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Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program: Now Hiring Optimistic Astronauts for Dangerous Munission  (Read 1554948 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • A squid
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That's the ideal situation, at least until you're advanced enough for landers that can get back home, but it sounds like it's a little late for Myroc.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Derp

Since you were all talking about "brave" Kerbals earlier.

I think I have a winner.

This fellow smiles just as much as Jeb, if not more, in just as precarious situations.

He has been immortalized on the space station.
Every dwarf, every dwarven man, women, and child, that comes to our forts will die there; it's truly sad when you think about it. And we ask our selves, why? Why do we push forward, knowing this fate, that we are destined for failure? Because, this game grasps the concept of mortality. Some games you can never lose, but we all stop eventually, causing a 'death' to those game's 'worlds'. Dwarf Fortress gives us a definite end, knowing that we will leave that world eventually, and move on to more.


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Jeb also has the hidden 'badass' flag though, and I believe he is the only one right now.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lurking Skeleton
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You don't have to get the lander all the way onto the Mun and back, you can always send a ship with enough fuel to get into low Mun orbit and back, and dock them.  If there's no clamp just synchronize the orbits and have your kerbals jump across, it's safer than it sounds.
The problem is that they can't get into orbit (unless there's some arcane, space magic method of getting into orbit without an engine), so to rescue them I will actually have to land something on the surface. I designed another rocket whose lander had an extended crew compartment, however, I once again managed to miscalculate the amount of fuel required, and the rescue team burned out of fuel right above the Munar surface, crashing into the terrain at 720 kilometers per hour. I think I'm making my rockets too large, so I'm gonna try and fiddle a bit with the Thrust To Weight ratio and see if I can design something more efficient.
We all have problems. Some people just have more awesome problems than others.
Getting angry is fun. Getting angry over petty things even better.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Doubt Everything
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So my SO, just bought this game from the Steam Sale.

And she got her first rocket up, and it ended, with a firey explosions. Those poor poor kerbals...

So, I was wondering whats tips do you have for someone new to the game or point her toward resources so she can go off explore and learn?
Doesn't like running from bears = clearly isn't an Eastern European
I'm Making a Mush! Navitas: City Limits ~ Inspired by Dresden Files and SCP.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ καὶ χεῖρα κίνει
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Don't overdo it at start, a simple two stage rocket can get you to orbit early - check the bay12 community game for some inspiration

A thing to understand to enter orbit is that you need almost no vertical speed when you reach outside the atmosphere but to maintan altitude you will need around 3000m/s of horizontal speed - you shold not ascend vertically but turn early (say, at 1/3 of the atmo bar) to start building up that horizontal speed.

The manever nodes will help you also in your first orbit. Burn until the map shows the AP at a reasonable 100km, then place a node there and drag the handle until the prediction is cirular - then just follow the marker and the dv indicator.

There is an autopilot mod, but I'd suggest to at least try everything manually at first, so to understand the weird way maneuvers and ancounters work in space.

Ps have you seen this thing?
A colony floating on laythe wow
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 09:35:21 am by LoSboccacc »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cursed by the Elves with a title.
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Use da tutorials.
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


  • Bay Watcher
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So, I was wondering whats tips do you have for someone new to the game
Video record your attempts and put them online. I had my slightly younger sisters and much younger cousins play it a few months ago and wish I had recorded the event.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Maia

You don't have to get the lander all the way onto the Mun and back, you can always send a ship with enough fuel to get into low Mun orbit and back, and dock them.  If there's no clamp just synchronize the orbits and have your kerbals jump across, it's safer than it sounds.
(unless there's some arcane, space magic method of getting into orbit without an engine)

You can use their RCS jetpacks if you are badass enough. :D Requires a slight kick. I think Scott Manley did it by getting them to jump in front of a running engine exhaust to give them a bit of momentum.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 01:34:21 pm by simoroth »
Making Maia; a space colony management sim:


  • Bay Watcher
  • Target locked. Firing main cannon.
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You don't have to get the lander all the way onto the Mun and back, you can always send a ship with enough fuel to get into low Mun orbit and back, and dock them.  If there's no clamp just synchronize the orbits and have your kerbals jump across, it's safer than it sounds.
(unless there's some arcane, space magic method of getting into orbit without an engine)

You can use their RCS jetpacks if you are badass enough. :D
Only badass thing I've ever done with a jetpack is jumping out a plane when I tried to drop a fuel tank so I could land on an airfield.  Had my engine torn off, along with some of my control surfaces, part of a wing, and my gear.  I couldn't land, as the gears were gone, and even if I did I wouldn't have enough control.  I came in, low above the airfield, having to fight the plane every step of the way, and moments before the craft hit the ground I had Jeb jump out, using his jetpack to slow him down just enough to survive. 
Is it even possible to use the jetpack to achieve orbit on the Mun?  On Minmus maybe, but the Mun?   
Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum circo vincendarum
W-we just... wanted our...
Actually most of the people here explicitly wanted chaos and tragedy. So. Uh.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shoes cancels Drink: Intensified by Penguin Man.
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Is it even possible to use the jetpack to achieve orbit on the Mun?  On Minmus maybe, but the Mun?

I know it's possible to return to Kerbin using the jetpack on Gilly, but that's not saying much, seeing as it's the object with the least gravity in the game.


  • Bay Watcher
  • ✨heterotemporality✨
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Is it even possible to use the jetpack to achieve orbit on the Mun?  On Minmus maybe, but the Mun?

I know it's possible to return to Kerbin using the jetpack on Gilly, but that's not saying much, seeing as it's the object with the least gravity in the game.

Not coincidentally, it's also the only object you can possibly build a space elevator from, as it's the only body with a geostationary point within the maximum physics range allowed by Romfarer stuff. (Of course, being on Gilly rather defeats the point of having a space elevator in the first place!)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ καὶ χεῖρα κίνει
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  • Bay Watcher
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The kerbal attachment system is awesome
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