Just to be sure, that everyone who wanted to see it, has seen it :
Siege of Lugdunum video.Let's see how does the enemy army fare after siege of Lugdunum..
Not very impressive.
At any rate, our eastern-choke-point-army is going for another ambush. This time the enemy was prepared though.. and this time, they have swordsmen! Swordsmen are better than warbands in every way. Morale, attack, defense, you name it. They are better than our Scutarii (which we can not produce yet..) and they are still mid-tier unit for Gaul.. Yes, Spain units are crap.
We have lost "only" a 100 people, but at the same time it's a crushing blow. There are no reinforcements coming, not yet.
In unrelated news : Numidia is trying to break the siege of Dimmidi. How will their all-ranged armies fare against us?
They will get slaughtered naturally, giving us the town without having to break the walls. Yay!
It's finally OUR turn, and there is a piece of good news involved. I'll let you find it, viewer. You have 5 seconds.
Also, the hounds + fanatics + cav reinforcements have merged with the "Island-Hoping" Caralis army, and we now have a free full stack! YAY! Isn't it a beauty?
We're doing so well, that we help them Romans some more. Not that They don't have 13 full stacks total already..
What is this.. Two enemy generals, army-less?!
Let's put our small force to use, before merging it with the Lugdunum army.
Obviously, we're going for warcry + javelins + cavalry on the flank..
..Which WORKS perfectly..
..unlike that god damn Axe deodorant. Women still pepper spray the hell out of me..
..Some carry tazzer guns too.. Which They use AFTER spraying me, and before a running kick to the balls... What is this.. Frenchmen are running away!?
..i probably shouldn't hit on female MMA fighters anymore..
Then again, head scissors are kinky!
..Except the times where they end in a leg throw..
..But i digress, and.. what are you doing, viewer?! NO! Go to the bathroom, or something!
Our general-hunt was a disaster, as both of them got away.. But we merge with Lugdunum army, and now have quite a force.
Time to end the turn..