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Author Topic: You are King! (Spring 315a)  (Read 185100 times)


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2715 on: August 29, 2011, 03:16:59 pm »

Castle Sheepstead's Throne Room, Early Spring...

Erik arched an eyebrow, mulling over what had been said. (5) "Understandable. And...admirable. I'd have not thought a man such as Trubaldsome to be so loyal to his people..." he paused a moment, (3-1) "But a prince? No. Should your...friend...wish to maintain control of Miring, he will need to swear fealty to myself and the Elbrethian crown."

He paused once more as Aulon spoke of Sir Taric 'the just' and rumors of rebellion. (2-1) And it was here, perhaps, that Aulon made his mistake, Erik would think in retrospect. The massacre was still a sore spot.
The King's eyes narrowed, and he motioned for his guards to move towards the Nobleman. "All this is well and good," he replied as the guardsmen closed in, "But if rumors of rebellion are lies, then from where does the massacre of my troops stem? The tales of Trubaldsome's speech?"

He paused a moment, and then added, "You have been...not but a loyal servant, though...misguided in your actions. I offer you a choice: Aid me in overthrowing the usurper of Miring's throne, and I shall grant you money and land both. Or...personally learn how traitors are dealt with on this side of the Gulf."
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2716 on: August 29, 2011, 11:36:47 pm »

'Err...' Aulon started. 'I do not see why you cannot let Trubaldsome remain on the throne. As I already said, he is more than willing to plead his allegiance and serve you as a vassal. But if I cannot change your mind, I shall have to retire to my quarters to think about this.'

Aulon suppressed the urge to scream at the king. Light blind this backwards country and its backwards king! Did he think the death of his men had been an execution somehow? Why was he refusing to understand the besieged prefer not to just rot away inside a castle's walls? Why was he so damn stubborn on the loss of his regiments, even though they had burnt Miring to cinders? Aulon couldn't understand why he had decided to fully embrace some rumours without question, while refusing to believe even bits of others.

Or perhaps he was just a smart politician. Aulon had never been very skilled at interpreting state politics. Or was someone else manipulating him already? Aulon made mental notes to think about these more later on and waited for permission to leave.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2717 on: August 30, 2011, 12:03:19 am »

((Diary coming later))

Find out what is the Cathedral of Suul is made of and where does it come from.


  • Bay Watcher
  • <Servibot> thatkid, swag percentiles: 94
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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2718 on: August 30, 2011, 04:25:41 pm »

OOC: Apologies in advance for any nonsensicalness. I'm running on maybe 5 hours of sleep total, and I just got my wisdom teeth removed so I'm hopped up on some kind of painkiller that apparently is also a narcotic? I dunno.
Just ask and I can clarify any weirdness.

Castle Sheepstead's Throne Room, Early Spring...

(3-1) "Remain on his throne? No. There is one King in Elbreth, and one throne." Erik replied tersely. His anger had cooled since the meeting with Terenos, perhaps because of the meeting with Terenos, but Erik could tell that he mere moments away from doing something horribly rash. This meeting would need to end soon. He took in a deep breath, and then went on, "My Shield shall show you to your quarters. I suggest you write a letter to Trubaldsome, I would wish to speak with him directly and I would also wish that Sir Taric the Just" he added the title with a hint of derision, "not be punished until I have given an official word on the matter. In the meantime, you will not leave this Castle, nor will any of your men."

With that, Erik turned to leave through the Throne Room's back entrance, confident that his Shield would be enough to keep Aulon in check, and that his Eyes would prevent any escape where they might fail.

Erik orders a Disciplined Infantry regiment (The King's Shield) to put Aulon yl Marchis under House Arrest within the Castle. A Scout/Tactician Regiment (The King's Eyes) and a regular infantry regiment begin high-alert guard shifts while keeping an eye on Aulon's men. At the first sign of any sort of plotting, the Pikemen are arrested en mass and thrown into jail.

Castle Sheepstead's Throne Room, Mid-Spring...

(Hans) "A merchant wishes an audience, my King." Bjorn called out, after two farmers who had brought their argument over the ownership of an ewe before the King had left. Erik sighed, and gave the steward a short wave from where he sat at the throne, signaling over the heads of a throng of courtiers for the next audience to begin.

Castle Sheepstead, Mid-Spring

(Kain 2) If the rose even made it to Kara, her disposition is no different from what it usually is (demure, gentle, etc.) the next time you see her.

The Weyland Highlands...

(Sir Jormund 3) The man's eyes narrow for a moment, and then he gives a curt nod. "Very well then. What are the...terms of this proposed alliance?"

The High Seas...

(Tearakudo 6) As Preston is still recovering from the recent war, and some eccentric nobleman has apparently bought up a large supply for some unknown reason, you are only able to get Lumber at the absurdly high price of 2.5ducats a unit.
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2719 on: August 30, 2011, 04:43:04 pm »

« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 04:53:07 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2720 on: August 30, 2011, 05:22:11 pm »

"Your Majesty, it is an honor to speak to you."
Hans took of his hat and bowed, paying attention to all courtly etiquette that he knew of. He did not know how lords or princes behave among their peers, but Hans was just merchant, a low-born. But that did not mean that he didn't have a head on his neck, and he was about to show Erik just that.

"My name is Hans van der Vreis and I am here today to present you with a proposal. But before I do that, I must warn you. His Grace, Grandmaster Black was informed by me of the danger posed by the Storm Coast Trade Guild. They came to Preston not long ago with a proposition of rebuilding the city and helping Grandmaster, but at a price of severe monopolies and extensive economic privileges. His Grace was hesitant of it, and when he heard my warning, he became outright opposed to it. The danger posed by the Guild is great, as they seek to exploit weak kindoms and establish their supremacy though trade. Once that is done, they bully kings and princes and force them to participate in wars that are of no interest but to themselves"

"Here lies my proposal, Your Majesty. I  ask of your permission and patronage in creating a guild that would be native to Elbreth, or at least supported by the Elbrethian Crown.
Apart from enriching your realm, that guild would be able to fight (through trade) with any foreign merchants that are poised on ensnaring and weakening your lands.
The guild hiowever would have to be granted an exclusive trade rights within the realm. That is, this guild would be the only one allowed to operate, and all othwrs would be forced to remove themselves or fold under the the royal guild."

With that long tirade done, Hans hoped he didn't bore the king, who seemed to be preoccupied with many things in his mind, although he paid most of the attention to the merchant.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2721 on: August 30, 2011, 05:29:59 pm »

Jormund replies to the McKinley Chief, "It is my lord's wish that at a minimum we come to a ceasefire and stop the pointless killing between our two clans. What he really desires is that you would join with him in order to form a stronger kingdom, he's offering you the status of Herse and repayment for the wrongs that were done to you."

Continue negotiating with the McKinleys.
I'm having money troubles so they disconnected my internet at home... No way to post outside of work. :\ Thankfully I work from 10 AM to 6 PM EST, though its 6:45 and I'm still at the office. (Manager, I can stay as long as I want, hehe)

...And yes, I'm here just to post on B12 in RP posts. Can't get geekier than that.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2722 on: August 30, 2011, 05:32:33 pm »

FINE! ((2.5 even with the production modifier? gods damn))

Send the cargo ship south to Suul check prices on the flax
-also check prices on good produced in Suul for shipment back up north
Everything below this line is a distant memory
Evil Genius - Round 1 - Concluded
Evil Genius - Round 2 - Scrapped
Planet@War: Starting Soon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2723 on: August 31, 2011, 03:13:51 pm »

((Mistaken post - ignore this ))
Everything below this line is a distant memory
Evil Genius - Round 1 - Concluded
Evil Genius - Round 2 - Scrapped
Planet@War: Starting Soon


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2724 on: August 31, 2011, 04:52:26 pm »

Quote from: Locanil
Explain to the League that I don't have enough expertise to name and cure the disease and then leave the building. Go ask the people of the city about their occupations, religion, culture and traditions.

[4] The members are disappointed, but understanding - if they could not manage it, it was unrealistic to expect you could.  They will do their best to make their friend comfortable in isolation before the end.

[4] The dominant industry here in Groan is the flax farming and clothworking profession; a massive Clothworkers' Guildhall dominates the otherwise meagre port.  Groaning cloth is known for its quality across the breadth of the Gulf of Storms.  Aching is well known for its extensive pig-breeding regions, as well as the vast supplies of grain from the province proper.

The dominant religion is Suulian Orthodoxy, one of the few toeholds the Orthodox faith has on the Storm Coast, though the various Archbishops have made efforts to expand it over the last few decades.  There is still a strong Taloisist component of the population, though not as vocal by comparison to neighbouring Vasir.

Culturally, the Republic is known for its rather liberal rights to citizens (though not extending to the right to own slaves or arms - military force is under a strict monopoly by the Senate) and for most farmers to be freeholders rather than peasants.  Other than that, it is not especially much of a seat of learning of art (except where textiles are concerned, where it produces many and often highly fashionable tapestries, clothes and designs) and does not support a terribly large urban population.

((Despite the futility, Drua is angry and refuses to believe it's a dead-end! Onwards, to bad decisions!  :P))

Drua curses, walking away from the professionals district, livid with rage as she walks the crowded streets. Alchemical processes were illegal here? In a republic?! There wasn't a damn priest within sight, and they had the nerve to shove her out! She wasn't doing this to break any laws; she was compiling a work that would help define her craft! If the progress of the Goddess's herbs and the wonders of alchemy were going to stopped by a few guards, she'd be damned. Of course, the jewellers in the district would know some people who knew the techniques she needed to document, and as a few herbalists she had learned from were fond of saying, everyone knew someone who could get you the right poison eventually. Of course, getting back into the district now would be a bit more complex, but this was for her grand work, for the encyclopaedia! She'd need to find a disguise, of course, then sneak back into the district and make some subtle inquiries. A lot of people filtered in and out of the place, she'd do her best to blend in with that crowd, maybe hitching a ride on a delivery cart wouldn't be a bad idea, she needed to get back in there...

Drua will attempt to find a disguise, then sneak back into the jewellers district and make some subtle inquiries about the techniques she needs.

[1] You purchase a wig and dress from a local street hawker.  It is the perfect disguise!  With this bright orange hair and polka-dot dress, nobody will recognise you now!

[1-2] You were wrong.  The pair of guards outside the first shop spot you as soon as you arrive and draw their truncheons.  They advance, ready to give you a royal beating for your stupidity.

Why had he said that? It was stupid, and there where more obvious targets. Suul.
" You are right. Head to Suul, and try to convert the small towns around their capital to change faiths. Then, you must rally the populace to rebel against their oppresors. Attempt to get weapons for the peoples rebbellion. Head forward! To Suul! Down with the bishop!"
Send troops to ferment rebbellion in the Sullian country side.

You send your fanatical supporters, frenzied with religious vigour against their erstwhile oppressors, to Suul.

[Scout Check: 5]
[Tactics Check: 5/5]
[Evade Check: 3 vs 6+2]
[6+4 vs 5+1]

The bodies of your men, riddled with arrows, are sent in two shipments to Miring and Sheepstead.  Both include a note.

"Please find attached the bodies of the heathen Mirish bandits that attempted to foment discord in the Suulian countryside.  We have chosen to view this as a failure on your part to contain the lawless segments of your society, rather than a diplomatic insult.  Should this happen again, we will have no choice but to assume it is a deliberate act of war on their sponsor's part.


Archbishop Thring"

Jormund replies to the McKinley Chief, "It is my lord's wish that at a minimum we come to a ceasefire and stop the pointless killing between our two clans. What he really desires is that you would join with him in order to form a stronger kingdom, he's offering you the status of Herse and repayment for the wrongs that were done to you."

Continue negotiating with the McKinleys.

[3-2] The McKinley chief is not impressed by your offer.

"I will take no subjugate title to your 'Jarl'.  But what repayment do you offer?"

Throw my current body/weapon at the guard charging at me, then use the newly made corpse/unconcious servant to beat the guard down!

Taric: +1 Weapon, +1 Armour.  (Ranged: Corpse-throw, 1 free shot)  3/3hp
Guards:  +1 Weapon, +1 Armour.  2/2hp

[4+2 vs 3+2]  Taric hurls the corpse of the guard at the first of the two soldiers, knocking him flat to the ground.  The blow knocks the guard unconscious in the process.

The remaining guard lets out an alarm cry:  "Taric has escaped!  Taric has escaped!"  Taric picks up the unconscious sword-servant.

[6+2 vs 3+2]

Taric smacks the second guard across the head with the body, the breastplate clanging hard against the guardsman's helmet and knocking him unconscious.

Fantastic as this particular body is, it is getting pretty damn heavy lugging all these corpses around.  You just grab the guard's sword, execute the two unconscious guards and head out into the corridor.  Alarm bells are ringing, but you can hear shouting from the stairwell:  "Evacuate the King!"

Trubaldsome:  You hear muffled shouting.  You hear it again, the words "Taric" and "escaped" infringing on your consciousness.  Just as the panic seizes you, the door bursts open and Waery enters your room, sword drawn.

"Boss?  Time to go again."

Quote from: The Mask

[6-1]  To your amazement, the men don't appear to have noticed you at all.  You could have sworn they must have followed you here, but you remain perfectly still and they move right past you, eyes on the stall and blending as effectively into the shadows as yourself.

[6] You watch the exchanges at the stall as a few more customers come and go.  What seems to mostly be coppers and loose change changes hands, but you are sharp enough to spot the gemstones in the pennies.  There's an awful lot of money moving through this stall.  One of the customers opens a pot to check the contents and you catch a glimpse - scrolls, paperwork.  You don't recognise the document off-hand, but it looks official.  It seems Mistaris operates a successful forgery operation, at the very least.  You wonder what else might be in the pots.  One customer seems rather agitated about a purchase, so you try and listen in.  You're fairly distant from the stall and he's speaking quietly.  You catch a few words.

"...ducats... ...fresh bodies from those knights... ...more bribes...  ...Gilgamesh..."

You are very focused on the stall.  Too focused, in fact, to notice that the men with the dulled knives have snuck right past you to striking distance of the stall itself.  They lunge into the moonlight, converging on the elderly woman and her customer.

[2] You don't even spot where the marksmen are.  Crossbow bolts rain down from somewhere on the rooftops, clattering off the cobbles but mostly embedding themselves in the torsos of the thugs.  The darkened bodies slump to the ground without further noise, though the customer starts squealing.  Mistaris raises a hand to shush him.

"Don't worry, dearie.  Your business is safe with me."
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 04:56:52 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2725 on: August 31, 2011, 04:59:31 pm »

Find Trubaldsome!, He will not escape me again! Take the thrown corpse (Or any relatively intact one)

"Damnit, I will not suffer that twat getting away from me again!"
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 05:34:22 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2726 on: August 31, 2011, 05:00:58 pm »

Jormund once again replies to the McKinley chief, "My master was very lenient with what he was willing to offer, if you are willing to some type of agreement he is willing to offer you money, or trial by combat, or blood repayment for the death of your relative. This is only if you are willing to agree to something though."

Continue negotiating with the McKinleys.

((Gah. Why does negotiating have to take so long? I've literally spent the last half a week going back and forth trying to get some kind of agreement.))

Fake-edit: I'm not really complaining; Just venting.
I'm having money troubles so they disconnected my internet at home... No way to post outside of work. :\ Thankfully I work from 10 AM to 6 PM EST, though its 6:45 and I'm still at the office. (Manager, I can stay as long as I want, hehe)

...And yes, I'm here just to post on B12 in RP posts. Can't get geekier than that.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2727 on: August 31, 2011, 05:07:50 pm »

Jormund once again replies to the McKinley chief, "My master was very lenient with what he was willing to offer, if you are willing to some type of agreement he is willing to offer you money, or trial by combat, or blood repayment for the death of your relative. This is only if you are willing to agree to something though."

Continue negotiating with the McKinleys.

((Gah. Why does negotiating have to take so long? I've literally spent the last half a week going back and forth trying to get some kind of agreement.))

Fake-edit: I'm not really complaining; Just venting.

McKinley considers your words.  He steeples his fingers and furrows his brow, staring at you in thought.

[2+1]  "Very well.  Your men will stay here.  You will return.  You will tell Manskinner this.

"I have lost a nephew to this war.  We have all lost many kinsmen.  We both have a responsibility to our people to cease this fighting.  But I will not see a Jarl be ruler of Weyland in my lifetime, under any circumstances.  So I give him the following offer; our lands will be united following trial by combat.

"Trial to the death.  If he lives, my son will accept a place as Herse under him.  If I live, I will break down his precious Jarldom and make his men swear loyalty to me as first King of Weyland.  That is my offer - let him take it, and we will meet at the borders of our lands to fight man to man - refuse it, and we will meet on the field of battle."

The guards release you with your weapon and a horse, but refuse to allow your regiment to follow you.  It seems McKinley wants his hostages.

Shootandrun:  [3] You wake up, bleeding from a heavy cut on your temple and full of bruises.  It's almost as if someone had smashed a corpse into your chest and then used you as an improvised weapon.  Oh, wait.

You are up and able to move, but you only have 1hp in a fight.  You still have all your equipment, fortunately, though your breastplate has a dent in it where someone's head hit it.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 05:27:55 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2728 on: August 31, 2011, 05:25:00 pm »

((I just need to point out, I previously already had the majority of my men leave before I went to see the chief so I'm not sure if what I had with me would even make up a regiment, I kind of pictured it as just a few personal guards with me. Either way though, I guess he still has some hostages.))

Jormund rides as swiftly as he can back to Manskinner's lands. On the way he thinks to himself about how things could go if Manskinner ends up losing. The thought of that didn't seem too promising and so Jormund realized he would most likely leave before he would serve under the McKinley chief. As soon as he arrived back he quickly relayed what had been discussed and suggested that before Corv accepted the challenge he do his best to ensure the safety of his lands and assets as best he could.

Return to Manskinner and relay the challenge and also give advice on how to handle things.

Edit: Sorry, guess I didn't fully read about how many of my men were allowed to return.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 05:26:47 pm by Jormundur »
I'm having money troubles so they disconnected my internet at home... No way to post outside of work. :\ Thankfully I work from 10 AM to 6 PM EST, though its 6:45 and I'm still at the office. (Manager, I can stay as long as I want, hehe)

...And yes, I'm here just to post on B12 in RP posts. Can't get geekier than that.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2729 on: August 31, 2011, 06:04:36 pm »

-What... The... Hell...

The last image in Jarod's mind had been the corpse, and the man weilding it. Now, though... He had to get out of there. There was a madman in the castle, and from what he could see Jarod guessed he was still alive. Now, he was bleeding and bruised, every movement hurt, and he was pretty sure someone had used him to kill someone else. He was in no state to fight and the doors were probably guarded.

He tore one of the guards' tunic and used it to limit the bleeding. Then, he took Kain's sigil on his armor (he did not want to look like an enemy right now), smashed it under his boot and started walking toward the general direction of the exit, calling for help.

Walk towards the exit, call for help. Tell the guards (if any is seen) about the attack and ask for medical help.
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