Where were we? Ah yes, Scipii joining the funhouse!
If you're wondering whom would AI attack if i gave it a chance. I actually tested it, and tried falling back at this scene. What happened was : Carthage ignored Scipii, and attacked us.
Scipii field 4 hastati and a general. The crushing majority of our loses were our cavalry dying to their general.
I was building some towers, and.. What do you have in your basket, little girl? Medicine for your grandma?
Lucco (Jacob) sieges Lugdunum. The independent forces consist of : Crap. I autobattled it.
Back in Carthage, we see that They've sent a small force to stop us. Hmm.. the autobattle odds are quite surpri-- right. All-elephant group.
As usual, i have my mercenaries (foot and horse) take the damage, to spare our primary units.
..What? You wanted to see some battle? Ok, ok. Here's a random elephant slipping on a banana peel.
Now let us siege Carthage. It's stone walls are useless, with only a general inside.
..I see that they managed to get to me regardless. Touche, game, touche.
Unfortunately for Carthage, their army was poor. 2 slingers groups, some militia.. i mean, what did they expect to accomplish? Sparta is THAT way ->>
Then again, my numidian cav was wiped out by the slingers in melee.
Now if you excuse me, i have a gold bath to take.
We manage to get another ambush on the unwashed Frenchmen. It seems that They can make our best unit too, a bit too soon for my taste. Especially because for them it's mediocre, mid-tier one.
Still, we pulled off an ambush, which is quite an advantage. I never used them prior to this LP.
Is this all you can throw at me, game? Gaul are going to die eventually, so will Carthage, and R---
..balls (what happened?! See the next update, sneaky viewer!)