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Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program: Now Hiring Optimistic Astronauts for Dangerous Munission  (Read 1550824 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • TTB Twitch

I might consider something for that thing.
Can we have Kethane? They are going to add resource extraction anyways :P


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shoes cancels Drink: Intensified by Penguin Man.
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I have just discovered the beauty of asparagus staging.

It's s-so efficient~~


  • Bay Watcher
  • ✨heterotemporality✨
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I have just discovered the beauty of asparagus staging.

It's s-so efficient~~
ShoesandHats: Tsundere for rocketry.
Or at least dere :P
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 10:03:32 pm by Twi »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shoes cancels Drink: Intensified by Penguin Man.
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Alright, my lander FINALLY is able to get where it needs to go fairly reliably, but I STILL CAN'T ACTUALLY LAND. BLARGLBLARGH. I keep exploding because I can never manage to slow down enough. Maybe it wouldn't be as much of a problem on Minmus, but I wouldn't know because the goddamned mun keeps groping me with its grubby gravity fingers. And then, when I finally submit to its advances, it explodes me as soon as I try to land. I'm almost thinking it'd be easier to shoot for Eve, because at least then I could use parachutes.

I have just discovered the beauty of asparagus staging.

It's s-so efficient~~
ShoesandHats: Tsundere for rocketry.

I might sig this...


  • Bay Watcher
  • ✨heterotemporality✨
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Alright, my lander FINALLY is able to get where it needs to go fairly reliably, but I STILL CAN'T ACTUALLY LAND. BLARGLBLARGH. I keep exploding because I can never manage to slow down enough. Maybe it wouldn't be as much of a problem on Minmus, but I wouldn't know because the goddamned mun keeps groping me with its grubby gravity fingers. And then, when I finally submit to its advances, it explodes me as soon as I try to land. I'm almost thinking it'd be easier to shoot for Eve, because at least then I could use parachutes.

Eve also has Gilly, which you can land on with an unprotected Kerbal/Kerman, it's gravity is so light.

And you can probably escape from it with an unprotected kerbal, too. :P

If the Kerbol system were anthromorphized, Eve would be the mother figure (duh) and Gilly would be the token mini-moe:

"I g-guess you can l-land on me... if y-you w-want... n-no pressure..."

« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 12:06:48 am by Twi »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Argonian Overlord
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Alright, my lander FINALLY is able to get where it needs to go fairly reliably, but I STILL CAN'T ACTUALLY LAND. BLARGLBLARGH. I keep exploding because I can never manage to slow down enough. Maybe it wouldn't be as much of a problem on Minmus, but I wouldn't know because the goddamned mun keeps groping me with its grubby gravity fingers. And then, when I finally submit to its advances, it explodes me as soon as I try to land. I'm almost thinking it'd be easier to shoot for Eve, because at least then I could use parachutes.

Eve also has Gilly, which you can land on with an unprotected Kerbal/Kerman, it's gravity is so light.

And you can probably escape from it with an unprotected kerbal, too. :P
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam.
Future supplanter of humanity.


  • Bay Watcher
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I have neglected this thread for far too long and cannot sit idly by any longer. Us at Bay12 have been greatly negligent in sending untrained, untested kerbonauts on missions throughout the solar system. After a great deal of testing I have found a statistically significant difference indicating that more experienced kerbals have survived more flights than the less experienced kerbals, verifying my hypothesis that some degree of exposure before-hand decreases the likelihood of catastrophic mission failure. Thus I present to you the Kerbal Party Bus

The Party Bus is the first stage of my Kerbal training program, and hopefully the lives that were lost during its testing will be made back through the lives it saves. The party bus is an advanced cargo-freight vehicle design similar to the 18-wheeled variety that we know of on our highways. The idea behind it is that Kerbonauts are loaded into the cargo-area and the doors are closed. The drivers are then to simulate the effects of multiple, repeated shifts in velocity vector. Three-dimensional movement will be simulated through complex maneuvers involving parked ramp-vehicles as well as the launch pad.

Now I would absolutely love to provide pictures of this valuable training tool, however it seems that the Space Program frowns upon the bulk training of kerbonauts, and thus would like the procedure to be repeated with fewer personnel until its safety is assured. (Read: the game crashed when I crammed 7 in the back). More testing will come later tonight.

If this training program is a success I may attempt a "vomit comet" style of aircraft for training in weightlessness, though I feel that a kerbal that is not properly secured may be quite a liability during takeoff. Feel free to share or create a training program of your own, I would love to see how others think that they could provide their precious kerbonauts with valuable experience before sending them on a sun-dive mission.
Quote from: EvilTim
"You shouldn't anthropomorphize vehicles. They hate it"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Kringrus! Babak crulurg tingra!
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Weeeelll... I usually test my Kerbals by subjecting them to ultra-high temperature rocket exhaust. They seem to like it.
A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.


  • Bay Watcher
  • ✨heterotemporality✨
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I have neglected this thread for far too long and cannot sit idly by any longer. Us at Bay12 have been greatly negligent in sending untrained, untested kerbonauts on missions throughout the solar system. After a great deal of testing I have found a statistically significant difference indicating that more experienced kerbals have survived more flights than the less experienced kerbals, verifying my hypothesis that some degree of exposure before-hand decreases the likelihood of catastrophic mission failure. Thus I present to you the Kerbal Party Bus

The Party Bus is the first stage of my Kerbal training program, and hopefully the lives that were lost during its testing will be made back through the lives it saves. The party bus is an advanced cargo-freight vehicle design similar to the 18-wheeled variety that we know of on our highways. The idea behind it is that Kerbonauts are loaded into the cargo-area and the doors are closed. The drivers are then to simulate the effects of multiple, repeated shifts in velocity vector. Three-dimensional movement will be simulated through complex maneuvers involving parked ramp-vehicles as well as the launch pad.

Now I would absolutely love to provide pictures of this valuable training tool, however it seems that the Space Program frowns upon the bulk training of kerbonauts, and thus would like the procedure to be repeated with fewer personnel until its safety is assured. (Read: the game crashed when I crammed 7 in the back). More testing will come later tonight.

If this training program is a success I may attempt a "vomit comet" style of aircraft for training in weightlessness, though I feel that a kerbal that is not properly secured may be quite a liability during takeoff. Feel free to share or create a training program of your own, I would love to see how others think that they could provide their precious kerbonauts with valuable experience before sending them on a sun-dive mission.

Remember: You only need 5 for a reliable sample size. ;)

But yeah. Need moar VAB pics and such.


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh?  I rarely see the same Kerbals twice, if ever.  How you you get them back?  Even when they successfully return via parachute they dont show up on the subsequent flights for me.

On the topic of kerbalnauts (I'm at work or I'd just test this) do you lose any rocket functionality if you EVA the guys?  Can you leave two (or even all three) standing on the pad, and still launch and fly your rocket?

Also, does adding that hitchhiker module give you extra kerbalnauts in mission, or allow you any other IVA activities?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident trucker/goddess/ex-president.
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An empty capsule can't be controlled, unless you have a robotic control unit. Keep at least one kerbal in your ship if you want it to remain usable.

Hitchhiker modules do not "include" kerbalnauts. You can add more by transferring them from other vehicles.
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

Shadow of the Demon Lord - OOC Thread - IC Thread


  • Bay Watcher
  • ✨heterotemporality✨
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Meanwhile: I am technically a sexy god of rocketless SSTOs! Technically :P

Meet the Firebug! It has intake abuse and is actually pretty good at planing in general. Takes off quickly, fairly maneuverable, fairly stable, etc.
((warning: this post contains 29 pictures))
Much finicking was done in order to get thrust out the engines at low air levels. It's kinda tricky, but doable. The fact that this thing has the two engines basically as close to the axis as possible probably helps.
Suffice to say I did not expect to get into space.

And then I did it again, only this time was much better. It was even technically an SSTO! (well, an SSTO with the periaps grazing the ground, but that's beside the point)
And then I did it a third time!
Theeen I figured I may as well land the darn thing. I'm pretty sure I went around the world 1.8 times, after all.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 05:50:32 pm by Twi »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shoes cancels Drink: Intensified by Penguin Man.
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So, I kind of jokingly thought that I'd sooner land on Duna than on the Mun, and then I went ahead and decided to test that. As it turns out, interplanetary travel involves math and makes your head hurt. I ended up orbiting the sun with little hope of ever returning to Kerbin.


  • Bay Watcher
  • ✨heterotemporality✨
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So, I kind of jokingly thought that I'd sooner land on Duna than on the Mun, and then I went ahead and decided to test that. As it turns out, interplanetary travel involves math and makes your head hurt. I ended up orbiting the sun with little hope of ever returning to Kerbin.

*pats* Don't worry, it happens to the best of us.

Also there are many things that do math for you. Like the Phase Angle Calculator! And MechJeb! :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Also there are many things that do math for you. Like the Phase Angle Calculator! And MechJeb! :P
I never fot mechjeb to properly do interplanetary transfers... it sucks because I have a ship that gets into stable orbit with over 6k dV but I never can get anywhere further than minimus without wasting waaaaaaay too much fuel because apparently the best way to get to duna from kerbin is to burn RETROGRADE!!!!!
Probably no reason other than it giving them a larger B-peen.
The B is for Business.
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