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Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program: Now Hiring Optimistic Astronauts for Dangerous Munission  (Read 1551667 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Does anyone also know if they are planning on adding more terrain features, or something like cities, to Kerbin?  Also, are they ever going to add any sort of destructible terrain for things like rocket impacts?
Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum circo vincendarum
W-we just... wanted our...
Actually most of the people here explicitly wanted chaos and tragedy. So. Uh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Actually things don't interact gravitationally with more than one thing- you actually couldn't have an asteroid that it is possible to move have any gravity. And as far as I know, if something isn't either passing through a SOI or else under thrust (or air resistance, or torque), then it's not going to change course.

Under my system, all asteroids (or at least, all asteroids with little enough mass to be reasonably moved) would have so little gravity that they would effectively not have SOIs, which means they would be simple enough to simulate.
A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.


  • Bay Watcher
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That's not too far from the truth, either. The four largest asteroids in the Solar System have masses of ~1019. The gravitational constant is 10-11. Their shortest radius is 430~900 km. Take in mind that the gravitational acceleration equation is

a = G M / R2. And R is in meters. That's a very tiny gravitational force even a short distance away from the center.

If I take Ceres as an example, it has a gravitational acceleration of a whopping 0.27 m/s2. And it's the largest asteroid, a whole dwarf planet. The four largest asteroids also take up over 75% of the total mass of all the asteroids in the Solar System. Most small asteroids will have barely enough gravity to hold themselves together, never mind have noticeable effects on spacecraft. :D
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 12:10:32 am by Skyrunner »

bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward


  • Bay Watcher
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Did any of you spotted the "Procedurally generated solar systems and FTL engines" on the rumor list?
I hope very much that this can be combined with multiplayer and having to find planets using orbital telescopes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Did any of you spotted the "Procedurally generated solar systems and FTL engines" on the rumor list?
I hope very much that this can be combined with multiplayer and having to find planets using orbital telescopes.

Finding planets via orbital telescopes is silly and you should feel silly. You can launch the telescope into orbit, sure, but of the system being probed! Much more effective. That, or just go in blind and fly into things that look like planets from the cockpit, which fits the KSP soul.

Knight of Fools

  • Bay Watcher
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I think the telescopes would be used more for actually finding solar systems, rather than finding planets on them. No matter how high your resolution is, it's about impossible to have a sure count of the number of planets in a foreign system with a telescope.
Proud Member of the Zombie Horse Executioner Squad. "This Horse ain't quite dead yet."

I don't have a British accent, but I still did a YouTube.


  • Bay Watcher
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May I remind you of what we're doing IRL? "sure count", no, "estimated count", sure!
And we're progressing :P
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Sauron makes the precious.
Gollum loves and hates the precious.
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  • Bay Watcher
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I would wish we could get goats in this game.
Would the owner of an ounce of dignity please contact the mall security?

sneakey pete

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Going by the current rate, i doubt we'll have to be worrying about telescopes anytime this year anyway :P
Magma is overrated.


  • Bay Watcher
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I would wish we could get goats in this game.


  • Bay Watcher
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I would wish we could get goats in this game.

Goats. In space. Also, a variety of things from just about every major SS13 server to a certain barely known rocket enthusiast known for his severe injury during a goat and rocket-related incident. This assumes I know everything about space goats in media.


  • Bay Watcher
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Managed to get a probe into orbit of Mun with the communication mod :D

Didn't need dishes on Kerbin-orbiting sats though.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 09:07:32 am by Dutchling »


  • Bay Watcher
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Managed to get a probe into orbit of Mun with the communication mod :D

Didn't need dishes on Kerbin-orbiting sats though.
Yeah as I said a dish can connect to an omnidirectional antenna from twice the normal distance, so mun is possible. I now have a munar lander with an antenna, a munar relay with a dish pointed at Kerbin, and a surveyor mapping the mun and searching for kethane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hey Forsaken, you satellite network put me in the mood to do the same.

My calculations show me that you could get complete kerbal coverage with just 3 geosynchronous satellites, at the equator, you agree?


  • Bay Watcher
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Hey Forsaken, you satellite network put me in the mood to do the same.

My calculations show me that you could get complete kerbal coverage with just 3 geosynchronous satellites, at the equator, you agree?

Complete except for the exact north and south poles, but really, who puts anything there anyway?
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.
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