while they are locked in their fortress is going to be shattered by the bloody reality.
Sure they might not have thought of it in 2000, but they've had a succession of plans where they successfully manage to manipulate the government into doing things their way. Money going to corporations while I don't qualify for enough help to move out of my parent's house. Money going to banks so they can put it overseas or into invisible stocks rather than tractors or buildings. Money going to universities so that they can force me to take mathematics classes far below my ability (which I tested out and in fact tested three courses above, which I took in High School, at which time it was assured to me that I would not have to do it again in College) so they can take even more money from the government.
All these things we the people have given the conservatives and their business. We have allowed them to put signs up for us to look at everywhere possible so in the off chance I might interested in their product I would be aware of it. This is fine. We allowed them to put those advertisements on our clothing, as those words dictate whether the clothing costs more and thus are for the more successful and thus a symbol of status. This is fine, as it gives people jobs and makes money for those people as well as the corporate entity. I can live with this. What I can not continue to live with is the way the conservative movement in America has wholeheartedly decided to use it's machinery to climb over me as a poor person, which is fine and acceptable and I won't hold them back. After all, if you are born with lemons, why not make lemonade? What makes it unacceptable is the way they grind their heel in and push and kick while climbing to make sure they stay at the top no matter what, even if it means kicking out any ladders that might have been put up.
Let me make a for example. If I were to get a group of talented young men together from a poor background (did this in 2005) and record their vocals onto mainstream beats (which are good, the muscians and
ESPECIALLY the composers or whoever makes all those rap beats, those individuals are ok with me) because our vocals are better than the corporate crap at the time. We are not allowed to make money from this, which is fair as we did not contact the composer of the beat. However, the original composer is tied up in so much legalese that legal discussions would be so much of a gamble that it was not worth trying in that environment. This is because the music itself was from a poor person's culture and thus for some reason was looked upon poorly as the music of criminals and drug dealers and thus if you want to make it, you must be of ill-repute in the courts, in which we have no friends and the industry does. Thus there is no possible way to do business. Your talent, worthless. Time invested, same.
So, that is the reason why nowadays lyrics and a tune are not interchangeable.
Now, I've become somewhat of a composer myself from the ground up, with no support from anyone thank you very much. Now I've got my own music and I can make it at will. Seriously, I can see where the saying adversity breeds strength in this case. The problem is finding the will because at some point I'm either going to have to deal with these same bastards that caused me all this hardship, or I'm going to have to ignore them and they naturally start trying to destroy me through their ability to pass legislation.
Now, the link below does not affect me, as I am a true composer. I put each note on a line and say this instrument plays this here now. Other people who I have no hard feelings towards as they simply specialize in other ways to make music (playing a different instrument would be the traditional method) sample their music and warp the sound with digital effects. The industry has been passing laws to limit even that. It's not because someone is stealing their work, it's because they are manipulating laws that it's illegal. You can't say a song that's been reversed sounds the same as a song that goes forward. If there was ever an expert to consult on this, it would be me if I can be arrogant enough to say so after spending countless hours working on compositions that are designed to sound good both backwards and forwards. Yet these companies want you to think it's the exact same, and that it's a problem unless someone pays them money. I should say the only support I had was from the makers of Fruity Loops, since they made the software that I make music on, and for that I am grateful.
EDIT2: Meanwhile I'm of the opinion that the music that this great corporate entity pushes out tends to be musically sound but the message is warped.
EDIT3: The end result of being able to play my computer like a harpsichord or a trumpet or any other instrument, the ability to generate flawless notes at whatever pitch desired, the ability to be possibly the greatest musician ever, all this is ignored while I sit at my dad's farm chucking wood into a pile or pulling weeds because of the way the conservatives have shaped the economy. That's why in the next election I'm going to vote democratic. I think it's going to be a landslide.
Also, please show this post to other people. I am quite willing to sacrifice the limited anonymity I have if it leads to greater good.
EDIT4: Seriously. I'm sure someone who runs the world or news or at least has an impact reads this. If you want to help then help me because I'm sick of these bastards doing shenanigans and hurting us but them not getting burned. I'm about to seriously start a dwarf fort party just to say fuck you at the very least.