OOC: That...was another mistake on my part. He's crossing through Miring. I read the map wrong.
In the King's Throne Room...
(Locanil) "I'm afraid we haven't the funds..." the King mused sadly, before waving the Chronicler away, "You may send word to your kin, though warn them that the people of Miring may be a more superstitious lot than even the peasantry of Elbreth. Especially in these times of war."
Elsewhere in the World...
The Weyland Highlands...
(Sir Jormund 5) After some searching, you're able to find a patch of land near the northern reach of the Doctor's Lands that is currently unclaimed. (3-1) You attempt to settle it, but you are only one man and eventually it becomes clear you'll need help, or more resources, to turn this land into a stead. After a few days, you decide to return to civilization to rethink your strategy. The night you leave, you hear dark whisperings from the shadows and feel as if you are being watched. (5) But you manage to keep calm despite the ever-growing sense of fear. (4) Something moves around in the shadows just outside your camp, but you stoke the fire and whatever it is goes away.
The next morning you return to the Doctor's lands.
In the Eelspine Range...
(Kytuzian 1) Your attempts to organize the people into a militia are seen as an attempt to get them to leave the town undefended at best, an attempt to drive the people to insurrection against the local Stonewood Milita at worst, and general trouble-making in between. Soon one of the guards gives you an ultimatum: Leave town, or be thrown into jail.