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Author Topic: You are King! (Spring 315a)  (Read 185092 times)


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2640 on: August 25, 2011, 08:53:19 pm »

The monkey hits the ground running and makes it way to the bed were it hides under the covers.

"Damned dirty ape.  Anyway."

Mahtan reaches for his jacket.

"We'd best find a place more private, the library perhaps?"

Make way to library and begin teaching Kain about anatomy.
Slacker an illustrated story. Actually updated!?


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2641 on: August 25, 2011, 08:57:34 pm »


Follow Mahtan to the Libary and Learn About Anatomy
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2642 on: August 25, 2011, 08:59:43 pm »

Dispose of the body, giving him a proper burial.  It's the least I could do, well not least.
[1] You head to the local graveyard, leading your wagon bearing the blanket-shrouded body of Gunther, Lilith following with the monkey in tow.
You step up and knock on the door of the small, run-down wooden shack next to it, bearing a sign saying 'Sheepstead Gravediggers- Feeding the crops since 287a'. It doesn't look at all like a reputable business.
After a long moment, you hear shuffling footsteps from behind the door, along with muttered curses, and eventually a latch is thrown and the door opens a crack, revealing one suspicious, bloodshot eye peering out at you.
"What d'you want?" You briefly explain that you have a body in need of burial, and would like the services of the gravedigger.
"Make an appointment!" Barks the surly voice, and the door is slammed in your face. You consider knocking again, to ask exactly where you should make an appointment, but think better of it. No doubt they would charge an exorbitant price, anyway.

You shrug and head through into the graveyard on your own, the wagon bumping over the rutted path, [6] and you find an already-dug grave, with a headstone and everything! What luck! Relieved at no longer having to dig a hole yourselves, you and Lilith drag poor old Gunther's half-dissected cadaver out of the wagonbed and let it fall into the hole, and then you wait patiently while Lilith (wo)mans a nearby shovel and fills the thing in. One she's finished that, you take the shovel and head over to the gravestone.
'Here lies Raelen P. Contryvans, courageous hero of Elbreth, slain in the Battle For Preston. 283a-314a'
Uh-oh... Well, have to fix that. You take the shovel and manage to chip away the most of the inscription, then [1] realise you have no writing materials with you. Damn. Well, it's better than nothing. No way this could possibly come back to bite you.

You, being a scientific type, have no time for religion and simply stand by the grave for a moment, [rolling 4-sided dice:3] whilst Lilith murmurs a few words, speeding Gunther's spirit to a good place in God's realm. The monkey just screeches; perhaps it's agreeing? At length, you make a speedy getaway before the rightful owner of that grave happens to arrive.

Later, back in Mahtan's quarters...
Since it's bound to happen anyway, spend time with Lilith.
You and Lilith return home, and you, feeling somewhat sorry for the poor girl after all she's been through, decide to try and talk to her, despite your complete and utter lack of social skills. [2] She shrugs off your questions and just keeps on cooing at the monkey, saying simply, "Oh no, I'm fine, Mahtan. Gunther was a good man, and God will welcome him into his Kingdom."
She giggles as the monkey gnaws mindlessly on its foot. "Oh, how cute! Look at him!"  ...You are really beginning to dislike that damned thing. By the time there is a knock at the door and your meeting with Kain begins, you are feeling rather annoyed.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 05:44:07 am by Yoink »
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2643 on: August 25, 2011, 10:04:09 pm »

Mask sat in a high backed chair, facing the window. As he looked out over the night, he pondered as how to solve his money problem. There was nothing else to it, he would just have to go out there himself and find work. Hopefully he will be able to find someone who needed his services.

Head out into the city and quietly look for someone who needs a spy to do a job for them.
You get to your feet and head out into the night, swathed in your cloak as you make your way towards the shadier side of the city. You make your way down inreasingly-winding streets, the lanterns lining the walkways becoming increasingly spread-out, and [1] you realise you are lost. It has been a long time since you were told how to reach your Elbrethian contact, the bartender of a small tavern called 'The Barking Spider', and the directions have become a little hazy. New buildings, renovations and the ever-changing face of the city does not help, either.

Nothing daunted by either your predicament or the clinging darkness of the streets, you resolve to simply quarter the area until you find your destination. It can't be too hard to find, after all... It was on one side of a small alley beside a rather tall, well appointed government home abandoned in years gone by, so you can hardly miss it.
This goes on for quite a while, until finally, you spot a largish building that rises a little above the squat, poorly-made homes around it, and indeed, you make out the tattered remains of an Elbrethian flag hanging from a post on the roof!

However, at that moment the silence of the otherwise-quiet night is broken by a slurred, confrontational voice, speaking out from the shadow of a recessed shop entrance just up ahead. "Well hello friehnd, where are ye going so *hic* late?"
You see a rather unscrupulous looking individual step forth, clad in a simple leather jerkin over rough-weave cotton clothes, plainly some form of labourer. He is accompanied, you notice, by two other, equally ragged thugs, all of whom are intoxicated and apparently intent on your valuable-looking posessions.
The tavern isn't far, though, just down the end of the street they're blocking before you...
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2644 on: August 25, 2011, 10:21:25 pm »

"To the pub of course. You coming?"

Bluff my way past. See if I can tempt them with a drink at the pub.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2645 on: August 25, 2011, 10:51:51 pm »

Bluff my way past. See if I can tempt them with a drink at the pub.
(+1 modifier for promise of booze)
[6+1=7] To your surprise, (and relief) your assailants seem greatly pleased by your proposal, and they quickly accept, falling in to follow you (somewhat unsteadily) down the street, grinning broadly. You head down the narrow alley next to the large abandoned building to reach the tavern, nothing more than a fairly large green door set in an otherwise featureless stone wall, the only light outside a small, battered lantern hung from the bottom of the sign, which you can barely make out to show a large, fierce-looking spider.
Accompanied by the three would-be robbers, you mount the single worn step and push open the door. Inside is a fairly low-key drinking establishment, consisting of a battle-scarred bar, a few heavy timber tables and all manner of assorted stolen or improvised seating. The whole uninviting affair is lit from above by a scattering of rickety lanterns, casting unsteady light across the smoke-stained walls and unwholesome-looking patronage, most of whom do not even seem to register your entrance.

Putting aside your distaste at the state of the establishment, you make your way over to the bar with your new friends, who watch you expectantly. Grimacing inwardly, you place a few coins on the bar. "A round of ale for my friends here-" You begin, but it quickly becomes apparent that the few other drinkers at the bar fully expect you to pay for their drinks as well!
After all, you are sitting in the most comfortable seat, as they are quick to point out. You place a few more coins on the bar, and the bartender swiftly hands out the drinks, before turning to you.

You look more closely at the man, he is jowly, heavyset and bald, all of which are more-or-less a requirement for bartenders everywhere, but his eyes betray at least some intelligence as he looks you over. "Well? What'll it be for you then, sir?"
You glance about yourself quickly, then lean forward to speak the passphrase: "A pint of angel piss, with a dash of blood and a twist of demon's tongue." His eyes widen slightly, and he appears somewhat confused as he takes another look at your companions, but he shrugs. Evidently he's not paid to ask questions.

He hands you a bottle and glass seemingly at random from beneath the bar, and directs you over to a corner table with a nod and a grunt. Ignored by the three robbers now that they're happily on their way to total drunkenness once more, you head over to take a seat at the rickety, unnocupied table, setting the unlabeled, rough bottle and grimy cup before you.
You sit around for some time, then just when you are beginning to wonder exactly what the hell you are doing here, [2] a small, slightly stooped figure makes its way into the place, clad in a patched shawl that obscures their features.
You watch the newcomer from your spot in the corner as they head across and hold a whispered conversation with the stocky bartender, who points them over in your direction.

You remain silent as the decrepit-looking old figure hobbles over your way, easing theirself into the chair opposite you with a weary sigh. They tug back the shawl from their head, and you see it is a wizened old woman, her face for the most part an indeterminate mass of wrinkles, with the exception of her sharp blue eyes, which she fixes on you.
"I am told," The old hag begins, in a slightly-wavering but clear voice, "That you are one capable of certain, shall we say, 'unusual' tasks." She draws her seat closer and folds her hands atop the table. You notice a few rings glinting in the uncertain light.
She cuts to the chase. "I want you to track down my son, Bhelan Mistaris. He is involved with some bad sorts, the poor boy, and I know he is getting into trouble at this very minute." Her lip wobbles back and forth, and for a moment it seems she might be about to burst into tears, but then she continues. "I will pay you, if you find my son, find out what he is up to, and keep him out of trouble. Yes?"
She peers intently with you with those eyes, and you feel a slight annoyance. The foolish, paranoid old bat, do you look like an errand boy to her? Nevertheless, though, she did offer to pay you, and tracking down some rowdy son does't sound like a particularly difficult assignment... You doubt she has much money, however.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 08:48:34 am by Yoink »
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2646 on: August 25, 2011, 11:25:26 pm »

She looks poor but those rings say otherwise.

"Well, if I do this, how much are you willing to pay?"

Ask about how much she is willing to pay. If she goes cheap, question about the rings and the safety of her son.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 11:27:16 pm by Zako »

Digital Hellhound

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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2647 on: August 26, 2011, 05:47:26 am »

Aulon couldn't help wondering what had happened to the King. He was behaving very oddly. Perhaps a tragedy in the family? Aulon had only seen the King's sister briefly, but he seemed awfully protective of her.

Aulon suppressed a yawn. Light, he was tired! He should've rested the night at a tavern before coming here to meet the king.

'I trust you and your family are well?' he asked, though doubting Erik would dignify him with an answer.

'As you should know, I'm here to speak for Lord Trubaldsome, who has secured Miring for Elbreth despite the efforts of Sir Taric and his ally, Terenos. He would've come himself, but the Mirish people need him at this time.' he said. 'First and foremost, he has asked me to discuss punishments for the black-hearted Taric and Terenos with you. He will never forget the horrors they inflicted upon his Duchy and people. I do not know where the dog Terenos has scampered off to, but I suspect he's returned to the pirates and bandits he's decided to side with.'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2648 on: August 26, 2011, 06:02:44 am »

Ask about how much she is willing to pay. If she goes cheap, question about the rings and the safety of her son.

"Well, if I do this, how much are you willing to pay?" You ask the woman, who claps her hand to her wrinkly forhead.
"Ooh yes, deary me, of course!" She reaches into her ragged shawl and pulls forth a small, simply-made purse, which she rattles back and forth for a moment before tucking it away again, scratching thoughtfully at her chin.
"Hrum, well, I've not got much money, y'know... Per'aps a couple ducats worth of silver, if yer find 'im for me?"
[2] She nods her old a few times, looking hopefully at you. You'd really hate to let the poor old dear down, even if she is out of her mind... And a couple of ducats seems like rather a lot more than you'd expected! Obviously she just doesn't spend much on her appearance. "Please will yer do it, mister? I'm at me wits end!"
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2649 on: August 26, 2011, 06:10:24 am »

"Well, I suppose so. I will find and help your son. Can you describe him to me, as well as provide as much information as possible about him as well as where he might be found or the specific people he has been meeting with lately? All this will aid me in finding him quickly, as the faster I can get to him, the better."

Accept the job and ask for as much information about the target as possible. Don't forget to ask where to send her son when I find him.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2650 on: August 26, 2011, 06:51:01 am »


Quote from:  ibot
Attempt to stop the lynchings, try to convert more people, form personal gaurd. If I can not have a personal gaurd, build shrine.

[5] As you step in front of the lynch mobs, they halt immediately. May it be your aura that commands people to listen, the clothes that show that you are a Mirish priest or the simple fact that behind you a collapsed building blocks the streets, the people are stopping. Your voice is thundering over the masses as you explain to them why they should stop lynching their neighbours.

"THOU SHALT NOT STRIKETH DOWN THY BROTHER! For he may be blind but not with evil intention! The real enemies are the minions of the Elbereth King! The likes of Taricus the "Just"! of Terenos the "Black Shadow"! Those abominations of the Cyclists who only brought Death and Despair upon us good people of Miring! I urge your my people: these people my believe in false gods but they were blinded in their ways! It is not their fault! Too long the Suulians and the Elberethians have forced their iron rule upon us and many of us despaired. We won't bring them back to the true way by slaughtering them! But instead slaughtering these Suulian and Elberethian Monstrosities!"

Immediately the people stop. They hear you and they obey. [5] While many go home some odd hundred stay and bow before you. They want to serve the Old Gods. As you welcome them to follow you, they begin to chant to the Old gods...but after some mintues they stop...they want to be blessed but the sign of what god shall they draw on their clothes?

you gained a Personal (Zealot) Regiment

Quote from:  Ashton1993
Ask the peasant what he wants exactly and to be more specific, find somewhere private if appropriate

"This is the wrong place my friend let's go somewhere more...private."

[4] you follow the man and you end up in some halfway burnt down warehouse. You two are not alone a odd dozen other peasants have gathered here.

" Ok, it's the following deal...the harbor is still quite intact and were starving to death here...we want food and we want it now. Were going to rob one of the warehouses down there. What do you think?"

Well your alone here among a far greater number of men...if you disagree you need some really good arguments to get out of that...

The Town of Acre

Action- Question them with above. Regardless, question the commoners about their culture, religion, and ways.

[6] You tell the Green League about your extensive knowledge of herbs and plants...maybe you exaggerated at one point or another...anyway they are impressed and tell you that on one of their expeditions a comrade had catched some illness and they have tried everything to heal him. If you manage to fix him up, they will give you insight into their historical works.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2651 on: August 26, 2011, 07:10:01 am »

((Oh no...))

Perhaps this was foolish;Locanil might kill the man...Well he already killed an army when he unleashed the spirits so would one soul be worth much? Yes actually, since that it would get him in trouble if he killed the guy....

Action- Inspect the patient...Read up on the symptoms, and prey to Oritziem for guidance. Don't give a diagnosis or reccomend any cure.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2652 on: August 26, 2011, 07:23:27 am »

"I understand your plight, I came here to help and I will not disappoint, I'll be with you the whole way. You didn't pick the easiest of targets but we'll manage, OK if you want my help this is going to be how it works:

First of all I have nothing to gain from this, I can survive by myself, all I ask is you men follow me and pledge allegiance - trust me I have the resources and contacts you'll need to help your fellow people ((Hoping this will give me a personal guard by the way)). This evening some of you will go to the shore, find fishermen, anybody loyal to their brothers in arms and try to acquire a boat or three, the rest of us will get weapons.

As the sun sets we will meet up again, by boat row to port Sleen, half of us will clamber out to the shore (group 1) within the outer bailey and the others will wait for our signal (group 2), I'll try to assassinate any straggling guards from afar with my crossbow and then light a torch to signal group 2, they will then dock and try to begin moving any food they can find into the boats at the same time group 1 and myself charge the habour warehouse to distract the guards and fight them in combat ((Think dwarf fortress style whacking them with my crossbow, also I'll have my war dog - Buster  :D )). As group 2 finishes the job group 1 will falsely rout and use the other boats to escape. Some people may die but your families will be fed for weeks, and famine kept at bay, lives WILL be saved, and when we return let us pray to the old gods for the few who died to save the many."

Lead the group on the raid of the habour warehouse
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2653 on: August 26, 2011, 08:30:33 am »

Accept the job and ask for as much information about the target as possible. Don't forget to ask where to send her son when I find him.
You accept the old lady's task, much to her delight, and then ask your concise, rapid questions, and she clasps her hands in front of her and rocks back and forth in her seat for a moment, thinking.
[2] "Well, he's a handsome lad 'e is, with gold hair an' blue eyes," She blathers on for a while about her dearly beloved son, and [2] you manage to piece together a vague idea of what he looks like, a stocky young man with blond hair who possibly doesn't smile all that much, usually wearing a dark blue jacket with red piping. Then the woman moves on to describing his habits and acquaintances, [2] but that doesn't help you all that much, either, she just goes on about 'unsavory types', 'lowlife scum' and 'delinquents', and when you ask any of their names, she puckers her wrinkly mouth up like a cat's backside and looks generally disgusted at the idea that she'd know any of them.
[3] However, one useful piece of information she manages to give you is the name of her son's favoured watering hole, with a disapproving frown she informs you, "That foolish boy, oh, it'll be the death of me; 'e's always off down at that place, that..." She contorts her face further as she spits the word, "Brothel, the... 'Stretched Stocking' or some such vulgar name."

You know of that place from your contacts, [6] in fact it is well-known in certain circles as the criminal hub of all Elbreth. These past few years the 'Stretched Stocking' Inn has expanded, growing to encompass several neighboring buildings become a gathering place for all forms of (sucessful) lowlifes, from career thieves wishing to climb up the ladder, to feared foreign assassins, smugglers of strong liquor and narcotics, slave traders and pimps and even the occasional self-proclaimed 'bandit lord', sneaking into the city to socialize with their fellow thugs.
The only reason it has never been closed down by some form of authorities is the power behind it, the exact owner of the establishment is unknown, but it is rumoured to be someone very high up the political ladder to continue such seedy acts in the capital city. You have honestly no idea how you would go about getting in to the place, let alone extracting one of its villainous patrons from under its owner's nose...

Anyway, the old lady's moved on from that subject, and is yammering on about something else. You cut her short with a question: "And where do I send your son, when I find him?" "Oh," She says, blinking, as though she hadn't thought of that, "Me name's Grennel Mistaris, I got a little stall down at the market place." She bobs her head a few times, her voice reassuming its quavering tone. "Sell pots and such, oh yes, lovely little things. Just send him on home, would you?"

She splits her face in an old lady grin, [4] showing her rather surprisingly white teeth, and then wobbles her way to her feet, saying once more: "Please find 'im, sir, I'm most dreadful worried," before making her slow way back out the door, muttering worriedly to herself. [4] None of the various uncouth types in the room so much as look up as she passes, simply focusing on either drinking or gambling, not even talking overly much.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: You are King! (Spring 315a)
« Reply #2654 on: August 26, 2011, 08:40:59 am »

Well... That's just dandy. The one place he decides to go is to the criminal hub of the entire kingdom. Fantastic. This may be more trouble than it's worth...

Indeed, now that he thought more about it, things just didn't add up! An old lady, looking for her trouble maker son, who by all counts should have long ago left home and his mother alone, comes up to him from nowhere dressed in rags, but wearing rings and offering ducats after saying she is somewhat poor? And those teeth! What poor woman has WHITE teeth?!

Something smelled rotten. Most likely a trap of some kind. What kind however, he had no idea. Enemies of the state? Bandits? An old enemy? He had taken precautions, but ever since moving into the palace, he just KNEW that he had to leave that place as soon as possible. Looks like he should have left sooner...

No matter, one thing at a time. First, time to follow this 'old lady' and see where she goes. Something smelled off, and he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Pay my tab and leave quietly after the old woman. Follow her silently and carefully. I want to know where she goes and who she talks to.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 12:04:43 pm by Zako »
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