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Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program: Now Hiring Optimistic Astronauts for Dangerous Munission  (Read 1489998 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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There's no rule that you have to actually use the runway. I tend to just taxi off to the side and use the grass.

I did that on my last flight and it was shockingly smooth.
<Dakkan> There are human laws, and then there are laws of physics. I don't bike in the city because of the second.
Dwarf Fortress Map Archive


  • Bay Watcher
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Wait a week and most mods that matter should be updated.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cursed by the Elves with a title.
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I wonder is kOS Classic has been updated yet.
For those that care, the guy who made kOS dropped out for a while and came back a few months ago with a major update, to find that, among other things, that the spaceport closed in the interm. As a result, he released his update as kOS classic, which, among other things, works better with the new SAS system, and integrates into the IVA of the parts which have kOS screens. No idea why I am talking about it here, but here we go.
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


  • Bay Watcher
  • Reptilian Illuminati member. Keep it secret.
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Took a bunch of kerbin survey missions.  If it isn't immediately obvious yet I like flying planes so they are right up my alley.  Take 2 3 parters at once and build a scout plane to take care of them. Small, pretty fast for my tech at a 250m/s cruise speed, maneuverable, and pretty much capable of taking off and landing on a dime.

Got all the air ones (though it turns out there was one that needed me to be above 18km instead of below, that one was tricky and required some tricky flying since that was just barely over the plane's flight ceiling but I got it.  Then I started doing the landing ones.  Picked up one easy enough, but I turned out undershooting the site by quite some distance.  They seem to be a lot more picky about the landed sites over the air ones.  Just ended up using the plane as a rover til I got there on the first one.

But on the second one I was trying not to undershoot the site this time.  Staying under 100 meters and going 50m/s ready to touch down the moment I see the site notice.  The sun had suddenly set, it was still bright enough to see but the plane's shadow disappeared. and I hadn't researched lights yet.  I continue flying low, figuring the ground isn't THAT hard to see, and I do a slight roll to fix my heading and immediately clip a wing off on the ground, I get the landing gear on the ground but only one side and end up rolling over into a low speed crash.  Most parts stayed intact, but disconnected from eachother.

I figure I can't be far from the site and tell Valentina to hoof it the rest of the way.  That did not work out.  I would think compasses would be standard gear because I ended up having her walk for a good hour in the wrong direction before realizing the mistake and just recovering.  That starlike object I assumed was the kerbal analog to the north star turned out to be minmus.  I now hate you minmus and everything you stand for.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 08:39:37 pm by Greiger »
Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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<Dakkan> There are human laws, and then there are laws of physics. I don't bike in the city because of the second.
Dwarf Fortress Map Archive


  • Bay Watcher
  • [T_WORD:PILLAR:kanil]
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It just occurred to me that you can use fairings to cover up unsightly parts of your spacecraft, and never actually eject them.

Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm surprised how fast the mods are being updated, they're going at the speed of hype.
I was planning on sticking with my heavily modded .90 game, however atmospheric and part heating is a big realism thing that no mod can add to .90 so I'll be waiting for remotetech, TAC and real solar system to be updated before starting a new serious game. Untill then I'll be running 1.0 realism lite. With default sized kerbol system, default kerbal construction time settings, snacks or another simplier life support mod, antenna range and whatever other small mods. Probably some USI colonisation ones, I want a nice looking duna base for drilling etc. On the plus size running a normal sized game will save enough ram I can add clouds and other prettiness.
Is it harder to make SSTOs with the new model?

Air breating engines seem to have been nerfed hard. Previously the Turbojet could go 2200m/s at 60km pretty easily but now it seems to only be able to do 1400m/s at 20km. The Rapier didn't get hit as badly and looks like it can do 1700m/s at 25km.

Throttle now takes into account your intake air so you can no longer flame out from having the throttle fully open.

A big part of the problem seems to be that the space plane parts can't stand up to the heat stress of being a space plane. Another is that whether or not something burns up makes no sense. I keep having a Mk2 Cockpit burn up while accelerating but the Mk2 Drone Core behind it is fine despite the plane moving faster than before and it being a flat surface and having the same Max Temperature.

EDIT: Pre-Cooler intake can survive going 1660m/s under 10km. but Ram intake cannot. Ram intake has its max temperature listed as 100 degrees higher than the Pre-Cooler. Looks like space plane construction has gotten very trial and error.
Yea space planes are much harder than before.  I managed to get one into a real orbit and back again.  But just barely, ran out of oxidizer when trying to deorbit and had to deorbit using rcs.

The heat really makes things more complicated, like when you are attempting to get into orbit sometimes you have to back off on the throttle as well as nose up when yer too low for your speed or you risk blowing up the front of the plane (which I think is why the ramjets die, the frontmost parts get MUCH hotter than the ones farther back), you also need to aerobrake HARD during the high part of reentry to slow down as much as you can before getting into the thicker atmosphere.  So far I've been telling the sas to point radial during reentry to kill speed from 70km til 50km, then trying to keep my nose 10 or 20 degrees high of prograde until I'm down to 300m/s or so.  Seems to keep the plane alive without having to find some way to build in heat shields.
I haven't gotten the hang of space plane re-entry yet, I either need to wait for air brakes, add extremely high altitude drogue chutes for before re-entry burn comes in, enter at a different angle, or use engines to lower re-entry speed. I have managed to return a few tourists with a suborbital flight stage consisting of a mk 1 cockpit and 2 mk 1 inline cockpit's behind it, re-entry heating would spontaneously explode the craft on any attempts to hit orbit, but it seemed to handle small suborbital hops pretty well.

I think you also need to take into account how much heat the part itself actually puts out, is your ramjet intake attached to the same engine at the same throttle and altitude as the pre-cooler was?
Throttle, altitude, speed, and part connected to were the same. Ram intake just can't handle speed as well as Pre-Cooler intake. The Engine Nacelle intake seems to work about as well as the Pre-Cooler intake too.

EDIT:1690m/s horizontal speed in atmosphere.

I notice the second picture is producing more thrust, would this increase the heat output?

For example, survey on kerbin contracts, for which I have to take off from BumpyMcDeadlyRunway with a plane which includes two jet engines and a LV-T45, fly to below the survey location using just the jets, and then activate the LV-T45 and point the plane straight up to reach the designated height.I only have enough fuel to do one of them (largely owing to the 30 part limit and my lack of any better jet engines or bigger fuel tanks).
I've been designing my space planes horizontally in the VAB so I can flip them vertical and use the different symmetry, also because I can't make sub assemblies yet so I can shove the thing onto a launcher straight away.

Edit: getting an error about outdated mods. "firespitter core" and "aaa_toolbar" I think it's the USI freight pack :/
« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 12:11:20 am by MarcAFK »
They're nearly as bad as badgers. Build a couple of anti-buzzard SAM sites marksdwarf towers and your fortress will look like Baghdad in 2003 from all the aerial bolt spam. You waste a lot of ammo and everything is covered in unslightly exploded buzzard bits and broken bolts.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ καὶ χεῖρα κίνει
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You can use mirror simmetry in the VAB as well, i think its bound to f or r key


  • Bay Watcher
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I notice the second picture is producing more thrust, would this increase the heat output?
The Rapier's heat output seems pretty negligible. The only time I've had one overheat is from this mad contraption.

It's a slightly crazier version of the one I posted here. The new drag model makes only the drag of the frontmost object count if a they're connected node to node. There seems to be some addition based on total number of parts but it's still far less drag than it would have.

Both Rapiers can run simultaneously because of the cubic octagonal strut betweem them but the lower one overheats at around 500m/s. For some reason this method lets it get a higher top speed than a single engine would.

I broke Mach 6 with an air breather.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Tail of a stinging scorpion scourge
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however atmospheric and part heating is a big realism thing that no mod can add to .90

Err, Deadly Reentry?
Ever heard of it? Doesn't make heatshields physicsless and thus useless? Makes parachutes not instantly slow you down to below explodeytemps and not deployable from fucking vacuum?

Ring any bells?

Anyway, I'm wondering how Interstellar is gonna handle this update, seeing as ISRU was a thing they were doing. Probably just make the stock one accept their more realistic resources and such.
7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

Indeed, I do this.


  • Bay Watcher
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Karbonite still exists despite the fact that KSP's ISRU system was made by the person who makes Karbonite, so that should be fine.


  • Bay Watcher
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I think what MarcAFK meant is that DR was not able to incorporate the underlying game engine changes necessary for heat transfer between parts, as well as proper radiative and compressive heating.  It just faked it.

It faked it pretty well, but it will doubtless now be able to fake it a lot better now that the engine has been updated.  I'm sure the DR guys will crank out an update with more realism than stock.  Stock is always a balance between simulation, accessibility, and fun for the masses.


  • Bay Watcher
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Yes, I was referring to the massive overhaul of part physics regarding heating, conduction, radiation and convection. Thus far I'm liking the heating system, but the lack of dedicated radiators is rather depressing. Solar panels are virtually useless as far as I can tell, the most significant difference seems to come to having a part directly attached to the heaviest item available. I've been testing mainsails and have found that they overheat significantly unless attached to a fuel tank, an XL girder is fairly good at taking heat from the engine but it overheats after a few minutes, adding more girders to the girder lowers it's temperature but not significantly enough to make a difference to the engine. For analysis of the effect fuel tanks have see this image:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
This is after about 20 minutes of burning.
The setup is this, the mainsail attached to the S3-7200 tank is the control, with mainsail putting out 180 units of heat attached to a 4.5 ton tank. The mainsail itself has a thermal mass of 4800, the tank has thermal mass of 66,871.
Right of it is a mainsail attached to an X200-8, with weight of only .5 tons this has a tenth the fuel and thermal mass, the exact number is 7430.
Behind the control is the same S3-7200 tank but with gigantor panels attached, there are 24 panels, each weighs .35 tons for a combined mass of 8.4 tons, and has a thermal mass of 540, total of 12,960. For reference this is a 19% increase on the thermal mass of the tank it is attached to.
Lastly on the back right is a mainsail attached to 2 S3-7200 tanks, I previously tested a S3-14400 and found it had exactly the same properties as 2 stacked 7200's. The tank weighs 9 tons and has thermal mass of 133,743, double the mass and double the thermal mass of the control.
The engine attached to the X200-8 slowly crept up to 1900 degrees, when it hit 1950 I throttled it back to see what difference that made, after hitting 74.5% the temperature slowly dropped to 1927.7 degrees.
We notice that compared to the control there is a 130 degree difference in the engine temp compared to the one with solar panels, the tank itself displays a similar temperature difference, note however that this is with twice the weight in panels as the fuel tank itself weighs.
Finally we see the engine attached to the double tank is 260 degrees cooler.

About half an hour after the screen shot the control engine hit 1500 degrees, testing is still ongoing but I'm very confidant that it will reach equilibrium well below 2000 degrees without needing to throttle back. Interestingly, both rear engines were barely 1000 degrees, but the one with solar panels was actually slightly cooler than the double tank setup.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 07:19:59 am by MarcAFK »
They're nearly as bad as badgers. Build a couple of anti-buzzard SAM sites marksdwarf towers and your fortress will look like Baghdad in 2003 from all the aerial bolt spam. You waste a lot of ammo and everything is covered in unslightly exploded buzzard bits and broken bolts.
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