OOC: Adwarf, all actions that have a chance of failure make use of a roll to determine the outcome. Even causing a demon to pass out through the use of magical techniques that no seventeen year old would normally be capable of.
Further, stop complaining and making up excuses. Certainly stop editing posts to alter entire actions after they have already been made. Editing a post to do anything more than clarify actions or fix typos, something you've clearly never heard of doing, is in very poor taste.
On a less irritated note, when we get Kaguro's reply I'll make all relevant rolls and then continue with our courtroom drama.
If King Erik had planned on giving the summoner a moment to rectify its mistakes, he was never going to be able to now. As the first guard fell, and the second fled, half of the regiment in the room closed in. Within moments, nearly fifteen guards would be attempting to make the summoner into an impromptu weapon-rack. Three would move to guard the possible exits/entrances, and ten more would be rushing out of the castle to try and stop the possessed guard.
The King himself was stunned, caught off-guard by the sudden burst of violence and magic, and did not react until after his guardsmen had already moved in to attack. Seeing no other option, or perhaps not intent on anything other than slaying the traitor's demonic brethren, he raised his longsword and moved to aid his soldier's in cornering and slaying the summoner.
A Day or So After That...
The King smiled, and extended a hand to the woman "Well, congratulations on your marriage, Lady Drua. I'm sorry I could not have been there for the celebration." He paused a moment to think, and then concluded, "I believe that is all. You are welcome to remain here as long as you like, and a regiment will no doubt be willing to escort you back to your estate whenever it is you are ready to return."