Speaking of challenges, I got a spaceplane into space! (A spaceplane by the definition of silly people who don't like rocket planes.

It sadly wasn't SSTO. It was, however, at least somewhat reusable. And mostly stock. It has mechjeb, but it might well not need it! Stage one is actually remarkably stable. Stage two is... less so, but the final stage is alright. And of course, I don't think I'm that good a pilot.
So behold, the massive monster that is the Aether Regnum! (Sky King in Latin, Greek, or possibly a mix of both. I'm lazy.) ...With a new iteration of the Utsuho tailsitter plane strapped to the front.
I was planning to use some mods (Damned Robotics, possibly others) to put this monster on a mobile ICBM-esque transport/launcher vehicle, but that has been put on hold for a number of reasons (lag, structural issues...well, pretty much lag and structural issues). These are probably ignorable/solvable issues, but fuck it I got into space already

I'm burning through the skies! Yeah! Two hundred degrees! That's why they call me Mister Farenheit!~Surprisingly, even without using Mechjeb, it's incredibly stable and relatively un-wobbly under ASAS, and gets up to a nice clip of 1000 m/s at 20 km or so. I could probably take it a little higher and faster if I was careful about it, but eh. The staging here is tricky enough as is- those jets produce way more power than those rockets, so they have to be shut down to avoid smashing into said engines. And since jets take a while to respond, you have to wait at least a bit and/or fire the rockets on full blast right when you decouple. This is the harrowing part in general, and seems to be the most unstable- of the three launches of this thing I've done, one had the jets smash the right two rockets, and I stopped instantly for fairly obvious reasons. One lost control after staging, and although it was eventually regained, it had used too much of the booster stage's fuel to get into space (although it came frustratingly close!). This is, as you might have guessed, the third launch, and although it was rather wobbly and needed Mechjeb assist, it did do its job well enough to...
..get me up into a solid suborbital trajectory before I ditched it. We haven't seen the last of that booster, by the way.
Orbit was achieved! Not all that circular, kind of cutting it close there, but orbit nonetheless. As you can see, the booster was still in space, so I decided I may as well follow it down and see how it landed, now that the Utsuho itself was in a stable orbit.
Stupid rocket engines.
Back to the mission: After a few orbits, I brought the Utsuho back in. And probably wasted a bunch of rocket fuel trying to make sure I would land both in daylight and on land, but that's besides the point:
I will
never get tired of things screaming towards the cold hard earth at several times the speed of sound. Never.
Perfect landing!
...Or not. Close enough!