So, how much of a ship/rover could you build entirely through this 'small construction' then? Are there any engines available?
You can't carry around tanks, but with docking ports and decouplers it's not needed. If you want to kick an old fuel tank into motion, you can attach anything that's small and radially mountable - i.e. the radial Ants and 24-77's. You can attach a radial RCS tank, RCS blocks, a command seat, and some rover wheels. The spaceplane undercarriage seems to be too long to be carriable. Ditto for any landing legs.
Best part is, this applies to
all of those parts. No need to actually pack them up or anything. So if your rocket crashed, and you have some radial engines, a fuel tank, and a command seat in the wreckage, you could totally MacGuyver yourself a little rocket and blast off.
There is no part editing going on, you can manually add anything you want to the list in the mod's config file if you want to experiment with something.
Oh, and you can radial-mount the radial-mounted parachutes. If you could have a command to deploy them on EVA, you could essentially have an EVA parachute pack.
Oh god oh god oh god, that sounds far too good.
Damn you people and your awesome mods for awesome games! Gonna have to try it, but I'm waiting for 0.22.....
I actually have a rover that's stuck because he has no electricity to open the solar panels. All I'd need is to send one of those small solar panels that's already open.... aw man.
Let's just wait for 0.22..... Does anyone know how long stuff is usually in testing?
A few weeks to a month, I'd say. Depends on how many bugs the experimentals team finds.