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Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program: Now Hiring Optimistic Astronauts for Dangerous Munission  (Read 1551664 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Hey Forsaken, you satellite network put me in the mood to do the same.

My calculations show me that you could get complete kerbal coverage with just 3 geosynchronous satellites, at the equator, you agree?
True in theory if you could get them exactly equilateral, but in practice 6 sats provided me with very solid coverage and its not like they cost anything right now. :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Hey Forsaken, you satellite network put me in the mood to do the same.

My calculations show me that you could get complete kerbal coverage with just 3 geosynchronous satellites, at the equator, you agree?
True in theory if you could get them exactly equilateral, but in practice 6 sats provided me with very solid coverage and its not like they cost anything right now. :P

Nah, they don't have to perfectly equilateral. I have 3 set up, and they are 100ish degrees and 120ish degrees and 140ish degrees from each other, plus or minus a bit due to eyeballing it for the last sat. They aren't set up equally at all, and I still get complete coverage.
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hey Forsaken, you satellite network put me in the mood to do the same.

My calculations show me that you could get complete kerbal coverage with just 3 geosynchronous satellites, at the equator, you agree?
True in theory if you could get them exactly equilateral, but in practice 6 sats provided me with very solid coverage and its not like they cost anything right now. :P

Nah, they don't have to perfectly equilateral. I have 3 set up, and they are 100ish degrees and 120ish degrees and 140ish degrees from each other, plus or minus a bit due to eyeballing it for the last sat. They aren't set up equally at all, and I still get complete coverage.
Does that include odd orbits around the planet? I set up the 6 in the pattern I did so that they cover every orbit and cover the surface as well.


  • Bay Watcher
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I put a fuckton of sattelites on geosync orbit, three dish-sattelites on a larger orbit (each 120 degrees apart from each other) and everything works for me ^^


  • Bay Watcher
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Hey Forsaken, you satellite network put me in the mood to do the same.

My calculations show me that you could get complete kerbal coverage with just 3 geosynchronous satellites, at the equator, you agree?
True in theory if you could get them exactly equilateral, but in practice 6 sats provided me with very solid coverage and its not like they cost anything right now. :P

Nah, they don't have to perfectly equilateral. I have 3 set up, and they are 100ish degrees and 120ish degrees and 140ish degrees from each other, plus or minus a bit due to eyeballing it for the last sat. They aren't set up equally at all, and I still get complete coverage.
Does that include odd orbits around the planet? I set up the 6 in the pattern I did so that they cover every orbit and cover the surface as well.

I would assume it includes odd orbits. They can all talk to each other, so I can't really come up with an orbit that at least one sat wouldn't be in contact with any probes.
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.


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I'm working on a mobile airship drilling platform which will fly to a site and land. It doesn't have a converter, its purpose is just to drill. The Kethane will be pumped out via a KAS cable to another ship I'll land nearby and then taken into orbit to be processed.

Its not 100% practical but it will give me a store of kethane in orbit which can be refined into any of the 4 types of fuel, and its good practice for when I set up bases on other planets.


  • Bay Watcher
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So... airships are hard. The balancing is an issue.

Spoiler: Anchor Testing (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Landing Testing (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iterative Beta Testing (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Final (click to show/hide)

It has a KAS winch on the bottom with a grapple for anchoring in place and drawing itself gently to the ground, or for lifting cargo. The forward winch has a detachable connector so a kerbonaut can connect the cable to a nearby ship for transportation or simply transferring resources such as the mined kethane. The prop on the back is electric, one of the firespitter parts. Its actually a propeller, not a pusher, but you can reverse the props in that pack so it works as a pusher as well.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 06:53:06 pm by forsaken1111 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

Shadow of the Demon Lord - OOC Thread - IC Thread


  • Bay Watcher
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Imgur lets you use small thumbnails that link to the full size image. No need to spoiler and helps out people with slow connections while still providing a preview.

[ url=][ img][ /img][ /url]

With the spaces after the ['s removed becomes

The first http address is the image you're linking, the second is the same but with an "s" before the .png to show to the smaller thumbnail.


  • Bay Watcher
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Aw man, that remotetech mod is awesome. Encourages me to do stuff like this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Got a nice 'CommProbeSpreader' design going on. Each launch contains 8 comm probes, each of which has 1 gigantor solar, 1 of the largest dishes, and 1 antennae. This image is after 3 launches, the inner 2 of which have only started deploying their probes. Plop enough in different orbits, and you're almost guaranteed to have coverage at any given time. And thanks to the way orbital mechanics work, dump em all in roughly the same place with slightly different orbits, and soon they will spread out enough to be the equivalent of several launches. ^_^

Silly forsaken and your 6 launches for full coverage. You just need to use moar dakka. :P
Edit: All deployed.
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« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 04:06:15 am by alway »


  • Bay Watcher
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That's either overkill or magnificent. Can't decide which x3

bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward


  • Bay Watcher
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As it turns out, neither, it's just terrible.

I really should have tested that probe design before sending them out.... Opening the dish kinda results in them self-destructing violently.

Also, as it turns out, having tons of probes in orbit and all calculating comms results in a massive slowdown in the game at all times. Judging by just how bad it was with all those probes in range of each other, their signal pathfinding is probably a naive implementation. >_>
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 04:33:54 am by alway »


  • Bay Watcher
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As long as the 3 satellites have the same orbit, but is a third of the way behind of the next satellite, you should have complete coverage.
They need to be above a certain height though, given by the equation:

Where h is the height above ground for each satellite, r is the radius of the planet(or moon), and n is the number of satellites.

The radius of Kerbin is 600km, let's just plot it on a graph for fun:

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At a value of n=2 we get infinity as we might suspect.
The interesting thing is that the height goes down pretty fast as you add more satellites.
And if we solve for a height of 60km we get the number of satellites to 7.31
But we can't have a third of a satellite, so we have to round up to 8.

Not covered here is coverage at the poles, which is no problem with 3 or 4 satellites, but becomes more of a problem if you gotta control ground vehicles on the poles, with lower satellites.

If you really need ground coverage near the poles, I would suggest 3 more satellites in a polar orbit.
(Poles is referring to the spots farthest away from the "ring" of satellites, so it might not be the actual poles)


  • Bay Watcher
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Bleh.. do we have to bring rocket science into a game about.. rockets..
Nevermind, carry on!
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