Actually, who's the one reclining with a sneer? I like that guy. Let's go with him.
Mr. Non-Silly-Headgear is a Spanish captain.
I thought it went like this, from left to right, but it's been a while since I've played: French,
Spanish, Dutch (Mr. Non-Silly-Headgeer the Sneerer), English.
Yeah, now that I think about it a bit more, you're probably right.
Incognito, smarmiest looking guy there, Fencing, any scenario that involves you blowing stuff up rather than trading.
That would be most of them.
English, of only for the bonus of speaking english.
Everyone speaks Simlish in the game. However, the English speak English Simlish, the French speak French Simlish etc, etc. It's actually quite neat when you realize that every different nation has their own version of Simlish.
Current votes on character creation:
Incongnito: 3 votes (Neonivek, shadenight123 and Simmura McCrea)
Inigo Montoya: 3 votes (breadbocks, RF and monk12)
Jan Kees: 1 vote (Detonate)
Dutch: 4 votes (Neonivek, IronyOwl, Detonate and shadenight123)
Spanish: 4 votes (breadbocks, KaguroDraven, RF and monk12)
English: 2 votes (Bdthemag and noah22223)
Smarmiest Guy: 1 vote (Simmura McCrea)
Fencing: 6 votes (breadbocks, KaguroDraven, RF, monk12, shadenight123, Simmura McCrea)
Medicine: 1 votes (Detonate)
Pirate's Sunset: 2 votes (KaguroDraven, RF)
Buccaneer Heroes: 1 vote (Detonate)
Any scenario except the first one: (Simmura McCrea)
Generally, it looks like we'll be playing in the Pirate's Sunset, slashing people left and right with our deadly fencing abilities. Right now it's even tied between being Spanish Inigo Montoya or Dutch Incongnito. If the tie remains tomorrow, I'll flip a coin to figure out who we'll be.