Battle on the Fields of Gaul, as promised! Also shortened to 4 minutes, so now you see only action, heads rolling and encircling!
Our next turn begins with some crappy, old general trying to get into ze familia... NO.
Afterwards, i see with my eyes something on the letter H... What is that? Yes, Huge Roman army on a ship.
Unfortunately for them, our ships are simply everywhere, and after a few battles, They're weakened enough..
..To send their entire army down! Wooo! Pass my regards to other armies we've sunk! (or "sank"?)
With our full stack positioned in ambushing spot, we could now easily wipe out Julii faction. But we ain't going to, before ze reforms!
In Carthage, we see that They're finally going after us.
I had some time to build scutarii and long shield cavalry though.. Let ze battle commence!
I'm using yo'basic formations (notice that i have scutarii on the front and the back, in case of encircling) 3x3 cav.
While our infantry reforms to face the enemy, we send our super happy fun bands to take out their general.
They have light cav on both flanks, thus our general will tackle it, and break quite easily.
..and them we roflstomp them from all sides. Sadly, their general escaped anyway.
As you can imagine, from there it was just formality. Here's a random screenshot of our cav charge.
A random general dying. (captain rather)
And here you can see them bodies forming lovely patterns. The right side reminds me of a bee.
Last, and probably least, the results table.
Numidians fell back to this southern, crappy province, that revolts left and right.
Thapsus is open for grabs. I want some factions DESTROYED before i invade Sicily and retreat to allow AI building u--- Spoilers?!
We did not wipe their entire army, so the Gauls still have some forces to defend their capital.
We have three rams and tons of javelins though.
We also have quite a number advantage, over your town square unit.
Lost tons of men to that town square sword unit , but.. Alesia is ours, and Gauls are officially down to their two provinces, north of Italy (which the god damn Romans never even tagged.. Bloody Romans)