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Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program: Now Hiring Optimistic Astronauts for Dangerous Munission  (Read 1554579 times)


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Send a rescue party. And a rescue the rescue party. And....


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« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 08:35:40 pm by Cthulhu »


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Well, I put Kerbals on Mun.

Spoiler: Hooray? (click to show/hide)
What causes this silliness, anyway? My mun mission was disrupted by the detachment of the lander from the orbiter going strangely wrong, in that the docking nodes both stayed with the orbiter when I told them to decouple... Similarly my initial rocket was hampered by two fuel tanks on top of eachother deciding to stop being connected for no apparent reason.


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If you time it right, don't die on the failed attempts on the way down, and have enough monopropellant when you intercept the craft, that could work. Could.

This is a drama that shall rival Apollo 13!
Every dwarf, every dwarven man, women, and child, that comes to our forts will die there; it's truly sad when you think about it. And we ask our selves, why? Why do we push forward, knowing this fate, that we are destined for failure? Because, this game grasps the concept of mortality. Some games you can never lose, but we all stop eventually, causing a 'death' to those game's 'worlds'. Dwarf Fortress gives us a definite end, knowing that we will leave that world eventually, and move on to more.


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I don't think I could.  I could get up there but I'd still need the lander's main thruster to dock or I'd just get rammed at some unthinkable speed by the command module.

I'm just kind of staring at the screen right now.  I feel like I've reached the limit of my skill to actually do anything.  The next milestone is a space station but that may as well be a brick wall, I don't even know how to start and getting one off the internet is an unacceptable alternative.


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Manned mission to the sun.


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If you time it right, don't die on the failed attempts on the way down, and have enough monopropellant when you intercept the craft, that could work. Could.

This is a drama that shall rival Apollo 13!
I feel like the chances of this happening are akin to trying to hit a bullet with a bullet. Because that's essentially what he'd be trying to do.
In the wells of livestock vans with shells and garden sands /
Iron mixed with oxygen as per the laws of chemistry and chance /
A shape was roughly human, it was only roughly human /
Apparition eyes / Apparition eyes / Knock, apparition, knock / Eyes, apparition eyes /


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My first manned mission to the moon went even worse than that one you saw there.  I wasn't paying attention and burned to enter Mun orbit without bothering to actually aim the ship, and we ended up flying off into nowhere.  It's now in a solar orbit and I decided to use one of the two survivors to find out what would happen if I went on EVA while the ship was fully throttled.  Turns out the answer is duh.

Forty days later, Fredly Kerman is still out there, farther from Kerbin than any Kerbal has ever been.  He stopped screaming weeks ago, I think he understands.  The closest he'll be to home again is twenty million kilometers.

EDIT:  Kerbo 3, another successful landing, this time we bounced and knocked the RCS tank off.  Not as fubar, but still pretty fucked up.

EDIT2:  Just realized the docking clamp also came off.  There's no way we can do a normal rendezvous now.  We're gonna have to equalize speed and get the orbits as close as we can, and just fucking jump through a couple miles of infinite nothing to reach the lander.  Godspeed, Bill and Jeb.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 01:38:30 am by Cthulhu »


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EDIT2:  Just realized the docking clamp also came off.  There's no way we can do a normal rendezvous now.  We're gonna have to equalize speed and get the orbits as close as we can, and just fucking jump through a couple miles of infinite nothing to reach the lander.  Godspeed, Bill and Jeb.
The docking clamp coming off thing happened to me earlier, and when designing my space station I noticed that I had originally stacked two ports on top of each other while designing my orbiter+lander. Using qweasd or so can flip parts, make sure you do that if you haven't already.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The Jebel al-Tariq is now in orbit around the planet Kerbin. Capable of supporting a crew of 9 for over a year, it's suited with the finest scientific instruments Kerbin has to offer. Phase 2 will be the attachment of two Ion engines towards the rear of the ship followed by a crew of several kerbal scientists. Then Phase 3 will be the accumulation of fuel to support interplanetary voyages. It was really much easier than I expected, and there's quite a bit of fuel still left.


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There wasn't any structural flaw, the lander rolled over and tore off the clamp, along with the RCS tank.  We attempted the aforementioned save but messed up the ascent and ended up in a retrograde orbit relative to the command module.  There was no saving that one.  Bill tried to make the jump despite the 1060m/s velocity difference and was never seen again.  Jeb put the lander in on a collision course and jumped out.  He hit the surface of the Mun with the force of about 3 kilograms of TNT.  Selnie, the command module pilot, made it home just fine.

Kerbo 4 came next.  Orbit was perfect.  Docking (I'm doing it Apollo style, where the lander is planted behind the CSM and moved into position en route) was perfect.  Transfer was perfect.  The only flaw going into the descent was that there were no Anomalous Structures in the viable landing zones.

I don't have the constitution for these high tension landings.  With no SAS on the lander I ended up overcorrecting and rolling the lander again, knocking off the RCS and clamp, just like last time.  This time we were ready though.  We did our little moonwalk, I forgot to plant a flag, and then we went into orbit.  More than a dozen revolutions and most of the remaining monopropellant later, we had our first and last window of opportunity.  Jeb and Bill made a leap of faith into the void and floated five kilometers to the command module, and became the first kerbals to set foot on the Mun and return alive.


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Five whole kilometers?!

bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward


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Kerbo 5, Jeb went down alone on the Dark Side to find the ARCH.

And the god damn fucking RCS tank fell off again.  It's not fucking funny anymore.  I'd put on some struts to keep the bastard attached but I'm never flying this rocket again after this so whatever.  This is it.  The ultimate mystery.  Happiness for everybody, free, and let no one go away unsatisfied.


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You mean they successfully hit the orbiter using only jetpacks? Awesome.
Personally I just failed yet again at connecting my ion engines to my space station, this time because I noticed I was out of propellant when I wasn't unreasonably far from the station. I'm really not understanding this whole docking thing in regards to lining up the orbits, as If I actually get almost perfectly similar orbits my target is always not where the maneuver calculator said it will be, and neither of the purple things that show up seem to actually reduce the m/s ticker.


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Turns out it's hard to navigate in the dark.  Who knew?  Jeb landed on the wrong end of the mare, more than a hundred kilometers from the prize.

Bill and Bob aren't gonna let his life's work go to waste though, they just landed the CSM, destroying everything but the pod, #yolo

Now let's find that fucking arch.


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