((Let me know what I need to change, I'm unsure of the regional geography and such, as well as the politics. 100 pages is WAY TOO MUCH to catch up on Its always a pain to get started in a well-established RP )
"What is the name of your kingdom?"
The Imperium Arkhan'a
"What sort of terrain is your kingdom located in?"
The tribal homeland of Arkhan'a is seated upon a plateau betwixt two majestic mountains, with a lake to the south and great hills spanning the vast north. ((Perhaps I can be on another island? I'd love to change things up by being from a more distant, undiscovered culture. It'll explain why I'm showing up so late and allow me time to get used to mechanics before I get sieged ))
"What year have you ascended to the throne in?"
((Unsure what to put for this))
The Year 310 (())
I should really adjust the first post to make it clear to new players;
only the very first player was allowed to start out as a King. New players start out as individual citizens, either independents or subjects of one of the established player kingdoms (of which there are very nearly two - the Jarldom of Weyland getting very close to King status now). The rules are due for a rewrite for clarity, but there should now be plenty of options for playing as a character now including individual combat rules, the ability to raise your own personal guard regiment (though doing so without a grant of nobility from the King is considered illegal in most kingdoms), the ability to start a business and roleplay a craftsman, trader or other kind of specialist, the ability to spend a game year training a skill (read: mini-quest).
There's plenty of scope, but if you're determined to be a king you can also found a kingdom or try to seize the throne. Tip for those trying this:
Gather supporters. You will have a hell of a time doing it on your own, though Ghazkull has (with a significant portion of luck and skill) all but managed it. NB: Anyone who does become a King will have co-GMing responsibilities within their Kingdom. This takes the load off the main GM (me) and the original King (at this moment, thatkid).
Responses and rules updates in about six or seven hours when I get back from rehearsals.
You ask around about any rumours of note. [6] As it turns out, there are plenty of wild stories in these parts. Number one was a raid on the town in the next valley, Stonewood, by Suulian mercenaries. After that there are the usual drunken stories of finding seams of gold in the hills, rumours of ghosts at the ruins of Shizume's Camp (not far from the Cyclicist Temple) and even talk of some families of bears in the region. The wildest rumour from one perspective was of a town of hideous cave-people much deeper into the range, that steal children at night and eat them. Since nobody has lost any children lately, you don't give this one much credit.
i just noticed this
i find the hideous part quite offensive, and eating children? HAHAHAHA
Because tavern rumours are always 100% accurate.